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Thread: My last game

  1. #1

    My last game

    I play Pathfinder (D&D 3.5) and have played for a couple of years, and have GMed for about a year. I've done alot of one shots for newbies, and one campaign that I kept a log for.

    If anyone is interested in reading it here are the logs of my last game.

    Session 1:

    A Halfling bard tells a story in town square accompanied by her half-orc bodyguard. They are met by an adventuring Priest and a pickpocket from the crowd. After a short conversation the group decided to take the conversation to a The All Seeing Eye a nearby tavern.
    The half-orc was drinking heavily and on his way back with a refill, spilled his drink and started a bar fight with some rough looking fellows, the theife and bard took for cover, the half orc charged at one of them and his face was met with a chair that shattered on impact. After a brawl and a bit of intimidation some conversation eventually led to the discovery that these men are pirates, and their associates recently stole an old merchants treasure and are keeping it on their raggid ship on the waterfront. The party searched for this merchant, and eventually found the elderly man that loomed in the outskirts of town, battered he told them of the small unorganized band of petty thieves that stole an item that was very valuable to him. The group went to the docks, searched the ship and defeated the pirates inside, the ship was very empty and falling apart, however they managed to recover the chest that the old man described. The Halfling took a peek inside only to see it filled with feathers. The party returned it to its rightful owner, the old man opened the chest revealing the feather, he closed it, opened it again this time revealing a large radiant gem, he shut it yet again, and opened it to reveille a round a magic items for their troubles: a 6-pack for the fighter (potions), a cloak for the rouge, an acrobatics ring for the bard, and a severed mage hand for the cleric. The man, Albert informed them of things to do around town.
    After defeating the pirate crew in their modest ship the party acquired an old busted ship "The Asbestos", tiny and falling apart, maybe something can be done with it?
    After these events, the party looked around town and found an arcane art gallery, where the cleric noticed something strange in the paintings a mysterious sorceress, and other mysterious pieces of arcane history. Particularly a strange painting that everyone seems to perceive differently. The halforc sees a flaming man, the cleric an evil sorceress, the theife sees trearure and himself on a throne, the Halfling sees a landscape. To find out more about this painting, the party visited the local library to research this art and the Sorceress seen by the cleric, but to get more information the party decides to go to the Elvin city of Channelwood.
    Just before they could rest up before leaving there was chatter around town on some hooligans vandalizing property in the residential area, with a little help from the residents and some careful planning, (the party gathering information about the hit patterns, petty crimes, breaking windows, smashing letterboxes, the party hid in a residents home until the gang struck, as the rocks hurled toward the house, the cleric stopped the stones in mid air with her newly acquired mage-hand, the party assulted the troublemakers to discover that the halfling gang and gnomish teen leader were really, only illusions of a small fea.

    The party went to rest in a local hotel, where the thief and the half-orc received premium treatment good food, warm beds, and spa like baths. The cleric chose to camp out on the roof with the Halfling.

    Notes and NPCS:
    Mysterious Fea- Caused trouble for city residents
    Ancient Sorceress - Seen in paintings by Cleric.
    Rob The Wizard - artist of the mysterious paintings. Said to be, in the Elvin city
    Old merchant - Maker of Magical Items

    Library Tutors - for 100GP characters can purchase 1 skill rank in a knowledge of your choice after an evening long class is attended
    Items of intrest:
    • Atlas (held by Lilinette)
    • Cloak of Elvenkind: +5 stealth (Given to Dirk)
    • Ring of Jumping: +5 acrobatics (Given to Ophelia)
    • Hand of the Mage: 5 lb telekinesis (Given to Lilineete)
    • 6 pack (Given to Gruul)
    o Elixir of Swimming (+10 swim)
    o Elixir of Tumbling (+10 acrobatics)
    o Elixir of Hiding (+10 stealth)
    o Potions of cure light wounds(1d8) x3

