There pluses and minuses to doing this I know, but I don't really care. I want to get people talking and understanding the others that play in here. There's potentially a lot of RP/Bers out there and we all have different skill levels, talents, interests, etc. So I'm making this as a place to list everyone here. I don't know how well I can update it, but I'll try to do something like a last active date or something so when you're looking for people you can see who around. I don't know how well it'll work out, but I'll try it.

The Registry will hold a link to the post for each person that contains a more detail description while the Registry will simply hold a quick glance.


Aerif (SRP)
5 years experience
Fan based RPs
Heavy Planner, but soft of description.
Can juggle multiple RPs.
Last Active: 6/20/10

Andromeda (Exclusively RPs)
8 years experience
Open for anything
Character focused, but wordy.
Reliable, but slow.
Last Active: 7/5/10

Ashura (SRP and SRPB)
3 years experience
Exclusively Fantasy
Fantasy, but lacking non-fantasy experience.
Reliable, but will stop when interest is lost.
Last Active:

Atma-Noah (RP and some RPB)
8 years experience
Open to anything, leans towards fantasy.
Uncertain currently, but trouble with story flow and inconsistent posting.
Lurks and summers tend to be a bad time.
Last Active: 6/13/10

Cetra-Aeris (RPB)
6 years experience
Fantasy RP
Good at character development and the world, but forgets the small details and trouble writing dialogue.
One or two posts a week.
Last Active N/A

Dragonheart (SRP and SRPB)
9 years experience
Fantasy focus, but open still.
Character focused, but unfamiliar with non-fantasy.
One owned RP, One RPB, but many RPs.
Last Active: 7/11/10

Heartless Angel (SRP)
5 years experience
Original Fantasy and some Sci-fi
Adaptive, but overpowered characters.
Always available.
Last Active 7/19/10

Leon (RPB)
5 years experience
Any Genre RP
Can do the unexpected, but a little slow and light on writing.
One RP, one post a day.
Last Active N/A

LocoColt04 (RPB)
9 years experience
High Fantasy, Medieval and Futuristic
Willing to take a hit for a good story and well-rounded characters, but recaps being redundant and trouble with continuity at times.
Available for one post a week.
Last Active N/A

Luna (RPB)
3 years experience
Any RP
Intricate plots, but trouble with details.
Once a day.

Mistress Victoria (SRP and SRPB)
8 years experience
Fantasy and Sci-fi
Plot Drive, but less character driven.
Requires interest to maintain activity.
Last Active: 6/21/10

SeleneHime (SRP)
5 years experience
Sci-fi and Fantasy
Character development, but slow writing so posts usually shorter
Later half of the day, usually
Last Active:

Unknown Entity (RP)
1+ years experience
Sci-Fi and Fantasy
Character development, but gets caught up in the details.
Available anytime.
Last Active: 6/10/10

Violet (SRP)
10 years experience
Sci-Fi and Fantasy
Character development, but slow in writing.
Available, but requires to be in the RP mood.
Last Active: 1/13/10

Xithor (SRP)
5 years experience
Fantasy, but will to try others things.
Character development, but difficult to do interactions.
Currently available, future unknown.
Last Active: 7/19/10

Name: Andromeda
Years Role-playing: 8 on TFF (3 years in addition elsewhere)
Preference: I stick exclusively to RPs, I don't RPB at all, not because I think it's bad or anything, but I prefer stories and characters rather than focusing on a single fight.
Genres: I'm fine with doing any genre, but I certainly have my experience in fantasy.
Strengths: I tend to be very character driven and focus greatly on their development. So I believe that my strength lies with my work in the characters I play and explore. I also think I have found a solid balance between comedy and drama that provides the strong tension of an intense situation and the release of a will time moment of silliness.
Weakness: I tend to be very long winded and have trouble doing anything brief. It is very typical that even a minor action will require several paragraphs before execution.
Availability: I can usually maintain a few RPs at once if their pace is not too fast. Otherwise I'll be unable to keep up with the posting habits. I tend to be very busy with work.