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Thread: Some Weapons are Useless?

  1. #1
    Registered User Some Weapons are Useless? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Some Weapons are Useless?

    So I'm curious how you guys utilized the weapons in this game. I loved the game, and I'm about 60 hours into it, running through the temple to get the Sword of Kings. Yeah it's taking me a loooong time.

    But I have yet to use a gun, or a mace, or a poll. I have used nearly every sword and ax, and I do use the wizard rods on my magic characters. Oh and I've got Penelo using Bows, but still the guns, maces, and polls seem very weak, and I haven't seen fit to use any of them. Did anybody find them useful?

  2. #2
    Registered User Some Weapons are Useless?
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    But I have yet to use a gun, or a mace, or a poll. I have used nearly every sword and ax, and I do use the wizard rods on my magic characters. Oh and I've got Penelo using Bows, but still the guns, maces, and polls seem very weak, and I haven't seen fit to use any of them. Did anybody find them useful?
    I tend to stick with Bows, axes, and swords. Guns, maces and polls can have thier advantages though.

    Guns have great accuracy and can deal out lots of damage no matter what the enemies' defense is.

    Maces are better equipped for your characters that have a high magic power, since those correlate. The mace will have a higher attack power if the magic power of your character is high.

    Polls are useful when you want to survey a large number of people and get a general idea of what a large majority of them prefer.

    But seriously, Poles have a great chance of combo attacks. If you get enough combos, you can deal some serious damage.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Some Weapons are Useless? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Humm,,, so for instance my highest gun that I can get right now only works out to like 30 attack power. Meanwhile my swords and axes are close to 60. Are the guns going to do more damage than the 30 would indicate?

    And you're right. Polls are great for guaging public opinion. I'll have to try that out!!!

    But maybe I'll go check a poll out and see how it does, if you get combos off of them. And maces too. Do they increase your magic power?

  4. #4
    The guns will always have low attack power. You have to add in the bullet damage too, and it still won't be as high as a bow, yet it will do more damage because they pierce armor. I used a gun with Balthier and he was my best damage.

  5. #5
    Master of the Shadow Key Some Weapons are Useless? KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    I kept certain weapons specific for characters, like Balthier=gun, Fran=Bow, Vaan=sword, Basch= greatsword. I think I gave Ashe axes and I didn't really care about Penelo. Just because a weapon has a weak attack power doesn't make it useless....except for those measure things.(Those things that looked like a boomerang) Seriously, I have no idea what those were or for what purpose.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Some Weapons are Useless?
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    And maces too. Do they increase your magic power?
    Not that I'm aware of. The only think that I know that increases (besides attack power) is evasion. All Maces add +4 to a character's evasion, which is useful in avoiding attacks by an enemy. You can also use a shield with these weapons, which aids in defense (hopefully that's something that you already knew). Any support character that you have that you gear mainly as a magic user would make the most out of this type of weapon.
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  7. #7
    Registered User Some Weapons are Useless? Locke4God's Avatar
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    thanks guys, I'll check it out.

  8. #8
    Rabanastran Some Weapons are Useless? Belugn's Avatar
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    I used to know how all the weapons affected the characters stats and what was taken in consideration when dealing damage, but it's been a while now and I seem to have forgotten most of it. But as Dodie said, poles are AMAZING combo weapons, and so are the katanas. Katanas also take speed in consideration I think, so combinating it with a cat ear hood and casting haste on a character will leave you with an IMMENSELY fast damage dealer. However, the main bad thing is that this character won't be having any precious extra evasiveness points that a shield provides, so keep protect on!

    I think guns are awesome, and it's the only weapon I actually think is fitting for Balthier, but to truely take use of Balthier's HIGH attack stats, he should be equipped with a sword, 1H or 2H. I think my Balthier for the moment is running around dealing HIGH damage to enemies with a Rune Blade. It also matches his vest, somehow.

    Many consider axes and handbombs worthless. I find them fun. RUTHLESS and fun. Seriously, they usually deliver an acceptable deal of damage, even if you sometimes find your character rather patting the enemy than hacking and slashing away at it. (random 2 digit number damage like 50-87 something something xD) But when you DO hit the spot, you DO hit the spot. BLAM.

    Two questions, feel free to enlighten me, anyone:
    Is there any difference between bows and crossbows? I'd love to get an answer on that one, except that perhaps there is some difference in what effects the arrows and lead bolts are loaded with.

