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    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Release Date Push Back!!! Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Release Date Push Back!!!

    Hey TFF Members. I'm just here to discuss Why does Square Enix keep Pushing Back the Release Date for FFXIII? Its starting to annoy me. I would like it to have a Final Release Date Issued As Soon As Possible. If you have anything to say about this, Be my guest...The more People who are interested in debating this Topic, The Better...Anyway, Happy Posting Fellas

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  2. #2
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    It happens every time SE releases a Final Fantasy. There's really nothing to be done about it other than to be patient and wait for them to settle the date. There's plenty of other games one can play while waiting so it's not really a big deal. We've already waited for three years, one more won't kill us. =P

    Everyone wants the final date to be sooner rather than later but as long as they're taking their time and not rushing to get the game out the door, I'm certainly not going to complain.

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  3. #3
    Registered User Release Date Push Back!!!
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    I agree w/ DragonHeart. I don't want to pay for a game that still has glitches and bugs, which could have been easily corrected if developers weren't in a rush to launch the game, like the Sims 3 had (whose release date was also pushed back, and yet still had technical issues).

    I'm glad Square-Enix is taking the time to properly test thier game and make sure the quality is up to snuff.

    I still have some games in my collection that are still not finished, and I really would like some more time to try to beat them. That will tie me over until FFXIII is released.
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  4. #4
    The Quiet One Release Date Push Back!!! Andromeda's Avatar
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    If I recall FFXIII did not have a release date of a general since until the last few months. I think they had been saying it was coming sometime until then. I don't think they ever gave anything other than eventually. The first date we got was the demo which is Winter of this year. So I don't think it has ever been delayed or pushed back (publicly). So I'm not sure what you're referencing.
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  5. #5
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Release Date Push Back!!! Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    The first release date was supposed to be in the Fall of 2008...Then they pushed it back to 2009, and now they did it again...2010 is the expected Release date of FFXIII.

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  6. #6
    Square push back dates for all their games near enough, it's not suprising, i'm not sure why they do it, but they have their reasons, and i'm sure it's to improve the game for us dedicated players.

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  7. #7
    The Quiet One Release Date Push Back!!! Andromeda's Avatar
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    I went searching through some of the main news sites looking for news on delays and release dates and I could not find anything that said FFXIII was supposed to be coming out in 08. I found a very old article from like 07 on Kotaku that said the game still had no date. I found an article later that said there was a mistranslation that created a rumor about it coming out in 08, but it was a mistranslation and not accurate. Then in 08 Square confirmed that it would not be making it for 08 with no date still set. Then either late 08 or early 09 Wada, the President said that he wished for it to come out in 09. Then eventually they confirmed that it was going to becoming out in 09 in the Winter on the demo. It is still coming out in 09 in Japan. And that hasn't been changed yet. As for the US and other regions that is definitely coming out in 10, but the game's release is 09 still and that has been the only the release announced.

    If there are articles saying otherwise I was unable to find them. If you can hunt them down I'll change to view, but I remain of the opinion that FFXIII has not been delay at all, since there was no release date announced until this year and its not even a real date yet. Its just Winter. There is naturally still plenty of time for them to delay and change that, but so far I think you're jumping the gun. The game has just had a long development cycle. And that is bound to make anyone annoyed.

    On the positive side though once it is released in the Japan they said the turn around time for localization for us will be much less than the usual 6 to 9 months. Since they are actually working on localization right now.
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  8. #8
    protecter of the last crystal Release Date Push Back!!! Noctis Lucis's Avatar
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    i agree with waitin cause wats ta point of playin a game thats partly done its lik that 1 tomb raider game were they cut out the final boss juss 2 get the game out lol

  9. #9
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Just wait it out. When it comes out, it will be ready and you wont be disappointed. Good things come to those who wait. We don't want SE to make FFXIII like DMC3 was when it came out. (DMC3 was so damn hard when it came out on Normal, I almost ripped my hair out on some of those boss fights)

  10. #10
    It still not out? Dam I been waiting for very long since the first I heard about they start making the game

  11. #11
    I want to play a game. Release Date Push Back!!! Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Andromeda is correct, there has been no release date ever announced. It is scheduled for a spring 2010 in the U.S and I hope that doesn't get pushed back. Then again I have plenty of games to beat so it won't be as bad if delayed, but I won't to get my hands on another Final Fantasy.

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  12. #12
    Aethan Dor Release Date Push Back!!! Jeordam's Avatar
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    I think that...

    the release date moving about is kinda standard for video games. Its just that with the date's movement with a "high profile" game, that we as fans completely notice it. I've been waiting for the next installment of a Final Fantasy game since after the first one came out.

    This is why I'm also (typically) the last person anywhere to actually beat the game, since I take my time and savor it (since it takes *years* to get another one). You could always do a FFIV playthrough...but make it interesting in the fact that you have it stright through. Never turn the game off...pause to go to the bathroom or nap for a few hours...but essentially beat the entire thing in one sitting.

    Good times, that.
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