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  1. #1
    Memento Rhapso Hylian Civil War Rhaps's Avatar
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    Hylian Civil War

    Although this is a Final Fantasy forum I figure there have to be a few avid Zelda fans who double as RP'ers. Even if you're not quite up to speed on all things Zelda, you don't need to be, as the Civil War hasn't had a lot of detail added to it.
    The war was the culmination of events that occur before Ocarina of Time (i.e. Link, Zelda, Ganon, etc.) where the various tribes of Hyrule, still divided, were living in peace and happiness, until one day a group of Dark Interlopers learned the legend of the Triforce. This tribe of people had magic that exceeded any other tribe in Hyrule, and they embodied it in an artifact called the Fused Shadows. Now, their plight to get the Triforce (which could grant the wish of any mortal being) began stirring up the other tribes, and eventually lead into a giant war over all of the land. The tribes that fought were the Sheikah (The attendants to the Hylians) the Hylians (Who were like basic humans), the Zora(A race of half-fish, half-human people),and the Gorons (Large, rock-like half-humans who were very strong). Overseeing all of this are the three Goddesses, waiting to intervene when they decide things can no longer be resolved by mortal means. The RP will start with the Dark Interlopers beginning their conquest to find the Sacred Realm, where the Triforce lies hidden.
    So, the parts we'd need are the King of the Hylians, Impa (Leader of the Sheikah), King of the Zoras, Darunia (Leader of the Gorons), Leader of the Dark Interlopers (unnamed), Farore, Din, and Nayru (The Goddesses), and then people willing to play general roles, like soldiers of each tribe. Feel free to take multiple roles, but don't go overboard!
    General RP rules apply, no god-moding, one attack per turn during battle sequences, etc.

    So, if you're interested, sign on right below! I myself will take the part of one of the Goddesses, Farore, to help oversee the events. (If someone else wants this part, simply ask and you shall receive!)

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

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  2. #2
    Registered Goober Hylian Civil War Order's Avatar
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    Re: Hylian Civil War

    I know almost nothing about the zelda games, but I'd be willing to play either an evil or good character.
    Considering my complete lack of knowlage about character, plot, motivations and goals, if you give me a character to play and a mood to use while writing, I'll make the rest happen just fine.

  3. #3
    Registered Uber Hylian Civil War Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Hylian Civil War

    Since I don't know a whole lot about the Zelda series (but I have tons of exp role playing) I'll assume to the role of a Zora warrior! Yeah!
    Character stats --
    Race: Deep Sea Zora
    Gender: Male
    Name: Raiga
    Appearance: Medium sized, blue scaled with a mottled pattern of silver patches. He has green eyes, a pointed nose, a strong jaw with thick, sharp teeth. A conical triple appendage extends from the back of his head. He has sharp fins on either forarm that he can extend like wings, almost doubling his wingspan -- These fins are larger than the average Zora's, and like many Zora his fins have hard scales with sharp tips that he can use like bladed weapons and also deflect blows with, they also attribute to his ability to swim incredibly fast, almost like he's flying underwater. He has strong, almost frog-like legs with fin-like feet with three sharp claws.
    Clothing/armor: He wears golden shin guards, red trunks, a golden chest plate, and a reinforced bone helmet made of the ferocious skull of some unknown deep sea fish that covers his face completely when he lowers it for combat as he looks through the eye sockets, and when it's open, his face appears through the needly jaws. He wears more armor than the average Zora warrior, but his extreme conditioning and natural speed more than make up for the difference. He prefers more protection, and his confidence in his own ability is second to none.
    Weapon: He carries a double edged scythe made of a sharp spine of some deep sea giant, attached to a long bone handle wrapped in rayskin for grip. However, even unarmed he has several natural weapons at his disposal.
    Special attributes: He is a long-time competitive sprint and distance swimmer among the Zora, and has spent many years honing his abilities in hand-to-hand combat. Underwater, he can accellerate with enough speed to leap out of the water and glide for some distance, hovering with his large fins.
    He has not yet seen combat, but after countless hours of training and simulated battles, he is eager to do so.

    Edit: He's a good guy, so I'm not sure the details of which side he would exactly be on. Just let me know what the mood is and I'll follow suit!
    Last edited by Hobaginator; 12-31-2011 at 06:53 PM.

  4. #4
    Memento Rhapso Hylian Civil War Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Hylian Civil War

    Hobaginator- Excellent! This is exactly the sort of soldier type character this story needs. Now if we had a King Zora, we can have the Zora main faction complete.

    Order- Well, I don't like telling people what to do, but if you need more info, feel free to hit me up.