    Session 2:
    The party awoke in town and had breakfast at the inn before leaving to earn some gold at the coliseum; however the entrees that day were only for parties of 5. They were informed of a lone wizard, a half orc that had tried to enter. The party asked around and searched the area and was informed of his whereabouts, all except Gruul, who seemed to be more interested in satisfying his craving for eel meat, unfortunately, this never happened. The wizard was found in a small restaurant eating his food and studying his spell book. It was an unusual sight to see a half-orc who studies the arcane, or anything, or can even read for that matter. After much discussion and convincing from the Cleric and the Bard, the half-orc (Seth) reluctantly joined the party for the arena battle.
    After the party solidified itself at 5 the party returned to the coliseum and entered the hard battle for the higher payout, for a 10g per head entry the party could walk away with a triple payout. The party fought a large sandworm mutant, an intense battle, once the large worm’s giant flat body took its battering its head split in half and spikes shot from its body, though in its new toxic form the party managed the defeat it, victorious the party claimed thair rewards, stocked up on goods, and left for channelwood. Along the way the scanning the ground Seth discovered a small leather book in the path. Left behind by a questionable thief, the books contents included information on the tombs of the Emperor Theif's Tomb, and a tomb of a great warrior. The party searched out and entered the tomb, an encountered a many traps throughout the winding hallways and a room with mysterious ghosts. After defeating the ghosts, the party entered the tomb of the thief and after much work opened the sarcophagus and found only a crude sculpture of a middle finger pointing up and a note reading "he who seeks shall find". The party searched the apparently empty box thoroughly and finally found the invisible magic items for for a thief. A Sheath of blade stealth. Needless to say, Dirk was quite pleased. The party searched the area, and set up camp for the night.
    New player: Todd half-orc, wizard

    Items of intrest:
    • Sheath of blade Stealth: when weapon is put inside, the weapon and sheath become invisible. +5 to sleight of hand checks to conceal weapon. (Given to Dirk)
    • Traveler’s journal: information on tombs in area. (Held by Seth)

