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Thread: Character Profiles

  1. #1
    The Quiet One Character Profiles Andromeda's Avatar
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    Character Profiles

    Character Profiles

    I repeat; each character needs to be original and unique to the tournament. No characters from previous tournaments will be allowed. If you bring a character back from a previous tournament, before the tournament starts you will be required to create a new one or not be allowed to participate.

    Character profiles will not be requested until the tournament’s background and current state of affairs in the world has been announced.

    Height (Optional)
    Eye Color (Optional)
    Hair Color (Optional)
    Affiliation (This will be depended on the tournament’s plot - Required)
    Weapons/Equipment (Variable on the time period)
    Background/History (Most important part, this provides yourself and others will the necessary information to know how to interact with your character. So be as detailed as you can. If there are necessary mysteries in the character due to plot points you wish to work with that is acceptable. This is a role-play, so keep the direction of your character in mind.)
    Additional information that you wish to add is welcome. Depending on the tournament more might be added if it is required.


    The Land of Thuyin is bordered by mountains to the east and a vast magical barrier that stretches across much of the western and northern realm. The only safe travel is to the south that borders a wasteland left from the Great War five hundreds years ago. The land is vast giving support to three kingdoms that hold the realm.

    After the end of the Great War and the collapse of the Doithmin Shard the people of Thuyin became divided. From their different views came the three kingdoms of Thuyin, Jurion of the Green, Thiltis of the Hills and Wuith of the Spirit. Each believed that they had a correct view for how Thuyin should continue as it is now cut out from the main land. It was because of those differences that wars were fought countless for the last few centuries.

    Now the three kingdoms are in a momentary peace for the last decade. The Jurions and Thiltians have a precarious cease-fire with both armies mobilized on their borders. The Wuithians have been seething from their defeat seventeen years ago and remained dormant for the time.

    The Kingdom of Jurion – Jurion lies against much of the magic barrier and shares its eastern borders with Thiltis where a large wall was erected. The wall has served as their cease-fire border with armies positioned on opposite sides ready to strike when the word is given. The wall itself is crumbling and serves little purpose other than to slow down the advance, but it spans most of the length of the two kingdoms preventing larges forces to easily move.

    The land of Jurion is filled with a number of forests and rough terrain that makes building difficult at times. Many of the rivers that flow through Thiltis continue through Jurion until turning away at the barrier. The northern areas are more barren with little grow due to the barrier.

    Because of its proximity to the magic barrier Jurion’s magic studies are slightly more advanced than the other two kingdoms. They have been attempting without success to break down the barrier for the last two centuries. The attempts have resulted in stronger attack magic that has help to defend their lands from the two kingdoms.

    The Jurions value magic believing that it is the way to improve life. They are an independent people that find individual achievement to be the true strength over community effects. This has kept much of them divided over the years, but it is also what has allowed them to win wars with their smaller, but more powerful soldiers.

    The Kingdom of Thiltis – Thiltis is beset by Jurion, the northern part of the magic barrier and the mountains. Their southern border is shared with Wuith, though with the cease-fire their interests are completely directed at Jurion’s movements. Most of their forces are positioned on the wall, though there are a few at the south. Much of the land is flat grassland and the few forests that exist along the rivers that flow out of the mountains.

    The Thiltis value family and unity that creates strong bonds within their communities. It is because of this wholeness that the kingdom shares that their military has been able to hold off against the two other kingdoms in spite of being weaker at times. Their current state of affairs remains stable even with the threat of war.

    The Kingdom of Wuith – Wuith is the largest kingdom taking up much of the southern region and laying claim to the wastelands south of them, though not really using them for anything but bragging rights. The land is a variety of terrain with marshlands in the east left from the barrier’s interruption of the water’s natural flow and steppes with forests growing to the west. The center of their kingdom is fertile land that most of the population is packed into heavily. Wuith has the largest towns and cities thanks to the vast amount of fertile land provided them with the marshlands and central plains.

    During the last war the Wuithians fought against both of the kingdoms, which cost them the war. The kingdoms were unable to push their advantage to take over the land as fighting between the two began almost immediately after the Wuithian threat was dealt with. The cease-fire between those two has allowed Wuith to rebuild. The one advantage that the Wuith had over the others was the vast armies at their disposal.

    They believe more in the natural order of the world, or at least used to. The kingdom has grow large and some think a little too large to be supported. This has become one of the major issues for the wars, the need for more land. However, there remains a strong old sect that believes in the natural order still and not to corrupt the land that they have been given. Originally Wuith was very peaceful staying out of the wars between Jurion and Thiltis, but they were slowly dragged into wars as the fighting fell into their territory.

    Night Fall Thieves – The Night Fall Thieves is one of the most powerful and wealthy thieves guilds in Thuyin. They spread over much of the three kingdoms, not really caring too much about one side or the other so long as they can steal to make a profit. The guild often has dealings with the kingdoms to do some their dirty work for the right price.

    Crimson Leaves – The Crimson Leaves are a branch of the Wuith military, though originally a mercenary group that sprung up. After numerous successes in the wars fought in the last hundred years the group was brought in to become part of the military. Even though they are a part of the military, the group works under its own code answering only to the head of the Crimson Leaves and the General of Wuith.