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

    I won something :3

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  5. #5
    Registered Uber Hylian Civil War Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Hylian Civil War

    Well if nobody else wants to take up the role I'll do King Zora also, that way I can be more creative in having control over a plot character and a battle character as well. So until anybody else says they want the role, DIIIIIBS!
    As far as the storyline goes, Rhaps, just give me a little guidance in the way you want the main plot to go and how king zora is involved and I'll do my best

  6. #6
    Registered Goober Hylian Civil War Order's Avatar
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    Re: Hylian Civil War

    Name: Impa

    Race: Sheikah

    Sex: Female

    Class: Monk

    Height: 5'3"

    Weight: 130 lbs.

    Build: Lithe, nimble and athletic

    Biography: Impa is the leader of the Shiekah and sworn to be the protector of the incarnation of a goddess. Since this incarnation has not yet been born, Impa serves the king of Hyrule. She is proud, capable and determined in all tasks she takes on.

    Weapons: Dagger attached to a chain which is about 40 ft long. This weapon is actually mostly used as a tool. Combined with Impa's supirior athletic abilities, this chain dagger allows her to negotiate challenging terrain with ease.

    Armor: Impa uses only a chest plate. Though she wears shoulder, elbow, thigh and knee pads, these are more inteded to further enable her ability to tumble, rather than protect her from blades.

    -Scramble: Impa uses her agility and flexability to escape an otherwise dangerous grapple.

    -Hook: Impa uses her chain dagger to latch onto an enemy, making escape impossible.

    -Disarm: Impa coaxes an enemy into attacking. If the enemy takes the bait, they are immidiately disarmed. If the enemy does not use a weapon, Impa's counter attack becomes devastating.

    -Chi Strike: Impa throws a physical attack which damages MP rather than HP.

    -Purify: Impa prevents an enemy from casting for one turn, or disables a sustained spell or ability.

    Passive abilites:
    -Threshold: Impa has a high tolerance for pain or discomfort.
    -Dagger-Chain: Impa's chain dagger cannot be removed or disarmed in combat.
    -Hardened: Even if she punches or kicks metal, rock or other hard materials, Impa will not be injured.

    -Impa has no elemental resistances. All magic carries normal damage.
    -Impa has light armor, other than her chest plate.

    (From what I can tell, Impa has had many different looks, roles and abilities. I decied to go with an agile monk. Though she has few actual abilites, I figure Impa would focus on natural talent rather than spells and the like. Since this is taking place before she becomes the protector of Zelda, I'll make her more confident and able than old and wise.)

  7. #7
    The Mad God Hylian Civil War Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Hylian Civil War

    If you're still planning on taking this somewhere, I'm totally game for it.

    Name: Lucian Artorius Castus

    Race: Hylian, but possesses Gerudo blood.

    Sex: Male

    Class: Knight

    Height: 6'4""

    Weight: 240 lbs.

    Appearance: Heavily muscled and very tall, Lucian is a veritable paragon of might. He has long brown hair, and deep blue eyes. There is a slight reddish tint to his hair, a visible trace of his Gerudo blood, but other than that, he appears completely Hylian.

    Biography: Lucian was born into a noble Hylian family and became a knight at a very young age, quickly earning fame as a prodigy of warfare. He now serves the king as the general of the Hylian forces. He strives always to become stronger, always seeking new, greater challenges to overcome. He is seen as a Bringer of Victory by Hyrule, and a Harbinger of Destruction by its foes, as the Hylian forces have never lost a battle in which Lucian fought. He has become a legend in Hyrule, friends and foes alike tell tales of his great victories and feats of strength, one in particular, known by all is the tale of his sword, Balmung. He is also known as cold and ruthless, sending his men into a slaughter to gain a tactical advantage without hesitation, striking down his own soldiers for even trivial offenses, and launching all out offensives sparing not even civilians. Lucian is being influenced by the forces of Darkness more than anyone realizes, and has long since abandoned any sense of loyalty to the king. He serves only his own desires for strength.

    Weapons: Balmung, a large and very heavy greatsword, much too large to be used by a normal soldier. Many years ago, the Hylian forces captured a huge Goron, an incredibly skilled blacksmith who forged weapons and armor for the Goron forces. The Hylians tried to force him to forge weapons and armor of the same quality for their own forces, however he refused. After months of torture he fell ill, and before the illness took him, he agreed to forge for Hyrule. In a final act of defiance, from the strongest metals known to man, he forged Balmung, a flamberge type sword far too heavy, and a bit too large for any Hylian to use. Or so he thought. Lucian was the first to confront the Goron about this work. The Goron mocked Lucian, saying that this was easily the finest sword he'd ever created, but that it would take five men to move, and would only serve as a reminder of the weakness of Hylians, and that they were unworthy of his work. Amused, Lucian decided to deny this Goron's final victory, to destroy his vision of Goron superiority, and send him into the next life with the knowledge that his Magnum Opus would be used by his sworn enemies against his people. In a show of strength, he took the massive weapon in hand, and struck the Goron's anvil, cleavng it in two. He then slashed the smith's throat. As he bled out, Lucian said only that the blade seemed to have a taste for Goron blood, as he walked away, leaving the smith to die alone in despair. Balmung's blade is jet black with a wave design, and is always warm to the touch, the hilt is made from the same black metal with platinum decorative inlays and a large red gem nested in the pommel.