    Session 3:
    The part awoke to find that their cleric was gone, an outline of her body lie on the ground where she slept, some sort of magic residue. Her belongings all gone except her holy symbol which remained on the black outline where she slept, after some speculating and discussion he party felt it best to continue farther into the cave in search of the worrier tomb, on the other end of the fork Dirk discovered there was no more than a dead end, the end smalled of human body odor. The thief and orcs poked at the wall thinking it was organic. After investigation it was found that the wall was magic in some way. The bones that litter the ground nearby gave clues as the walls mystery. Matches were found in a pile of bones the fire was touched to the wall and the wall of dirt and stone burst into flames and reviled a pathway into a constructed hallway with smooth carvings of pillars and images in the stone; images of a war and armies. After being hit by a few traps, and dodging a few other the group found their way to the end of the carved hallway. There they found a crude narrow path with stretched as far as they could see. Just as the lead took her first steps forward hundreds of skeletons rose from the ground. The party fought them for a short time, they went down easily, but there was simply too many of them. Quickly thinking the bard hopped on the back of the fighter and the small bard cast grease all down the hall. Gruul ran and slipped all the way down the hall; bones flew all though the air as Gruul and Ophelia spiraled down the path. The party reached the end where the encountered a carved room much like the path from before with a statue of a warrior in each corner, from the ground in each corner rose a drum which the statues animated and beat to produce a disorienting rumble, the team all took the task of slashing the drumheads to stifle the brain splitting frequency. on top of this a heavily armored skeleton appeared in the room and exclaimed his anger that the group had defeated his army, as well as fighting the skeleton warrior. Once it was quieted down the party turned full attention to the arrogant skeleton, he proved a difficult foe. The rouge tossed his rope and managed to tie the feet of the skeleton together and trip his with a bit of help from a grease spell by the bard. After a long exhausting battle the party defeated him and a door opened in the back of the room.
    In the room lie two bodies on stone beds, the remains of a half orc warrior, and a small figure. The party inspected the remains and then noticed a dark figure standing with crossed arms in the corner. A spirit from the shadow, he stepped forward and introduced himself as Borok, Former slave and leader of the Rebels against Ashlin, He spoke or the enslavement of his village and the army of rebels he gathered and lead, he described the man outside as his valued friend and general of his village’s army that fell to Ashlin, he went into farther detail describing the evils that the greedy sorceress Ashlin had done destroying villages, enslaving children, destroying families, rasing her forces to exapnt her power. After the orcish man told his story a boy peeked around from behind his large legs, the ghost at first appeared to be a Halfling, turned out to the the spirit of a small child, the son of Borok.
    He fell fighting as his father’s side, he explained in his perspective the events of the war and enslavement and death of his mother at Ashlins hands, he described how his mother was forced into entertainment of Ashlin’s higher soldiers, “entertainment” the word he was told. Having some foresight that the party will be dealing with Ashlin Borok offered a magical gift to the team’s fighter, a choice between a silk bracer, or a force glove. He requested one be left with him because his wife made the items for him before she died. Ophelia felt soft tapping on her shoulder, she turned slowly the large calm eyes of the spirit of the orcish child, feeling a desire to help in any way possibly he offered her his slingshot to help her fight the sorceress. She smiled and accepted his gift.
    After resting the party left into the woods where the trees were not what they seemed, Dirk decided to climb up a tree for a better look, he was quickly back on the ground when the tree sneezed on him. Afther some rumbling of the ground and confustion the tree began to speak, a treefolk introduced himself as Doran, he and the party had a conversation about their recent experiences and the Elvin city, it would seem that Doran knows Rob quite well and informed them that Rob would sometimes stand in Doran’s canopy to paint his landscapes, over the years the two had become good friends. Doran offered the team a ride to the city of Channelwood. His roots gathered and formed large timber legs and he thundered through the forest. He dropped them off in Channelwood, and said that in a few days He would return to them to ask a favor, he went on his way. The group spent a while exploring the town before visiting Rob, visiting shops, stopping for food, a busy day in town, speaking to the shop owners, shopping, haggling, Seth left his hammer with the blacksmith for modifications, he will pick it up tomarrow. Once the party arrived at Robs home, he enthusiastically invited them in to show them his most recent canvas creation, he had painted of THEM. He had never seen them before in his life, the painting was based soling on images he thought he had thought up. Rob gave them information on Ashlin, and the myths of her life and things she had done, her rise to power and her unending quest for more. Rob has a sudden thought at reach for his book self, before the aged wizard could give them a hard piece of information from the book shelf the red haired Ashlin appeared in his home and drew all life from the wizard; shriveled and pale, he is dead. She sparked a fire and gave the team warning not to interfere with her plans, glaring at the halfling. The house burned and the party burst their way out only to find the entire cities guard force with eyes on them. Accused of arson and murder of the local celebrity, the party found themselves imprisoned.

    Items of Intrest:
    • Force Glove: +1 to any weapon wielded in the hand of the glove (work by Gruul)
    • Masterwork Slingshot: 30 marbles always 2 damage when hits. (given to Ophelia)

