Some feedback suggestions from me:
1. Fix the ****ing elevator. Seriously, I am a lazy bastard and the TFF stairs are utter fail.
2. Groups. Specifically multipage topics in groups. It's kind of annoying how you're forced to view the topic from page 1 all the time rather then from your last unread post, or the newest page.
3. Double standards. Seriously, fire half the mods and get in some newblood. You have some just mods/admins (Andromeda comes to mind) and some who're just cool (Meier Link) but then you get others who'd clearly be better standard members, because even if they can be cool as individuals, they act up with power. Oh, and then there are mods/admins that rarely if ever appear to be online? WTF, srsly?
One GREAT example of double standards is that some members can get away with near anything (such as one member posting a topic with **** as the first word of the subject matter, using a space so that it wouldn't show as four asterisks. Note that I couldn't be ****ed typing in a specific manner to kill the effectiveness of a useless filter anyways. Anyway, back on track this isn't a matter of mods being able to say they missed a word in a thread as it's in the thread name.) And then yesterday I posted a random spammy thread, and though it got closed, where was my warning? I'm almost certain there are others who would have been warned for that. Oh I'm grateful you lot love me, but still...
I call for one of two things. Relaxing things for everyone or punishing every member the same way.
4. Homophobia. Yes, as a collective, many of you act homophobically, even if as an individual you're not a homophobe. I will bring up good ol' Phantom for example. Great member, but he got the **** trolled out of him by half the people on the forums and then when he started striking back, who got punished? I see this as an even more serious problem as while he was active, he was getting backstabbed on MSN by several members INCLUDING currently active mods. Considering other risque subjects are often discussed on TFF including religion and politics, there's no excuse to pick on someone for posting threads on something else a person feels passionate about. And then he was probably also the best here at FF trivia, way to kill a valuable resource smart people. I bring this up, because I'd rather not see it happen again and history repeats itself unless things get changed a bit now, don't it? Driving members to quit is a very welcoming move people. Great for that wonderful sense of community.
5. In relation to point 3, get someone to review deleted/modified threads, and if they were deleted/modified for something not against forum rules, have the original post restored. As it stands, some posts/threads do seem to get edited/deleted due to a mod's agenda rather than for breaking any rules. Act professional if you are going to accept responsibility, there's good reason I never do and that's because I figure I'd probably act up like I've seen others do which just isn't productive.
This isn't my forums and in reality I have no real say (hell I see this getting closed/edited/deleted fairly soon, or at the very least a warning about bringing up Phantom [because people hate being shown to be the douchebags collective humanity can be at times]), but I figured I would throw this out there so that some might have the opportunity to see what's going on and who knows, maybe Fuzz or someone else cool will read it and take some of my ramblings to mind.