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Thread: 400 Bad Request: Cookie problems

  1. #1
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 400 Bad Request: Cookie problems T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    400 Bad Request: Cookie problems

    So, while I was lurking and doing a minor refreshing (going between New Pages and User CP), apparently the browser caused a 400 error page. Unlike other occasions, apparently the error was caused by a cookie, which as far as I can see was the cookie the system uses to authenticate an account (because of the info it has).

    Erased the cookie, everything was fine. However, I decided to report it just in case someone else has the same problem, and also to tell Merlin to check that out just in case.

    Waiting a reply. Also, "The More You Know..." (aka, if someone else had the same problem, post a pic with the page but with code info erased, and also explain what might be the problem).
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

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  2. #2
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: 400 Bad Request: Cookie problems

    Stale cookies, eww.

    I've had it happen on another site, which can be annoying when trying to access one of the password protected forums. Purging the problem cookie always seems to do it for me. I don't know if it's the same issue, but if it isn't it's definitely the same type of problem.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  3. #3
    Magically Delicous 400 Bad Request: Cookie problems Merlin's Avatar
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    Jan 2001

    Re: 400 Bad Request: Cookie problems

    Definitely don't post code or SQL errors directly here. Instead, please screen shot it and send it to me directly. Also, when sending it to me, please don't censor anything out of it, because you'll probably be censoring the part I need... If all else fails, COPY+PASTE the entire error and send it to me.

    To troubleshoot it I need the who, what, when, and where so I can figure out the why. Otherwise I have no idea where to begin. Thanks!

    edit: I noticed a topic where OceanEyes said she was having problems moving a topic and it kept asking for her password. I was able to move it successfully, but that doesn't necessarily prove anything, since there are many variables. Not sure if it is related but it sounds like a cookie/session issue so I'll throw it in here so I'll remember. <(^_^)>

  4. #4
    ___________ 400 Bad Request: Cookie problems Kyreaan's Avatar
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    Re: 400 Bad Request: Cookie problems

    Specifically which type of 400 error are you getting? If the problem shows up as an error code 400 Message, this is one suggestion. First, your Windows registry has about a 95% chance of being damaged. You can download and run a prog known as a 'Registry Scan Tool'.

    Click on the 'scan' button for the tool to float through your system. If this is your PC's problem, you will have to do this on your computer. Merlin would have to run a similar scan on TFF if it is a board/site problem. You should see a 'repair' button. Click on it to fix any error the scan caught.

    There are going to be registry changes, so restart the PC. If LINK REMOVED works, you owe me.
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 04-05-2011 at 06:52 PM.

    Chrono Cores:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyreaan View Post
    I would skip the part about it being a 100lb box set and consider the relative mass to converted energy for the staircase. The style I would first choose is to go for the Aeronaut legos and calculate relative time and distance to the axis points within the electromagnetic field that could cross over warping into a wormhole given enough density converted into energy by using the funnelled power of the sun. Enough power may be derived not from the sun, but from the mass of an artificial, contained black hole connected to a semi-quantum theorized single vacuum tube for energy wave processing. You cause youself to fold inward and then collapse in on itself, while rematerializing into another universe or within the same universe with the rest of your ship. Your reference points will be the nearby astrology of wherever you ended up, as well as the age of the nearby stars relative to your current star maps. Go ahead and give me a call or send me an email if I am considered for the position. Thanks. It was nice meeting you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyreaan View Post
    I am slapping this thread up for an update. There was a petition set up at Petition Spot for .hack//Link (PSP). It says it is needing 50,000 signers, but it looks like they are asking for only 100 right now. This is asking for either an English patch or an English release towards both NA and Europe regions. It is the last game of the entire series.

    .hack//Link English Localization- Petition Spot

    The first two series, for those of you who don't read or know, were 7 volumes total and all for PS2. There was also an 8th; it was called .hack//Fragment Offline. A lot of people didn't know that I bet. Has anyone read any .hack manga? If you don't plan on getting Link and instead prefer to read, I recommend at least trying out .hack//Link Manga- Read .hack//Link Manga Online for Free at Manga Fox. Let me know what you think.

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