    Session 4:
    The party awoke in their cells and looked around and spoke, after finding each other the realized that dirk had discretely removed himself from the cell prior to their waking by breaking through the window bars, the party seemed a bit frustrated about this however, it is not like dirk to neglect his friends. The Halfling Ophelia managed to slip thought the bars of her small cell, after further inspection of the room and the nearby hall it would seem that the jail building was empty. She quickly searched the room’s desk, searching for the key. However it wasn’t until the orcish wizard pointed out that the key was in the chair.
    Once the party was free the searched the prison but could not find their weapons anywhere. The party finally stumbled upon a door that lead to a small room with a sleeping old man behind a deck and a wooden chest, careful to not wake the man Ophellia quietly made her way to the chest to find that it was locked, and noticed that the man had tattoos on his arms. Not knowing any better Gruul made an attempt to intimidate the sleeping old man, immediately after Seth informed the party that the man’s tattoos were arcane symbols of a master of elemental magic. Gruul was answered with a blast of fire to his chest. The team fought hard to defeat the magician, during the battle Seth picked up and smashed the chest spilling the teams weapons across the floor. Now with sword in hand, Gruul defeated the wizard.
    After taking care of the guard and reclaiming their equipment the party explored the prison farther, the opened a door which lead to a room half torn out. Below the paty could see lots of fire, much of the city is engulfed in flames, a small figure can be seen producing flames. The party made their way down the lower levels of the city (the prison is near the top of the city). Before making it all the way down the half orcs made a stop by the weapon shop to loot, and pick up Seth’s hammer, with a swift jump and a quick snag, the large wizard flew in and out of the burning building with his hammer. The party attempted to visit the arcane shop only to meet with its explosion, Gruuls face was smashed with a wooden beam. The ground made their way to the ground by climbing down the destroyed elevator shafts, they cut and looted the rope before leaving. On the ground the party met with Ashlin, torching and piling bodies, the party began to runint he opposite direction, Ashlin levitated swiftly to catch up with them. She commanded the party stay out of her way, the orcs asked what threat are we to you? The sorceress replied, “Not the two of you!” She pointed her hand at the Halfling and began to produce a blast, just before the beam hit a giant wooden fist smashed into the ground in front of the party, the calm face of Doran towered above them, “Get in!” he exclaimed, the 3 of them quickly lept into his fist, he lifted them and the ground rumbled at he ran. He took them north, far away the party could see the smoke rising from the forest canopy, Channelwood was destroyed. Doran informed them that Dirk told him that the party was in trouble. He told them he went north to the Lava tubes, where the dwarves have built a city. He told them that now that the sorceress has returned to this plane he will aid the party in any way he can, before leaving them to check on channelwood, he says “The halfling has a secret, keep her safe.” The party sets up camp to rest.
    That night a small fox sits at Gruuls side he pet it. From the dark wood a half-elf dressed in black robes approaches, Gruul wakes the party. She says that she is lost and was recently displaced from the abyssal plane. She has little memory of why she is here and what has happened to her, but these people and this place seem familiar to her. The party sees that she looks almost exactly like their lost cleric. The party discusses the situation for hours, Ashlin has just wreaked havoc in the abyss and destroyed many of the inhabitants and civilization there. The party now joined by the witch rested the night.
    The next morning the part went north and saw many campfires thought the hills, the bard approached one and observed a small group of Halfling thieves. She attempted to sneak into the camp and failed, the noticed her. She managed to reason with them and introduced the party and they chatted for a while, in barter for difference foods, the traded many goods. The orc brought out some of the good wine he had bought in channel wood. He gave it only the thieves, 4 of the 5 of them became drunk and the one that was not was lulled to sleep with a lullaby from the bard. The party claimed all the goods and gold that the highway boys have stolen. They quickly headed north before the group sobered up.
    The party made it to the large statues with 60 foot heads carved into the entry way to the dwarven city within the lava tubes. They did much shopping before running into a man who stood 3 feet higher than the rest of the population. Dirk.
    Character change: Cleric > Witch
    Items of interest:
    • Strong elevator rope (stashed on Doran)

  2. #2
    The Old Skool Warrior My last game LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
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    Re: My last game

    Oh man... now you've got me wanting to post the logs from my game. It would take a few dozen posts just due to character limits and such, but then again, it's a year and a half of logs to go through! Ha!

    So do you always play the role of GM/DM, or do you occasionally play?
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  3. #3

    Re: My last game

    well, Lately Ive been GMing mot of the time.
    I perfer to play, but when you've got curious friends/family that have never played before...

    I do have a weekly game thats been called off alot lately (midwestern USA has been getting some bad weather), and holliday then school stuff before that.
    I perfer to play as a caster, and always a gnome.
    Except for the latest game Im playing in, We're playing from D20 modern. Men In Black kinda story, realistic setting.

    Just post the story stuff. I just left my char info in because its short enough.
    What settings/games do you play?
    Last edited by JuzamDjinn; 02-09-2011 at 10:31 PM.

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