For TFF members who would like to join a Faction, but don’t know where to start. By filling out an application, Faction leaders or recruiters will be able to find the people they need and give people like you a chance to get in on the action.
Role-Playing Experience: (How long you’ve been role-playing.)
Role-Playing Skills: (What are your unique skills? Are you a good writer or good fighter?)
Alignment: (Good, Evil, Chaotic, etc.)
Previous Employer: (If you have been apart of any factions in the past, mention them here.)
Desired Position: (What you’d like to do in a faction? Thief, gunman, finances, etc.)
Activity: (What time are you usually online?)
Contact Info: (No phone numbers or addresses, lol, just things like AIM, MSN, or YAHOO screennames.)
[Faction Recruitment Rules]Originally Posted by Example
1. All Forum rules apply.
2. No spam.
3. No faction members posting in other faction’s recruitment threads.
4. No double posting.