    Order of Thortin – The Order of Thortin has a long history in Thiltis and has been considered part of the military force since the kingdom has been around. However, the Order is special force allowed to work independently from the main military answering only to the King and the head of the order. The Order originally began as a family of soldiers that held a strict code of honor that became the royal officers. As time passed, the Order grew as their successes did.

    Knights of the Crescent Moon – The Knights of the Crescent Moon are an elite group of knights organized by the Jurion military that are specially trained in the arts of magic. They are trained as soldiers first, and then given special training in magic. The Knights will often lead the military into battle being the Generals or will work independently if the need requires it.

    Therus Weapons Company – The Therus Weapons Company is the main supplier for all weapons to the three kingdoms. They are located in the kingdom of Wuith and some see them as having a bias towards the kingdom, which tends to have marginally superior weapons and armor than the other kingdom. The company has its own military force that is equipped with the best the company has to offer. It is because of this; they have not been forced out of business and are allowed to handle their dealings the way they wish. Their military’s force is small, but it is well known that they hold back their technology for the other kingdom, remaining ten years ahead of them easily.

    Jurion-Thiltis Wall – The wall was constructed over three centuries ago as part of the treaty to end the war. The wall spans almost the entire length of the border of the two kingdoms and in spite of the numerous wars it remains their agreed territory. Over the course of the years after its construction both kingdoms have invaded beyond the wall, but they usually find themselves with their backs against it eventually. At this point the wall is in disarray not have been maintained for the last century. There are no longer guards that man the walls, but simply towers to watch the other side.

    The Great War – A war that brought the entire world into conflict. The reasons are not completely clear anymore, but at the end of the war the Doithmin Shard was destroyed. It was said that the shard was the source of the Faryt Empire’s strength and with its collapse the war was brought to an end. However, at the ending of the war the lands were cut off by a powerful magical barrier that held the Faryt Empire within. It was at this point that Thuyin was separated from the rest of the world.

    Doithmin Shard – A mysterious stone of legend that was not believed to have existed until it was discovered during the invasion of the Faryt Empire. The stone was destroyed and the fighting quickly ended there after. The stone is said to hold tremendous power for those that wield it. (Note: This is simply background information, it is not available for use.)

    Character Creation

    Characters can be created with allegiance to anyone of these groups, though you are specifically going to be part of one of the kingdom indirectly or directly unless you are part of the thief’s guild or the weapons company. You can be anyone of any status that you want aside from the royalty and those in top level positions of power, you can be a general if you want, though most generals do not go off alone with a small group unless something happened to them. That is about the only restriction there is on your character; otherwise you can be whoever you wish to be.

    There is magic in all of the kingdoms, it is pretty equal, naturally there will be more wizards in Jurion because of their situation, but do not feel that you have to be a Jurion Wizard if you do not want to be. The weapons and armor are the usual of a fantasy world, chain mail, swords, etc. Methods of travel are horse and foot; there is no teleportation magic or airships. Monsters that exist in the world are up to you, create them as you will, I will not restrict you there. There are only humans in the land, so there are no other races to pick from.

    If you have other questions about character creation please ask I will answer as quickly as I can.

  2. #2
    HRH Albha Character Profiles Aerif's Avatar
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    I must say this is turing out to be a quite complex affair. Perhaps it would be simpler to understand what is going on in the tournament if the threads could be read as one... It is nice to have a reference without having to open several windows and read through all the text, maybe a merged thread with all the information would be slightly more helpful than 3 different stickied threads that go into great detail?

    Anyway, from my interpretation of the threads I've pieced toghether a character profile, hopefully it is acceptable...

    Name: Sen Iota

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Height: 165cm

    Eye Color: Green

    Hair Color: Brown

    Affiliation: Therus Weapon Company

    Appearance: Long legs, long hair, and usually a long face. Her depressed status has lead her to wearing light robes similar to those which are usually seen on Jurion Wizards

    Weapons/Equipment: Crystal Staff (A beautiffuly crafted staff with an elemental crystal on top which may be changed at will)

    Background/History: Sen knows little of her past and has become known as one of the weakest of the Weapon Research team. Though she holds a middle rank in her team she is often looked down upon due to her direct lack of physical strength, which a psychologist once described as 'a permament mourning for the parents she never knew'. She can be cheered up with a little care and understanding, however in her enviroment it was difficult to find such emotions.

    I hope this is an OK character profile, though it was rather difficult without the template of someone elses profile... I hope I didn't mess up

  3. #3
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Thought I might give myself a bit of a challenge to work with. XD If anything needs to be changed or expanded upon let me know. This tournament is an interesting concept and I'd love to give it a shot.

    Name: Adrastus Melkaede
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5’ 6”
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Eye Color: Amber
    Hair Color: Copper Red
    Affiliation: The Kingdom of Jurion

    Appearance: He has a generally unkempt, almost wild look to him. He cares very little for his outward appearance, often resulting in him making a bad impression on others.


