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Thread: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

  1. #1

    Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    Square Enix’s Hajime Tabata and the current director of two PSP titles Final Fantasy Agito XIII and The 3rd Birthday has revealed bits about both games via non other than Twitter. Outside of labeling himself the busiest director in the business he also shared this:

    On Agito XIII, he wrote “Development is progressing well. The reaction was extremely positive when we showed the development version to the producers, management and marketing team in March. The whole staff is excited. We won’t be able to show it for a bit, but it’s looking like it will become an awesome game.”

    In regards to The 3rd Birthday he said - Since the start of the year, the game’s development has moved into full production mode. He describes the staff as “cream of the crop” and says that they’re producing a game that will exceed expectations. “We should have the chance to show it off it shortly.”

    Source: IGN

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  2. #2
    SeeD Instructor Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday theblackmonster's Avatar
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    this is amazing news!

    cant wait for both of these to be released!

  3. #3
    The Lone Dagger Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    Agito looks like it's gonna be a great game, haven't heard about the 3rd birthday yet though. The news sounds good to me though

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  4. #4

    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    What the shit is the 3rd birthday?

  5. #5
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    ^ A new installment for the Parasite Eve games that's coming out for the PSP. I saw a bit of a trailer for it somewhere, but I can't seem to find it now. I also haven't been keeping a close eye on Agito. I'm more excited for more news about Versus XIII, but anything is good.
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  6. #6
    SeeD Instructor Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday theblackmonster's Avatar
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    yea some solid news about Versus would be awesome.

    we have been getting bits and pieces but i want MMOOORREE!

    square's got plenty up their sleeve so we shall see what happens

  7. #7
    Defender of Freedom Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    Sorry to just jump in but I am stuck out on a ship right now and the internet is shady at best so I was wondering if any of you could tell me exactly which FF games are out in the US for the PSP. Thanks for the help.
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  8. #8
    Registered User Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    ^ Well, there's ports of Final Fantasy I and II, FF Tactics: War of the Lions, Dissidia, and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. You can also purchase FF VII and VIII through the PSN and play them on you PSP, and perhaps very soon you will also be able to purchase FF IX.
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  9. #9
    Defender of Freedom Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    Awsome you are the SHIT!!! Do you happen to know of any good web sites to order those games from?
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  10. #10
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    Quote Originally Posted by Darnell View Post
    Awsome you are the SHIT!!! Do you happen to know of any good web sites to order those games from?
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

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  11. #11
    Defender of Freedom Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    Thank you Mr. Polk you too deserve a for your awsomeness and yes I do feel fish have dreams. I don't want to imagine a world where they don't.
    Unleash the MONSTER inside!

  12. #12
    Registered User Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday Aadria's Avatar
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    Ahh, Agito... I bought a PSP for you, I can't wait. : D

  13. #13
    Registered User Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    Figured I would go ahead and bump this, because I came across a bit more news about Agito and thought this would be an alright place to put it:

    Final Fantasy Agito XIII will be present at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show in trailer form. This trailer, director Hajime Tabata says, will be very short. Looking at it frame-by-frame, however, he feels that it’s put together well.

    "As for Agito, the event scenes have yet to come, but the real time parts have a fair bit completed," Tabata tweeted on Square Enix’s 3rd Birthday feed. He mentions that, while the development team were initially in agreement that the goals for Agito XIII were impossible to accomplish on the PSP, they’re immensely surprised that they were able to achieve their desired results on the system.

    Agito’s event scenes will be handled by the same team as the ones from Crisis Core were. Tabata says the team will be able to make each scene feel dramatic. This team is presently working on The 3rd Birthday.

    Agito XIII, Tabata reveals, is about halfway through its development. He goes on to mention that after wrapping up The 3rd Birthday, that game’s development team will be helping complete development of Agito.

    Before Agito is released, however, there’s another unannounced title, likely to be Tetsuya Nomura’s unannounced project, that will be revealed shortly. Nomura has already confirmed that we’ll hear of this at TGS.
    Source: Siliconera - FF Agito XIII is Halfway Through Development

    Well, looks like once 3rd Birthday gets completed, they'll get their booties in gear to work on this game. Kind of sucks that they had to put off some ideas because the PSP couldn't handle it all, but I'm sure the final product will be just fine.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 08-31-2010 at 07:18 PM.
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  14. #14
    Registered User Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday Sharpshooter's Avatar
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    It sucks that my Psp's analog stick won't work =/
    I was planning to sell it to buy a new one but
    gamespot will only buy it for $35 -_-
    I know I have the original psp and everything, but come on! I bought this psp for $170
    Im hoping to find someone that will buy it for at least $80

    Until then, I won't be able to play games such as Agito when they come out
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  15. #15
    Paradigm Shift Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday FFTheBest's Avatar
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    Looking forward to Agito and The 3rd Birthday alot! Hope these games pull out well in the PSP area!
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  16. #16
    Registered User Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday CloudvsLightning's Avatar
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    Re: Updates on Final Fantasy XIII Agito and The 3rd Birthday

    I don't have a PSP

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