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Thread: Gear Advice

  1. #1

    Gear Advice

    I have found it difficult to give my party members decent equipment, due to the lack of gil. I am about 15 hours in and I just beat the part where Fran goes Beserk due to the Mist. I am leveling all 6 of the characters and they all have pretty good weapons, but their armor other than Vaan is not the best. HAs anyone else had a similar problem? This is my first play-thru and I'm looking for any helpful pointers.

    Also now that my party is complete with all the members I am giving each character their own role. I would like to make Ashe use a lot black magic and was wondering if their were gambits that made spell casting easier, as of now its kind of tedious to have to select a spell each turn.

    One last question, where do I aquire new gambits, I remember getting them somewhere but the exact location has slipped my mind.

  2. #2
    Registered User Gear Advice
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    Do you mind being a little more specific about your current location? In my mind, I think you have just beaten Vossler and retrieved the Dawn Shard, and your next objective is to meet with the Garif.

    As for your lack of gil, sell your loot and go on hunts. Also, defeating enemies of the same type and getting killchains will increase your chances of getting some gil.

    As for your gambits, make sure that the magic attacks are given more priority over physical ones. Either turn off physical attacks, or rearrange them so your magic is higher on your gambit list.

    If you mean new techniks and majicks then you can find them while shopping. There are various shops within the game. You acquire more gambit slots by unlocking them in the license board.

    Again, I need a more specific location if I am to tell you where to find more techniks and majicks.
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  3. #3
    I forgot Vosslers name, but yeah I just beat him now I'm back in Rabanastre regrouping, about to head the the Giza Plains.
    Also can I have specific locations to buy new gambits.. Is there a place in Rabanastre?
    Last edited by st4irway2kevin; 08-10-2009 at 10:46 PM.

  4. #4
    Registered User Gear Advice Yesha's Avatar
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    I reaLLy don't had a probLem about money.. just seLL aLL your useLess Loots.. and go hunting for avaiLabLe hunts.. Mmmm.. aLso.. for New gambits.. I remember, just check for gambits shop to a new area or town/city.. or go back to Rabanastre, they aLways adding their gambits if you compLete/pass some parts of the storyLine..

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  5. #5
    Registered User Gear Advice
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    Quote Originally Posted by st4irway2kevin View Post
    I forgot Vosslers name, but yeah I just beat him now I'm back in Rabanastre regrouping, about to head the the Giza Plains.
    Also can I have specific locations to buy new gambits.. Is there a place in Rabanastre?
    The store that sells gambits in Rabanastre is called Yamoora's Gambits. It's located in the North End. It is on the opposite site of where the clan hall is located.
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  6. #6
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    When you need Gil (or levels, for that matter), skeletons are your friends. Go back to Bhujerba--one of the bridges in the Lhusu Mines spawns huge numbers of skeletons. Chain them, but don't pick up any loot until they drop the big gold medallion-type things instead of the little bags. (It'll happen faster if you refrain from picking up any loot.) They'll drop Bone Fragments that sell for a decent amount of money, especially for this early in the game.

    I also agree about the Hunts - they're good if you need a quick infusion of cash; make sure you steal from the marks before you kill them, though. You can get some decent loot that way too. I hope you're talking to Montblanc whenever you drop in Rabanastre - he rewards you with Gil and items for defeating bosses.

    One thing to keep in mind is that you can often get equipment through means other than the normal shops. Some can be acquired through the Bazaar if you sell them certain Loot and if you're flat broke and desperate for new gear, you can chain certain monsters in hopes of them dropping equipment. It takes some patience and more than a bit of luck, but on the bright side you'll also get more exp and loot you can sell to make more Gil to buy more gear, so the only real downside is the time it takes to do it.

    Unfortunately without knowing exactly what gear you have I can't really tell you where/how to find better stuff...if you could give me a list of exactly what equipment you have I'd be able to give you more specific advise.

    Gambits can be found in Gambit shops, they usually aren't too expensive so you should try to buy in bulk whenever possible. A lot of Gambits can also be found in chests when you're out and about in the world. It's still fairly early in the game and you probably won't have a lot of the more useful gambits, so you may have to cast magic manually for the time being.

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