    Armor: Created by five Master Hylian blacksmiths, Lucian's armor is more a status symbol than a defensive suit, though it serves that purpose excellently as well. A jet black suit of armor decorated with gold, and several images of the Triforce adorning the pauldrons, gauntlets, boots, and chestplate.

    Ending Blow: A pinpoint precision jump strike used to ensure the death of a fallen foe. Lucian rarely uses this technique, it is awkward to perform with such a large weapon, and is usually unnecessary.

    Broadside: A heavy blow from the flat of Balmung. while it has no cutting power, Balmung's great weight can easily disrupt a foe's balance or knock them down.

    Wrenching Blow: A heavy spinning attack that swings the sword around Lucian's back, building up momentum before striking a target. Easily executed after rolling or running behind an enemy, or chained from a Broadside or Flipsaw for even more momentum.

    Flipsaw: A quick jump over the foe, spinning with the blade, slashing the foes back from bottom to top just before landing. Usually executed just after a Broadside.

    Mortal Draw: The mortal draw, as its name implies, is a deathblow. It is executed as a blindingly fast draw slash, the foe is unable to predict it and is left defenseless. Lucian executes this technique with a backspin, slashing upwards at a 45 degree angle as he completes the circle. This technique is executed with extreme speed, and therefore carries a great deal of momentum. The blade crashes down on the ground behind Lucian, leaving him wide open to enemy counterattacks if this attack fails to kill. It also places immense strain on his body.

    Heaven Asunder: A heavy jumping slash delivered with one hand. using one hand, this technique doesn't require much strength, the weight and momentum do all of the work. This move leaves Lucian in a crouching position with his sword stuck on the ground, he is therefore open to counterattacks.

    Ultimate Strike, Divine Impulse: The most powerful technique in Lucian's arsenal, the Divine Impulse puts extreme stress on the body, and can only be used in a descisive moment of absolute clarity of thought and purpose. Lucian gets into position to lunge, carrying Balmung at his left hip before sprinting at blinding speeds towards his opponent, executing a powerful horizontal slash, leading from the left foot. Normally a lunging slice from the left would be executed leading with the right foot, however this technique ignores that safety precaution to increase the torque of the swing, and putting Lucian in a better position for a spinning followup stroke if the initial swing fails to kill. In this event, the second swing would be one handed, and carry extreme momentum, likely resulting in the user's shoulder being dislocated if not broken by the sudden stop.

    Passive Abilities:
    Hand to Hand Mastery: He is versed in many unarmed close combat styles. And can fight on effectively without his weapon.
    Bloodthirst: Lucian becomes stronger and more determined to kill as a battle progresses.
    Unrelenting: Lucian will continue a fight until his last breath with the same vigor he began with. Pain, injury, and certain death mean nothing to him. If he is to fall, he will not fall alone.
    Symbol of Victory: Lucian inspires those under his command to fight further, and seize victory at any cost.

    Overconfidence: Lucian will not hesitate to engage a superior foe, or fight in unfavorable conditions.
    Close Combat Focus: Having focused all of his training on close combat, Lucian has no magic or long range abilities.
    Tunnel Vision: Lucian tends to focus on a single foe at a time, and is vulnerable to attacks from other enemies.
    Juggernaut: Lucian relies on raw skill and overwhelming force rather than tactics.
    Ultra-Heavyweight: Excluding a few special techniques, Lucian's movements are slow and lumbering.


    Name: Tenkei Kyuusei

    Race: Sheikah

    Sex: Male

    Class: Assassin

    Height: 5'11"

    Weight: 165 lbs.

    Appearance: Tenkei wears a long black overcoat, covering the lower half of his face, and reaching down just below his knees. Black pants cover the rest of his legs. He has mid length black hair, worn straight. His hair always covers one eye, also hidden by an eye patch, the visible eye is a greyish blue. His coat's sleeves are long, covering his hands at all times.

