iv been trying to steal the staff of magi from luxollid but it keeps say vaan couldnt steal anything or around that. iv tried 6 times can sum1 help me?
iv been trying to steal the staff of magi from luxollid but it keeps say vaan couldnt steal anything or around that. iv tried 6 times can sum1 help me?
i tried stealing from it, it is
Vaan couldn't steal from luxollid
You're just unlucky, that's all. Try to have all three of your characters steal from the monster together. One of them is bound to steal it sooner or later. It took me about five minutes. Just give them Gambits to steal it, along with Curaja when your HP gets low. As far as I know, each character can steal any item.
Curiosity Conquers, So Click:
ye i use my 3 strongest
penelo= mage
vaan= tanker
basch= fighter
all over lvl 80 and vaan lvl 94
should i put thief cuffs on them all