    Different weapons take different time to "load" too. Guns are one of the slowest, I think? Or is this just something I think I'm experiencing?
    Last edited by Belugn; 10-01-2009 at 11:20 AM. Reason: typos/grammar errors located

  9. #9
    Registered User Some Weapons are Useless?
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    Is there any difference between bows and crossbows?
    All Crossbows add +5 evasion to your character's stats, whereas Bows add no stats besides getting a higher attack power for each upgrade you get. Crossbows have a greater tendency to miss the target than Bows.

    Also, Bolts (the ammunition used for Crossbows) seem more inclined to do status effects rather than elemental ones, whereas Arrows (the ammunition used for Bows) tends to give out elemental damage (except for the Bamboo arrow and Assassin's arrow).

    Just on a side note, there are many more chances for upgrades for a regular Bow that a Crossbow. I've always stuck with a Bow myself.

    Different weapons take different time to "load" too. Guns are one of the slowest, I think? Or is this just something I think I'm experiencing?
    Yeah, they are one of the slowest ranged weapons to reload in the game. I think it takes twice as long for a gun to reload than it does any other weapon, but it makes up for it in the fact that guns have 100% accuracy and +10 evasion!
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  10. #10
    So I've been reading on how to make the "optimal" party. I really like Ashe, Basch, and Balthier as characters, but I can't seem to figure out how to get that to work into the optimal party. Vaan has the highest VIT at max level by far, and Basch has the lowest. Basch was my tank in my first game (Sword/shield).

    So I'm thinking about making Vaan (sword/shield tank with cures like a Paladin), Ashe (ranged damage dealer with gun plus support/buff), and Basch as my damage dealer (melee, with emergency heals).

    So I'd have Ashe with a gun, Vaan with sword/shield and Basch with...well I'm not sure. Katanas would be fast and awesome but they suck vs. undead. Greatsword maybe?

    Any input would be appreciated.

  11. #11
    Registered User Some Weapons are Useless?
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    This is just my analysis Che:

    You could make the Katanas work more if you gear Basch to have a high magick power, since a Katana bases damage on a character's magick power and attack power. You should also get Basch's speed up, by either equipping a cat-ear hood, the Genji gloves, or just casting Haste on him. That way you'll have a greater chance of getting a lot of combos. Also, the thing about being sucky against the undead. Are you sure that you didn't mistake a Katana for a Ninja sword? All Ninja Swords have the Dark element added effect and undead tend to be immune/absorb dark damage.

    I like Greatswords for Basch personally, but when I have him equipped with one, I make sure that he's not the one leading my party, since enemies tend to go after your leader more. I make sure that my leader is geared for strong defense.

    Have you thought about using a Pole at all? They aren't so good against enemies with high magick defense, but they add +25 evasion and can deal out some pretty heavy damage when you get them to combo a lot. The boost of evasion is good, since this is a two-handed weapon and you can't equip a shield.

    I hope I helped a little bit, and good luck!
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  12. #12
    I was happy to get deathbringers..eventually got 4 of them, then went on to get the Saggitarius bow, the crowsbows with all their ammunition, all the regular bow ammo, and then the Tournesol.

    I missed the silly spear due to opening one too many chests and haven't done a second playthrough.
    I didn't like the secret area of the Henne Mines although I did go there several times hoping I would get a Zodiac spear from the chest there that can have one although the chance is very rare.

    I did try the pole for Penelo.I build up all my characters so I gave her one and she was decent although not spectacular.
    I gave Balthier a gun and hasted him as he's somewhat slow with it.
    I gave Fran the Saggitarius bow and hasted her as well as often as I could.

    Good luck.

  13. #13
    Rabanastran Some Weapons are Useless? Belugn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Yeah, they are one of the slowest ranged weapons to reload in the game. I think it takes twice as long for a gun to reload than it does any other weapon, but it makes up for it in the fact that guns have 100% accuracy and +10 evasion!
    Really? 100% accuracy? Doesn't that imply that you can't miss? I've at least thought that I've missed a lot with my guns. xD Like those freaking bats. I could've sworn I've heard Balthier going blam with his gun, and the oh so annoying "Miss" or "Evade" showing up on the screen. But maybe that was someone else then.

  14. #14
    I wouldn't say that any of the weapons are useless, it just depends on how you put them to use. I try use everything,so everyone in my party has like two or three weapons they alternate with. Obviously, if you decide to have only one type of weapon per character then yeah, the others will be useless.