    Seraphinus (“Burning One”) - A staff, approximately four feet long. One end has a ruby and six stylized gold wings from which it is named. The other end bears several steel rings for defensive abilities.

    Amun (“The Hidden One”) - A dagger he keeps on him at all times for self-defense.


    A man driven by long-forgotten myths and lore, he cares little for the conflicts between the three countries. His only focus is to uncover the secret of the magic that created the barrier - and the power that can break it. He spends every waking hour seeking the truth behind the Great War and, more importantly, the Doithmin Shard.

    According to the legends passed down in his family, the Melkaedes have some sort of connection to the artifact that was destroyed so long ago. However, any record of what that connection was, and what extent, have long since been lost. Adrastus believes that connection may be the key to unlocking the far more powerful magics of that ancient time.


    Adrastus is a hard person to get along with. Arrogant and obsessive, he refuses to answer to anyone. He was kicked out of every magic training academy in Jurion because of his selfish uncompromising nature, but not before he became one of the premiere mage masters in the three nations. He is highly respected for his work and skill, but only the brave or foolish would try to seek him out for anything.

    Birthdate: January 25
    Sign: Aquarius
    Blood Type: B


  4. #4
    Character Profiles Anomaly's Avatar
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    Hellish Heaven
    Name - Isaac Direson
    Affiliation - Wuith, Therus Weapon Company

    Age - 35
    Gender - Male
    Height - 6'2
    Eye Color - Ash grey
    Hair Color - Black, going steel grey

    Appearance - Isaac tends to wear the uniform of a Therus Technician and Engineer, grey overalls over a white shirt and a pair of sturdy armored work boots. When working in the field, testing new weapons, or engaged in the occasional operation to reclaim stolen Therus property, he'll don his special grey armored duster (see equipment) that marks him as a captain of the Therus private military. He keeps his beard and mustache meticulously trim, however he has a tendency to ignore the more mundane measures of cleanliness when engaged in the testing of particularly interesting projects.

    Weapons/Equipment - Isaacs araments are almost always variable. A man who always has his mind on his work, he tends to carry one or two prototype weapons on his person at any given time in the hopes the occasion will arise to test them.

    Sol Essence - Isaac's current infactuation seems to be with a new kind of alchemical weapon composed of a special mixture that resembles common dust which mimics the effects of a range effect fire spell. With explosive force that can be delivered in various forms ranging from smashing a simple vile of the substance, to a keg of the substance launched by a small catapault. The intensity and force of the weapon varies, but even a vile of the substance is capable of busting a hole in a brick wall or mortally wounding a grown horse.

    Fakir - A weapon of Isaac's own design which has been nicknamed after certain 'holy' men, combining the workmanship of a sword breaker dagger with the raw power of the average bastard sword. The killing edge is designed to cleave easily through flesh, leather, and some light metals. The back edge and hilt, however, are both designed to catch an enemies blade and either break the weapon or wrench it from the opponenets grasp in the attempt. An excellent weapon against your average foot soldiers. Isaac tends to carry at least two.

    Titanskin Mk. III - Most of Isaac's weapons are hidden beneath his armored duster. Made from cured chimeran hide it is both heat and fire retardent, water and cold resistant, as well as being impenatrable to peircing or slashing weapons while maintaining a flexability not afforded by most contemporary 'unenchanted' class armor. The secret for this lies not only in the type of hide used but in the special chemical bath that the material is cured in thanks to diligent research by Isaac and his fellow engineers at the Therus Weapon Company. It's his one peice of constant defensive apparel as the optional hood and visor offer protection not only from arrows but boiling oil as well.

    Background/History - Isaac Direson was still a young man when the Wuith military was routed in their last conflict with the other kingdoms. Growing up in the marshlands of Wuith, it was the war that first brought a spark of purpose to young Isaac's backwater life. Enlisting as a Wuith soldier, it was not long before he distinguished himself on the field of battle. Unfortunately, not long after, he constantly had friction with his superior officers who thought he held human life to be far too expendable. He was more than capable of achiving victory for Wuith, but the cost of human lives was deemded unacceptable.

    Owing to this, Isaac found himself turning his passions away from the war effort and towards the mechanisims of war itself. Showing an understanding of weapons born of a facination with the power they bestowed to normal human beings, Isaac's was quickly recruited by the Therus Weapon Company as both a soldier and technician for the vast aray of siege weapons the Company produced. The Wuith army didn't seem sorry to see him leave.

    The end of the war did not end the various kingdoms need for new weapons, nor did it end Isaac's obsession with creating new, powerful tools for the use of all mankind (or at least the part of mankind the Company sold weapons). It's this very obsession with his craft that makes him so protective of his companies secrets...while he is very pleased to test and demonstrate new weapons when the time comes, he is normally the first to demand action when new weapons or plans fall into others hands. Taking it rather more personally than he probably should, he is a merciless exterminator of those who would steal the Company's secrets, opting to take no chances when raiding a thief incampment or even a town...slaying all that may possible come in contact with Company stolen property. Because of this he is often put in charge of field operations, covert or otherwise, to retrieve Company property.

