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Thread: How many times have you gotten a game over? The first time you've played

  1. #1
    SpellWarrior How many times have you gotten a game over? The first time you've played Hinj's Avatar
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    How many times have you gotten a game over? The first time you've played

    How many times have you gotten a game over the first time you played FFXII? Most of the game I've only had about 3, but that changed when I had to fight Vayne it had to have taken me more than 20 tries.

  2. #2
    Registered User How many times have you gotten a game over? The first time you've played
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    Oh well, lets see... It's been a while since I played my first playthrough, since I bought and played the game when it was first released but if memory serves correctly here's my game overs:

    My first game over was in the Bhujerba mines. I already elaborated on that in a different thread. A few memorable fights where I got a game over would be the fight with the Cluckatrice, the fight against Gilgamesh (the second encounter), the fight against some enemies in the Henne mines that were just too powerful, the fight with Zodiark (I have still yet to beat him....) and finally every time I entered the low levels of the Pharos at Ridorana, I would be defeated pretty quickly... I probably went down there like four times before I finally said "Screw this place! I hate it!"

    I would say that my total amount of game overs would be somewhere close to the ten range. There are possible more that I'm not thinking of though.

    I did pretty well against Vayne, and found him to be quite an easy boss battle. No, I'm not gloating, but I did have my characters leveled up pretty high and thier equipment was awesome.
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  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor How many times have you gotten a game over? The first time you've played Josh_R's Avatar
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    I have had around 5 game-over's. Two of which were cause by the damn t-Rex at the start of the game. In another thread I already discussed this, but it happened cause I couldn't help myself I had to attck it.

    One of my buddies had he said around 100 game over's at the end of the game. He said he actually counted, my only conclusion is tha he sucks at FF games or at least FF XII.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

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