    Vaan- Daggers and poles
    Ashe- Swords and Arrows
    Basch- Swords and Hammers
    Penelo- Hammers
    Baltheir- Guns, Bombs, Arrows
    Fran- Spears and Arrows
    Larsa- Swords and Guns

    Ta DA!!!:

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  15. #15
    Registered User Some Weapons are Useless? HUNK's Avatar
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    I'm here to defend guns! There is a Balthier quote that fits this perfectly. "I never miss."
    Its true. Whenever I use guns, especially when compared with other long ranges weapons (Especially crossbows...ugh) I never seem to miss. However for the defence of crossbows, their ammo has alot of interesting stats effects. (Sapping Bolts FTW)

    Quite frankly I find poles to be all usefull. In the begining of the game I found an oaken pole and its my strongest wep so far. Plus on my good saving I recently got the Whale Wisker and its Awesome!

    Now as for staffs and rods...never use 'em. When I got the Rod of Faith, I assumed it would automaticly buff for faith and though it would be great to have and use. I was wrong. The damn thing is pratically a measure. Speaking of which, I've got all of those but I never use them. Anyone actually use them? (They are pretty useless unless you hit yourself with them)

  16. #16
    Rabanastran Some Weapons are Useless? Belugn's Avatar
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    @H.U.N.K: Oh I know what you're talking about when it comes to those silly little staffs! I ran around beating bubble and faith and bravery and what now into my enemies before I actually realized that me myself DID NOT have those stat buffs on me, hehe. I'm so slow sometimes, I remember thinking that the game had leveled up in difficulty or something because all of a sudden enemies started to be tougher on me. It was my first play through though, I didn't even use gambits at all back then.

  17. #17
    Actully all weapons gained by during a main quest or so are pretty useless.
    So long Sentiment.
    Go get raped.

  18. #18
    Registered User Some Weapons are Useless? HUNK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belugn View Post
    @H.U.N.K: Oh I know what you're talking about when it comes to those silly little staffs! I ran around beating bubble and faith and bravery and what now into my enemies before I actually realized that me myself DID NOT have those stat buffs on me, hehe. I'm so slow sometimes, I remember thinking that the game had leveled up in difficulty or something because all of a sudden enemies started to be tougher on me. It was my first play through though, I didn't even use gambits at all back then.
    This is why it's important to see the little text saying: on hit: Protect. I have like one of each of the meaures but they are really kinda useless...unless you have some kind of gambit to hit any member who does not have said stat...but I dont think gambits are that specific. Oh well...

  19. #19
    I tend to use guns for flying enemies which are annoying. I mostly use one-handed swords like deathbringer but that's in the tomb of raithwall part. My best game and my main characters.

    Ashe(I controll her): Wyrmhero Blade
    Penelo: Masamune(genji gauntlet equipped as accessory or on occasions I equip her with tournesol and she has bubble belt equipped)
    Fran: Zodiac Spear

  20. #20
    badass Some Weapons are Useless? marf's Avatar
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    in all the times i playes the game i always had
    a swordsman
    a gunman
    a bowman
    a spearman
    and somtimes an axeman
    i think that poles and bombs and measures were useless

  21. #21
    TBH I never did use them anyway lol. I was always with swords, guns etc like you just mentioned.

  22. #22
    Registered User Some Weapons are Useless? HUNK's Avatar
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    I'm telling you if you start using a pole you should start to see why they can be usefull. (In my case with Balthier.)

    Poles have really high Defence and seem for me to block everything. Now hand lost me. I tried to use hand bombs when I got the Castlenos but they were still pretty useless.

  23. #23
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Some Weapons are Useless? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I've got over 240 Hours on my Best File, and I can tell you, Guns are alright, cause they can Pierce through enemies Defenses, but because of their Average Attack Rate, it still not as good as the 2H Swords or the 1H Sword & Shield. Axes are not the best choice, cause their attack power is really based on luck, even though their base attack power is high, the Damage Dealt Depends on Luck, so sometimes you'll do massive Damage and Other times, you'll do the least amount of Damage Possible...Which doesn't help you much when Fighting for your life. Bows and Guns Are Great for Flying Enemies, but I would go with Bows more, or just blast 'em with magicks...LOL Never Buy Measures...They Suck Ass, even if they Pierce through Armor, they still suck anyway...LOL Poles Aren't bad, but wouldn't be the best choice. Daggers aren't that bad, but they still kinda suck. Be a Strategist, and go with what is best for the Battle. If you want, you can fool around too, but that is not Suggested whle Fighting something important. Look up you Clan Primer or Something, and you'll find out what does what. Good Luck, Hope this Helped you Guys out. Happy Posting

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