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Thread: Could anyone make me a av + sig?

  1. #1
    Registered User Could anyone make me a av + sig? Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    In a dark room to prevent glare, Auckland, New Zealnad

    Could anyone make me a av + sig?

    Hi, i'm new to TFF. I love the forum and how everyone is so friendly and helpful. I love Dissidia and this attracted me to the site.
    I've tried making an avataar and failed, and iv'e made a few signatures, but they look crappy as.
    Iv'e seen the work that some of you guys have made and i really admire the hardwork that would've gone in to makin them. (You guys are amazing!)
    My adopter sent me here because he said you guys were amazing, and i see what he meant. . .
    I love Dissidia (Yeah, i said it above, i know, hehe)and my fave Character is Gabranth. If someone could please make me an Av + Sig i would be so aprecciative, As i know how hard it is to make even just a shit one.
    If you would like to help me out please pm/vm me.

    Thanks in advanced. . .

    When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of
    Power, the world will know peace.
    ~Jimmy Hendrix~

    Thanks to Kilala for my Avataar and Signature

  2. #2
    I'm DYING to see you! Could anyone make me a av + sig? ViviMasterMage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Manchester, UK

    Re: Could anyone make me a av + sig?

    You know, if you want a banner made, there are several banner shops set up to post in and ask for one. They're made so people don't make these threads any more.

    I suggest going into the Signatures and Avatars part again and looking at peoples work and then you can pick one person to ask. =)

    I know you're new so I'm just trying to help you out. =D

    My things:

    My TFF Family!:
    My very hyper moogle loving cousin Meigumi!
    My grammar obsessive twin AWESOME brother Fate!
    My powerful, dangerous, short tempered younger brother Alther!
    My badassly cool chaos-loving lord who adores big swords and uber spells, Elyon Demidias
    My awesomely cool big brother xXCloudXx
    "The Bestest Buddy" xTidus (Aka Casey)
    My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
    My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
    My brother from another mother Gilgameshed_Up

    My Fatey!:

    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
    ....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
    Fate's beautiful haiku:
    Lost in reverie
    Memories drifting through me
    So calm like the sea

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