When you get that final save, can you play another game and come back to the final save later?
When I finished last time, somehow, my final save had been obiterated by a new save.
I don't think it was my fault, by I'd like to make sure.
When you get that final save, can you play another game and come back to the final save later?
When I finished last time, somehow, my final save had been obiterated by a new save.
I don't think it was my fault, by I'd like to make sure.
You can have more than one save game, if that's what you mean. On the PS3 save data anyway... When you save, you should be able to select something like "Create new save data" instead of overwriting the data you already have.
So yeah, you can have more than one piece of FFXIII data at any one time.
Here's to hoping you kept a backup... O_O
Reminds me of when I was first playing the game. I didn't read that I was creating new save file after new save file, so by the time I got to the Vistiege in chapter 2, I had some ten save files. I eventually realized this, saved to file 1, and went back to erase all the wasted files. I don't know how many files you get, but I imagine quite a bit.
The final save is just for what happens after you defeat the final boss. You can freely access it and you'll appear where you left off but with the Crystarium fully unlocked.
There's no New Game +, unfortunately, so you'll have to start from scratch. But, I do hope you DID save. You did, right?
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
The first time around, I did save, but when I started a new game, there was a new picture on my final save game. I'm nearly finished for the second time and i want to try to make sure I have managed to keep my final save as well as start a new game.
Final save i keep all my final saves on a special memorie card so i dont lose them (but me brother took it and stomped on it to anoy me!) anyway i got them all back with months of playing i love going back to me final saves and clocking the game again or go to the hardest boss and atept to beat it!
well at least its ohkay...
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Good point. I've been reading about USB flash cards can now be used on the Xbox but it doesn't work on mine.
I'm reluctant to pay out twenty pounds for the old type memory card if flash drives are going to work one day.
saving is easy