    He has gained much acclaim with the directors of the Company, while his dedication to his craft has also lined their pockets and endeared him to the engineers and technicians of the company who value hard work. Indeed, the only people that seem to have a problem with him are members of the three kingdoms, who have all tasted loss at his hands when trying to learn what the Company has in the works for them. It is they who gave him the nicknames 'Dust to Dust' Direson, or 'Dust Devil' Dirseon in reference both to the color of his attire, his fevor for battle, and the number of men who have returned to the earth thanks to both his craft and lack of mercy. Stricter followers of the 'old ways' in Wuith see Isaac as a severly unbalanced individual, despite his apprent success in life.

    Personality - Kind to children and animals. Generally friendly to Company members, though he's always preoccupied with his work. Friendly to those outside of the company as well, except in the case of spies and thieves who he is friendly with up to the point he kills them. All and all a man more interested in machines of war than human lives, but not an unkind man.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 01-07-2007 at 02:44 AM.

  5. #5
    Name: Vincent Kai
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'4"
    Eye Color: Dark yellow
    Hair Color: Long, loose, silver
    Affiliation: Night fall theives

    Appearance: Vincent almost always wears black with the guilds badge sown onto everything. His usual clothes are a loose robes covering his body. However for missions such as robberies, assassination etc he has black cloth rapped around his entire body as well with the guilds uniform over this to help him blend in with the shadows completly.

    Weapons/Equipment: Dark-death: This katana is made of a hardened black metal that is resistant to most elements. He bought it from a member of Therus for a very high price. Its perfectly balenced and very sharp. Combined with his speed and styles of fighting, it becomes ver effective. Also Vincent can channel some of the basic magic he knows to give it slightly more power if needed.

    Silent edges: Just like his katana, he bought this from Therus. This daggers are usually used for throwing but can be used in close combat. However because of there unique design and making, they can be thrown without making any sound.

    Background/History: Vincent was a thief from being a child. He stole what ever he wanted and was hardly ever caught. The thrill he got from it is what caused him to carry on reguardless of the consiquences for his actions. One day at the age of ten he picked the pocket of someone from the Night fall thieves. Undoubtablely he was caught by the man as he was removing his wallet. Lucky for him he was not killed by the man but praised for his almost flawless skill. From then on he was taken on under the mans wing and joined the guild. He learned how to perfect his talent as well as other skills.

    At the age of fourteen he was taken on his first battle. The group he was in was ordered to attack an enemy supply cart that was making its way to a military base. It was being guarded by a small squad of twenty. The details of which kingdom they were working for were unimportant, he just wanted his share of the money. Although he had been trained how to fight, he never had a real taste of what it was like. The fighting took place at nightfall which was at his advantage. Unlike everyone else, he also had excellant eyesight in the night. This explains why his eyes are yellow. On this night though he took more than his first life, he took nine out of the twenty men's lives. As soon as he took the first soldiers life, something awoke within him and his true potentional was reveiled. He was an almost unstoppable force, attacking quick and swift, ending the lives of the guards.

    From then onwards, his true skills were put to the test. He was praised by the guild as being the most effectiveness in the missions he was sent on. His rank increased at a rapid rate and was sent on more dangerous missions yet still, he was as effective as he ever was. As the years went on and the killings increased, he became cold and bitter. He was completly selfish and only cared about getting his pay. Now, in the present day, he only works for the highest payers.

  6. #6
    Lady of the Flowers Character Profiles Anthiena's Avatar
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    Name: Astrid Elwen
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female
    Height 6' 5'
    Eye Color Blue/green (one eye each)
    Hair Color: Dirty-blonde
    Affiliation: Jurion, former Knight of the Crescent Moon
    Appearance: Extremely tall and muscular, Astrid calls attention to herself quite naturally, though she has a quiet, calm way about her. She is stunning but not truely beautiful with strong aquiline feature and extremely fair skin. Her hands look very articulate-an artist's hands, but the caluses from weapon usage and a number of small scars on her body-both burns and cuts from various weapons speak of a far less peaceful vocation.
    Claymore - A very heavy mundane sword with much power behind it. She wears it in a nicely tooled scabbard on her back. Though not a beautiful sword, it is finely made and well cared for, even with nicks from fighting.

    Stiletto - A long dagger that is good for quick, easy use and usually concealed. There are a number of spells on it, but the nature of these spells are unknown, even to Astrid. It's origin is a mystery and unfortunently, there is no hint of the origin, except for the spells. It is Astrid's preferred weapon in close quarters.

    Seer's Stone - An unusual clear stone with red inclusions and a blue starburst pattern. When in use, subjective time slows down, making the user able to react faster. Unfortuently, it also affects anyone within a two foot radius. Using it with the Stiletto has a high chance of sending Astrid into Bezerkergang.
    Astrid grew up in a village where she had many brothers and sisters. Due to her unusual eyes and great height, she had few friends as most of them believed that she was touched by powerful magic as a baby. She left for the Jurion capital and joined the army, where her strength and agility came in handy. When her ease with magic was discovered, she was trained as a Knight of the Crescent Moon. On her missions with the Knights, Astrid found the Stiletto and the Seer's Stone-both given to her by people seemingly driven insane. She choose to use them, in spite of what she saw.
    The first battle she used the Seer's Stone and Stiletto in conjunction, she went bezerkergang. An explosion occured, killing or maiming her entire company. She appeared to generally be unharmed. A survivor claimed that she was the source of this explosion and thought that it had killed her. Filled with horror, she ran and deserted the Knights, allowing her comrades to believe that she was dead.
    Three years later, she regrets this decision but chooses to watch the Wall on her own. She is alone and for now, prefers to be.

