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Thread: another ffx story sign ups

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  1. #1

    final fantasy x in a 1000 years sign ups

    well just a note i am new at rping and this is my first time i am not that good at wrighting so anybutty can join

    the story : its been 1000 years since yuna and her guardians have defeeted sin but now it was just a legend but one moring four friends wake up in there home at besaid to go outside and see there home destoryed with a men who was dressed in black calling out come to me sin when the friends tried to talk to them he just disappeared and that where there story begins with reveng in there hearts .

    now about the characters there are four jobs you can be the x means that the job is taken.

    summoner x
    black mage

    copy and paste this in your post

    characters: name



    characters:likes and dislikes

    characters: crush


    characters: personally

    characters: appearance

    characters: bio

    characters powers and wepons
    Last edited by catnip22; 01-24-2016 at 01:01 PM.
    if you live a creative life you will live a long and happy life

  2. #2
    Melodious Schemer another ffx story sign ups Final Hearts 69's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    CA, United States of America

    Re: another ffx story sign ups

    characters: name
    Matsurina Hinora (Mat-sir-rena Hen-nora)

    Black Mage


    characters:likes and dislikes
    unknown, always finding out along the way

    characters: crush
    no one

    never knew, is an orphan but was never adopted

    characters: personally
    Mysterious, but has a sense of humor, may it be dark or light.

    characters: appearance -body structure- and -eyes. hair color purple and black

    characters: bio
    Lived a half month as a nomad and become a black mage apprentice in Zannerkin, spent three years learning how to cast spells. Now is on the road again, making friends along the way to help her trian in combat.

    characters powers and wepons
    all basic ailment, plus some up tricks up her sleeve-you'll see what I mean when the rp starts up- as for weapons a mage staff and herself.
    "All I did was watch, I didn't even try to stop her...that was my sin and this...this is my punishment." -Vincent Valentine, FF7: Dirge of Cerberus-

  3. #3

    Re: another ffx story sign ups

    characters: name

    characters: job

    characters:likes and dislikes
    he likes telling storys and careing for the poor kids in the vilage

    characters:family his dad is dead

    characters: personally
    he is kind and will help anyone in need and loves to have fun and likes to talk

    characters: appearance his hair is up to his sholder and is black he wares a black robe and has blue eyes

    characters: bio w

    characters powers and wepons
    Last edited by catnip22; 01-24-2016 at 01:00 PM.
    if you live a creative life you will live a long and happy life

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