    Biography: Tenkei grew up as an orphan in Hyrule's Castle Town. He got by begging and stealing what he needed to survive for many years, as intolerance of other races began to take hold in Hyrule. One night, he was caught stealing, and sentenced to die by a guard on the spot. He ran, only to find himself trapped in an alley. A man had been watching the whole affair, and followed him. When the guards closed in on the child, he took action, neutralizing the guards, leaving only the armed owner of the store to confront the boy. The man then tossed a kodachi to the boy and told him to fight for his life, like any true warrior of the Sheikah. WIthout hesitation, the boy took the weapon in hand, falling into a fighting stance almost instinctively. Without a second thought, he unsheathed the blade and struck down his attacker with extreme speed. Impressed, the man identified himself as an assassin of the Sheikah, and offered to return the boy to his people. Tenkei accepted, and studied the arts of assassination with the man, eventually becoming the successor to his fighting style after slaying his master with the style's final technique in accordance with ancient tradition.

    Weapons: Tenkei is armed to the teeth, carrying, among other things, two kodachi, two tanto, a slightly elongated katana, a chain-scythe, several kunai, shuriken, and senbom.

    Armor: He wears thin leather armor on his arms and legs underneath his clothing, more to withstand his own movements than to stop enemy attacks. His speed and flexibility are his finest defense.

    Kidou Yaezaki: Based on the karate move, Yamazuki, the Kidou Yaezaki begins with an intentionally slow, and easy to read strike at the head with one kodachi, while a much quicker, more subtle second strike with a kunai is aimed for the liver. The idea of the move is that the average opponent will instinctively protect his head, ignoring the lethal second strike.

    Hekitsuu: By carefully reading an opponents technique, Tenkei allows the opponent's move to connect, however only barely, as he moves away, acting as though the blow struck home, during the faked fall and recovery period, Tenkei pivots so that one hand is close enough to quickly thrust a kunai into the recovering attacker.

    Battou Jutsu: A quick, lunging draw slash with the katana. This attack is fast, and difficult to read or defend against.

    Double Battou Jutsu: A move used against skilled opponents who can read and protect themselves from a standard battou jutsu. This technique is meant for opponents the user expects to dodge a battou jutsu, it follows up the initial draw slash with a second strike with the sheathe of the sword, allowing an additional step towards the target for the second strike, to close the gap created by the dodge.

    Double Battou Jutsu Omega Variant: For use against those who you expect to block a battou jutsu, or those who are already aware of the subtle diference in startup for the original double battou jutsu who know that blocking it is the only way to prepare for the second strike. This move deceptively removes the sheathe from the wearer's hip, warning the victim of a double battou jutsu, and begin to unsheathe the blade during the spproach, but makes contact with the sword while still sheathed, proceeding to draw the weapon while spinning, and turning the blade around to stab at the opponent's liver while they block the first hit from the sheathe.

    Shindou-yari: This technique begins like a double battou jutsu, bit instead of slashing, the user throws the sword at the opponent's chest once they are close enough that the sword can't completely leave the sheathe. Once the hilt of the sword touches the victim's solar plexus, the user immediately jabs forward hard with the sheathe, building up extra force as the habaki sticks, just before being forced back into the sheathe. This also mirrors a karate move in which the user strikes first with the knuckles before bending his fingers into a completely closed fist, using the victim's own body to build up extra force for the impact. The Shindou-yari is usually followed up with an iai strike against the dazed opponent.

    Master Stroke: Kyuuttou Issen: The succession technique of the Keshiah-Ryu sword style, the Kyuuttou issen is a deathblow which relies on the user being able to combine both Dou (Motion, Dou fighters let their rage fuel their attacks, striking quickly and with full force not allowing an opponent to fight back) and Sei (Silence, Sei fighters remain calm, and focus on skillful execution of technique, and analyze their enemy carefully) energies. This takes extreme mental discipline and training, but the result is high precision technique backed by every ounce of strength the user can coax from their body by maximizing both technique and brute force. The Kyuuttou Issen is an ultra high speed lunge which strikes the nine fatal points on the human body in rapid succession so quickly that it appears simultaneous. There is virtually no defense for this technique.

    Passive Abilities:
    Karate: Tenkei has studied karate in case is he is forced to fight unarmed.
    Edgemaster: Tenkei is well versed with many weapons, and can find a way to kill a man with just about anything.
    Sokushi: Tenkei's most valued quality is his speed,his master referred to the movement style he was taught as "Sokushi", or "Sudden Death". As the name implies, this means Tenkei moves very quickly, and quietly.

    Frail: Tenkei has a light frame, and is not very resistant to damage.
    Sickly: Tenkei has always been sickly, and fairly weak. While he is an expert at killing with blades, his physical strength is lacking, and he is often ill.
    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 06-15-2012 at 12:05 AM.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

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