  7. #7
    Name: Geneva Prentiss
    Age: 23
    Gender : Female
    Height : 5' 10"
    Eye Color : Blue
    Hair Color : Platinum Blonde
    Affiliation : The Kingdom of Thiltis

    Appearance : Geneva's past as an entertainer for the royalty of Thiltis comes as no surprise to anyone who sees her. She's tall, has golden-bronzed skin, and is curvy in all the right places. Many a man has fallen prey to Geneva's womenly wiles, and she thoroughly enjoys getting what she wants through manipulation and seduction. Full lips, flawless skin, and delicate yet striking features accompany her perfect figure. Her hair is long, silky, and extends to just under her shoulderblades. Although it's naturally straight, Geneva styles is to be full and gently wavy.

    As expected, Geneva's wardrobe is less for function and more for style and distraction. Her black leather corset cinches her waist and accentuates her upper half. She wears black leather hotpants and knee high black leather boots, complete with a stiletto heel. Wears black leather arm sleeves that run from her elbow to her wrist (gauntlets, of sorts).

    Weapons/Equipment : Twin shortblades "Heymelos" given to her from the royal armory. Expertly crafted and perfectly balanced, together these blades can withstand the staggering power of larger blades with the advantage of being lighter and therefore quicker.

    Her leather "gauntlets" are magically enchanted and absorb energy from most offensive magic attacks. These gauntlets hold the magic that's absorbed and stores it for later use by Geneva.

    Background/History : Geneva grew up in the underclass of Thiltis and lived to see her parents murdered for thievery at a young age. Her older brother Arlas taught Geneva and her younger brother Hacmed the finer points of how to survive in the rough and shady world of sub-standard living, and after a while Arlas was also caught and tortured for stealing, and eventually murdered as well. Geneva and Hacmed banded together, vowed to be smarter, and over time became the perfect duo. Geneva's stunning looks let her seduce men while Hacmed stole whatever they needed.

    As time wore on, Geneva's beauty and skill only grew. She and Hacmed were finally getting somewhere in life, and had managed to start to see what riches could really buy you through their thieving endeavors. They set their sights higher and higher, which naturally got them caught eventually. While trying to seduce a nobleman named Finnias Grahm, Geneva and her brother were found out and Finnias threatened to kill them both... unless Geneva promised to serve him as a personal assistant. Knowing full well what that meant, Geneva agreed so she could save her brother from death. She never saw him again.

    She served Finnias Grahm for a few months, but it wasn't long before her beauty was noticed by men with even greater influence. She moved from bachelor to bachelor, each one more prestigious than the last, until at last the Prince of Thiltis himself laid eyes on her. Prince Tyrak of Thiltis, already being betrothed, knew that a romantic relationship wasn't possible and instead requested that Geneva be made a royal entertainer and stay within the palace.

    As an entertainer, Geneva was able to live in luxury and had special access to schooling and other ammenities not usually afforded to common-class citizens. She was able to learn and begin the practice of magic after asking Prince Tyrak personally, and also requested to be trained in the arts of war. Although initially resistant to have his prized dancer fighting like a knight, Prince Tyrak was "coaxed" into agreeing to the training. Much to his surprise, Geneva had natural ability and her years of service as an entertainer had made her quite flexible and nimble.

    After a while, Geneva was seen less as an object and more as a respected honorary member of the Royal Family. In time she danced less often and found herself spending more time in the Prince's chambers. A genuine love grew between them, but Geneva knew it could go no further than it already had. It was ironic that a kingdom which prided itself on family and unity would have such an inappropriate relationship right in its midst. Ridden by a guilt she had never felt before, Geneva prepared to tell the Prince she could no longer continue their secret affair...

  8. #8
    Registered User Character Profiles HUNK's Avatar
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    Name: Andrew Bealor
    Age: 19
    Gender Male
    Height 6:1
    Eye Color Blue
    Hair Color sandy blonde
    Affiliation Night fall thiefs
    Appearance:Andrew Not a very muscluar man he is very thin and wheres a black chain mail shirt and armor leggings.
    Weapons/Equipment My wepon is a long kattana call Kakkazen. I had once stole from a wizard on a raid.
    Background/History : Andrews family was and always has been extremly poor. Andrew has been stealing and working to keep himself alive. His father was killed in a war and his mother died shortly after. Andrew lived on his own and has only stole what he needed that is untill he joined the Night fall thieves.(still thinking on adding more)
    Last edited by HUNK; 01-18-2007 at 06:38 PM.

