The time has come. I've been wanting to RP for ages, but either haven't found a good thread to join, or haven't had the time to create a new RP.
Then, it hit me.
It seems that way for everyone. That we all have our own things to do throughout life, and that we either do not have enough interest to join a legit, well thought out RP, or we don't have enough time to consistantly be a part of it, or we just don't have the time to think out a good RP.
so, here is my suggestion.
We start a whole new section (possibly), or a whole new RP, that is entirely free based. Let's call it "Forum World" for now, just for a name (is terrible at naming stuff).
Forum World can consist of any idea ever created, and it is entirely open. What I mean by that, is you can join at any moment, and leave at any moment. your decision won't affect the outcome of the RP.
Forum World, where it is open, can have 1 plot, a thousand plots, or no plots. It depends entirely on the posters themselves to create a plot to play within. Twenty posters could be saving the world from a gigantic version of Chuck Norris, and five posters could all be playing Go against each other.
If we do this in a single RP, things would be confusing to follow, hence why I suggested a new section. Say, it is in it's own section within the RP section. Under "Forum World", you could have the "Main" thread, where all general action takes place. "Sidequests", where you could delve into some random adventure, or "misc", where the remaining bouts of nonsense is caught.