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Thread: PC > PS3 Transfer

  1. #1

    PC > PS3 Transfer

    Hiya all i'm new to the forums hope you are all well,

    I have a quick question about the possibility of transfering a character from the PC version of FF14 to the PS3 version when it is eventually released?

    I'm really excited about playing the game but am eager to play the PS3 version.. was wondering if after playing the PC version and leveling a character etc i'll have to start all over again when the PS3 version comes out? or if I can simply log into the account I was using on the PC, on my PS3 instead?

    Any info on this would be greatly appreciated, hi again

  2. #2
    Registered User PC > PS3 Transfer
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    East Yorkshire, England

    Re: PC > PS3 Transfer

    well as it's on the same server, i would imagine you just need a SE account and the game on the platform you want.

    i might be wrong, but as PS3 players and PC players will be grouping along side each other i don't see any reason why you couldn't and even if you do need a new account there will probably be a option (eventually) to swap..

    so yeah, I think just the one SE account + game on the platform you want should be all that is needed.. though would you really wanna fork out £ - XX then £ - XX again?

    if it is the controller style of play that you are after then you can play the PC version with an Xbox controller and i have read there are ways to get the PS3 controller up and running as well (though this way requires a little more effort, but only downloading drivers).

    IF it is the whole running it on a bigger screen issue (generally TV's are bigger), then you can get a lead to wire up the PC to the TV.

    So basically it is possible to play with a Controller on a TV through your computer.

    it all depends on what you want. to make it feel like a console (controller, TV, etc) will be a much cheaper route then buying the game again for the PS3 + you know you wont need to start again (ofc this is assuming ---- You have a computer capable of running FF XIV), but it will mean some effort (unless ofc you have an xbox controller - which is meant to be plug in and your off (according to some people i have been talking to, though they say this is with the WIRED Xbox 360 controller).

    as i assume you have a PS3 controller and TV

    reguarding the PS3 controller, if you want it to be wireless you will need a bluetooth reciever usb...

    end of the day your choice , but just thought i would let you know it is entirly possible to play with a controller and on the TV, with your computer..

    sorry for rambling..

  3. #3
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) PC > PS3 Transfer che's Avatar
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    Re: PC > PS3 Transfer

    Your account and characters will stay the same regardless of which system you choose to play it on.

    Example: You play on PC but go to a friend's house and log into his PS3 with your account and begin playing your Lv.75 Paladin.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  4. #4

    Re: PC > PS3 Transfer

    Hey thanks for the reply guys

    Thats great news I wont have to start over again, the money for buying it on 2 platforms isnt much of an issue however the laptop ill be playing it on (PC Version) is riddledwith overheating issues etc so ill be using it as a sort of learning curve to get to know the game etc before it's released on the ps3.. plus my tv is 50 inch so running my laptop at a resolution to even make it look half decent on there will just about blow it up haha..

    Where will you guys be playing out of curiosity? ive no idea how many servers there will be etc, and im not on the BETA.


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