  9. #9
    The Lost Writer Character Profiles Psiko's Avatar
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    Name: Jarek Therion
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Affiliation: Knights of the Crescent Moon

    Appearance: Black hair, piercing grey eyes, and a rugged smile makes up his face. He is slightly shorter than the average human, but he never lets that be an issue. His body is muscular from years and years of intense conditioning, which he still continues to this day when not on missions. His armor, at first glace, looks rust-covered. Don't let that throw you off, too. Many foes have thought the same thing and therefore believed they could take him out with ease. Truth be told, it is a ploy and if you think it is rusty junk, you are falling into the same pitfall. His armor IS the color of rust, but it truly is a heavily reinforced steel that makes is nearly inpregnable. Upon his back are two swords: a long sword and a saber.

    Weapons: Having broken many weapons in battle, he chooses not to name his weaponry. After all, it is just a tool. His long sword is standard issue for the Knights of the Crescent Moon, his twelvth in the past six months. He is thankful that his armor doesn't give him the same problem. His saber, on the other hand, has faithfully stood by his side for the past eight years. His first mission was to crush a fleet of pirates who were raiding the shores. This saber belonged to the captain, and was used to decapitate the man in front of the remainder of his crew.

    Background: Most of his childhood was spent in intense training, having been born to an upper-class family in the kingdom of Jurion. At the age of 19 he was accepted into the Knights of the Crescent Moon. Many of his missions have been kept secret, but so far his track record is forty-seven successful missions. He is one of the organization's go-to guys when they need something done. He just costs them a lot of swords...
    Last edited by Psiko; 01-25-2007 at 10:39 AM.

  10. #10
    Have your eyes been opened? Character Profiles Nehi's Avatar
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    Name: Hakumei
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5"10
    Eye Color: Amber red
    Hair Color: Black
    Affiliation: Night Fall Thieves
    Appearance: A tall boy appearing to be by the age of 15. Black hair, amber eyes, and two bangs near the eyes. He appears to be serious at most times. Wearing black baggy jean like pants. Black tanktop with belt buckles are strapped on his chest and back forming an X. Black colored gloves with red edges attire his hands. He has a scrawny looking body and is slightly muscular. His body has an agile figure. He can run up to extreme-speeds. (I'll try to give more details later.) (Or you can look at my avatar. o_o)

    Weapons/Equipment: Spin su Gai (Twin daggers)
    Background/History: More of an orphan if you think about it. He never had a chance to know his parents. He probably doesn't even have a family. He's lived in the streets all his life. Trying to find food and shelter was always hard for him.
    By the time he was 12 years of age, he was a master at surviving on his own. He's lived a life of crime since it was the only way of survival. I guess you can compare him to a "Rogue." Maybe he IS a rogue.
    Last edited by Nehi; 01-19-2007 at 07:07 PM.

  11. #11
    The Quiet One Character Profiles Andromeda's Avatar
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    Before I can accept your profile Hexin you will need to pick an affliation. There are several to chose from. There are three kingdoms, and then deeper in three elite groups, and then there are two independent groups. You will need to pick one of them. You can find all of that information at the top of this thread.

  12. #12
    Rabble Rouser
    ok, um..... Oradon
    4.height: 5"7
    5.eye color: one white one red color: dark blue
    7.affiliation: Night Fall Thieves
    8.appearence: short hair,slightly shaded glasses, scar through his white eye, black vest over black armor,black fingerless gloves, armored boots, black pants that have a lot pockets, he has a lot of armor and equipment but is still amazingly fast and agile shadow staff (he simply makes it appear out of darkness) a staff with a dark gem fused into the top
    hell bow(slung on his back) a black wooden bow with deadly accuracy, if you have enough skill to use it
    hell arrow: steel arrows held in a quiver (also strapped on his back) that are enfused with shadows
    shadow spear: (makes it appear out of darkness) a spear, that's, just a powerful cool looking spear, i guess....
    vicious blade: a curved blade with a seraded edge, it tears through the average metal with ease,(sheathed on a belt at his waist)
    wicked knife: (sheathed on a strap thats strapped on his leg) a curved knife that always comes back to him when thrown
    shadow cloak: allows him to camoflage with the shadows
    black armor: a strong armor breastplate, almost unbreakable
    Backstory: yeah so, at a young age he become an orphan bacause something burned down his entire town(he doesn't know what it was, he's trying to repress the memory), from there he traveled, a lot, for 14 years, therefore his mind is very unstable, sometimes he's carefree and hippyish, sometimes hes sarcastic, sometimes he's really smart,sometimes he's a backstabbing traitor, sometimes he's a murderous phsycopath, so he's hard to trust.

  13. #13
    Name: Clive Fatima
    Alias: The Obsidian Knight
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Clive is a tall man, standing a staggering six feet four inches. He has long black hair that cascades down to just below his broad shoulders. He has deep green eyes that seem to gaze into the very depths of the souls of his friends and enemies alike. His left ear is pierced with an obsidian cross. He has thin lips that seldom part. A silver chain with an obsidian Dragon entwined with an ivory Snake in a double helix fashion sit upon his neckline. His tanned skin seems to contrast his white leather trench coat which is always left unbuttoned, revealing a black wifebeater that clings to his well defined abs. He wears long loose fitting white leather pants that sport an intricate red design down the left leg. He has a black belt that supports a scabbard on the right side, and slots for his set of seven, six inch daggers on his left. Across his back, another strap that supports a sheath for his broadsword.

    Alliance: Crimson Leaves

    Personality: Clive is a quiet man who lets his actions speak for him. He has a furious temper that is hard to ignite. He cares for few, and shows little emotion.

    Serpent Strike: A short sword that is sheathed on Clive's right side. A guardless less blade, the handle it wrapped in a strong leather hide that has been dyed red. The blade itself is etched with intricate designs that have been stained red. The blade is viciously sharp; one slip of Clive's hand could prove fatal if this were to occur in battle. The scabbard itself is engraved with images of silver lightening bolts upon it's black exterior. A silver end cap lies at the end of the scabbard.

    Obsidian Silence: Across Clive's back sits the infamous Obsidian Silence. A hefty broadsword expertly crafted from flawless obsidian. The blade itself is four and half feet in length, the hilt and handle bring the massive blade's total length to five feet, four inches. Clive wields this blade with uncanny strength and speed. Having trained with it for so long, he no longer notices the weight of the blade.


    Dark Dash: Due to his large size, Clive had to master the art of being swift. As time continued, Clive mastered the Dark Dash technique, which allows him to speed across the landscape at a higher rate of speed than he normally would have. But, long term use of this drains Clive of his energy very quickly.

    Backlash: Clive grips his Obsidian Silence, and lashes upward with it, sending a dark wave energy towards his opponent.

    Dark Divide: Clive rushes his enemy, and unleashes a devastating swing from his Obsidian Silence, He then launches himself high into the air, and as he peaks he brings his sword above his head. He then freefalls towards the earth like a comet, as he comes within striking distance, he slams his blade down upon his enemy with an uncanny amount of force.


    Shrink- A simple shrink spell. (Must make contact with opponent)
    Fira- A quickly casted fire spell.
    Aerora- A fierce gust rages at an opponent
    Enlarge- A fairly simple enlarge spell. (Must make contact with opponent)
    Thundara- Lightining deftly strikes his opponent.

    Clive, over time has been able to negate most fire and ice based attacks. Though it takes a bit of energy, Clive can manage to negate an attack for quite some time.


    As a boy he had caring parents, great friends, and no cares in the world. But then it happened, there was an attack. He barely survived, but his parents weren't so lucky. At the time he was only six years of age. When he awoke, he was in a makeshift home that used to be an armory. He looked around and saw no one. Immediately fear seized his body. He sat there for what seemed like days, until someone came back. The person revealed himself as Drake, he cared for the now silent Clive, he then trained him in the ancient art of Sword Fighting. At the age of fifteen, another tragedy occurred, Thiltis had Drake executed right before Clive's eyes. He then ran from the makeshift home, taking Drake's heirloom weapon...Serpent's Strike. He wandered until one day, he stumbled across a meeting of the Crimson Leaves. They quickly tried to kill him, but Clive fought until many of them were wounded. Their Leader then emerged from the darkness. He offered to let Clive join. Hesitantly, he agreed. He was then supplied his outfit, a white leather trench coat, and matching white leather pants. He was then taken to weapons supply room, where he was told to choose a weapon. Clive looked for a few moments, and then saw in the very back of the room, a broadsword, black in color. He gazed at it for a moment, and realized that it was made of obsidian. At went to grab it, but at first it was too heavy, but after years of training, it became as light as any other sword he had wielded in the past.

    Edit: Alrighteh. I hope that works for ya.
    Last edited by GrimmJaw; 02-01-2007 at 05:17 PM.

  14. #14
    The Quiet One Character Profiles Andromeda's Avatar
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    Dante, I'm not sure if you put in the wrong profile or something else, because there are a few things wrong with it that I cannot accept your submission until you fix it. One you need to have an affliation, it is listed in the first post what they are. Second you cannot be from Midgar (FFVII) this is an original fantasy world. Read the background information and completely rework your background.

  15. #15
    The Quiet One Character Profiles Andromeda's Avatar
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    Sir.auron before I can think about accepting your profile you need to fill out all of the information that I asked for at the top. And you need to read the back story for the tournament so that you can make an appropriate background for your character. I suggest you start over on the profile after you have read everything for the tournament.

  16. #16
    here is a new one
    eye color:blue
    hair color:black
    affiliation:The Kingdom of Wuith
    Appearance:short hair, t-shirt with a black jacket and blue jeans.
    Weapons/Equipment:gold long sword:a golden sword that is 4 feet long.armor:great armor:an armor that absorbs fire attacks.
    Abilities:teleport:teleports out of the way of attacks but can only be used 3 slash:swings hes sword and shoots a blade of fire.
    History:he was stolen from hes family by the Night Fall Thieves and sold to a man and a woman who lives in The Kingdom of Wuith and he was raised in the marshlands of Wuith and jen is known as the strongest in the kingdom of Wuith.

  17. #17
    The Quiet One Character Profiles Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I am announcing the deadline for signing up for the tournament. As of Tuesday night at midnight, Tuesday/Wednesday I will close the threads for signing up and profiles. When that happens I will begin creating the brackets for the tournament as well as the quests. When that is finished I will announce the pairings or groups. When I have announced them I will give you one day to reflect and ask questions. At which point I shall create your threads and you can begin posting.

    If you have any questions about this bring them up now.

  18. #18
    Finding Answers Character Profiles Fehrant's Avatar
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    Name: Lucifer Nosferatu
    Age: 40
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5' 8"
    Eye Color: Black
    Hair Color: Black
    Affiliation: Night Fall Thieves
    Appearance: An elegant man by all means. Wears a black, formal tunic carefully trimmed with an intrinsic pattern of entwining gold lines, that get more complex as they reach the end of the sleeves, eventually becoming an encasing circle with several, neatly placed runes. The robe trails all the way to his feet, which reveal a pair of high-quality black boots. Underneath his tunic, he wears a pair of simple pair of black pants.

    Lucifer has a slim body. While he is mostly seen with his tunic, his upper torso, arms, and even part of his hands are covered with runes and weird symbols. His skin tone is a bit whiter than most, which gives him the impression of being a sickly man. However, this color was only inherited by his parents. His short hair is carefully combed backwards, and he also has a pointy goatee.

    Aside from this, Lucifer never appears to carry any equipment.

    Weapons/Equipment: Assortment of various spells. While his natural element is darkness, he is capable of tapping other elements to expand his offensive capabilities. Being a member of the Night Fall Thieves has also made him proficient in manipulation skills, just as unlocking simple mechanisms with magic, or making small objects levitate.

    Defense spells, while not his forte, are not something out of his professional reach. Having virtually no healing spells, he has techniques to strengthen materials for a period of time, as well as creating magical shields.

    He has deft hands, as in capable of tricking eyesight into making an object disappear with no magic whatsoever. Also carries a pack of tarot-like cards, more for entertainment that actual usage, since his powers by no means include prediction of future events. He does think they might some power, but certainly he is no position to be able to accurately tell.

    Background/History: Member of the infamous Nosferatu family, a family of ill reputation mages. They have known to butt in into disputes entirely for personal gain. Some of them are very powerful, and some of them are just bluff, and deceit. Generally regarded as trouble, people approach them in times of need usually for greed, or other more shady purposes. The family's members have taken many social positions through history: assassins, spies, thieves, and political figures. Magic was always involved to a certain extent.

    Lucifer Nosferatu is the 8th Nosferatu to be born. He shown great potential for magic at an early age, as to be expected, and was trained until he reached his teens, when he had decided to be an assassin. Successfully performing his tasks, he was starting to gain renown, until he accidentally went after a very dangerous person, an important figure of the underworld trading. It was then when the Night Fall Thieves captured him, and he has been working for them since that time, eventually ranking up.

    Today, he is a high-ranking individual agent who performs difficult or important tasks. He is also one of the few powerful magic-wielder in the guild, which is mostly composed of melee assassins, and nimble thieves. From time to time he is asked to coordinate "events" (see, "assassination," "thievery"), so he does every now and then manage a small group of people to better succeed in any particular objective given.

    Needless to say, while his position as a Nosferatu member is not something to be hidden, and thus well-known, members of the Night Fall Thieves are to keep their allegiance in secrecy at all times, especially high-ranking members. Hence, he outwardly presents a facade of simply being a successful noble with no actual affiliations.

    Although wealthy, his purpose in life has always been gaining more power. He has high regards for magic, and gold in not something that matters to him all that much. His background and demeanor led people into thinking otherwise.

  19. #19
    The Quiet One Character Profiles Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I have closed the threads down, and we are sadly short two people, so we did not have 15 that I was expecting. The tournament will only have 13 participants. However, I will make due with this and I have made the adjustments required. I will announced the first round of quests on Sunday, barring any unforeseen difficulties.

    The bracket system if you are wondering has already been sorted out to work for 13. How it will work out I will make clear on Sunday. I'll just say for now that it will be unconventional, but for a RP Tournament it will work out just fine.

    Everyone that signed up has been accepted and start preparing yourself for the first rounds. Remember that this is a cooperative effort as much as it is a competition, this is still a RP and not a RPB, fighting each other is not a requirement or even advised since you would probably have trouble completing your objective. But it is up to you how you go about the quest, so if you wish to fight there is no rule against it.

    Also I have selected the three judges that will be watching over the tournament and deciding who will be going on to the next round. They are Shan'do Spike, a long standing judge from ToA, Merlin, holder of the last RP Tournament and LocoColt04, another long standing judge from ToA. Myself, I will be simply be the guide, I will be creating your quests and working the over arching plot for the tournament.

    I will explain these things again at the start of the quests. I will send out PMs notifying everyone of the starting of the tournament as well as PMs for any changes that happen in the world events that may impact your characters. Since you will probably be away from civilization during the quests these things might not affect you, unless say a war breaks out and there is now an army marching through your area. I will be very clear about the events. And remember that if I make a post about something happening, if it makes sense to intregrate it into your story, do so. You are being judged on a variety of areas not just writing skill.

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