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Thread: Last boss is hard?

  1. #1
    The Strongest Fusion Last boss is hard? Gogeta's Avatar
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    Last boss is hard?

    Who here thought the last boss was a real pain in the a**? I did not like him because i think he was very cheap, he always attacked me when clearly my teammates were totally owning him, but for some reason he always went for lightning, I did not like him, I beat him though, it was tough, but I did it.
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    I really didnt get too much into 1-3, I got about halfway through 6, didnt play 9 that much, and played 12 at a friends house.

  2. #2

    Re: Last boss is hard?

    Yeah, I just finished the game less than an hour ago. EXTREMELY frustrating. His final form was really easy, though.

    But once I finally got the timing right, I just switched between Bully, Combat Clinic, whatever is MED/SAB/SYN, and Relentless Assault and he was dead within 5 mins.  8632

  3. #3
    The Strongest Fusion Last boss is hard? Gogeta's Avatar
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    Re: Last boss is hard?

    Nice, I eventually did beat him, his second form is what got me. Every time I switched optims (however its spelled) he would just focus on Lightning the whole time, it was really annyoing, i used sazh, lightning, and snow for the last boss, but even though snow would be whooping on him he would still be attacking lightning, it was very very annoying, I had it so that snow was attacking, sazh and lightning were healing, but it was pointless. I did finally beat him by switching snow out with fang and she was making him be drawn to attack her instead, I felt so retarded.
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    I really didnt get too much into 1-3, I got about halfway through 6, didnt play 9 that much, and played 12 at a friends house.

  4. #4

    Re: Last boss is hard?

    It sounds like your party setup was the culprit. You had two all-around characters and a tank. With no first-rate healer, you'd waste tons of time trying to stay alive. I'd be suprised if you got the boss to stagger to 999% very often.

    For the main storyline, the strongest party for me was Lightning/Fang/Hope. Hope is the best mage, Fang is the strongest fighter, and Lightning is the best all-around character. Put them together and you have a very well-rounded team. Sure that is partial opinion, but look at their stats. I had all of my characters capped before I did that fight. Sazh and Vanille's stats were horrid compared to the others. Snow is the best tank, but tanking the final boss is secondary to unleashing massive damage, which Lightning and Fang combined can do nicely.

    I actually thought his versions earlier in the game were far more annoying. The final boss version? Meh. His damage sucked ass. Tedious, yes. Hard? No.

  5. #5
    The Quiet One Last boss is hard? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Last boss is hard?

    Sazh basic stats are poor, but that ends up getting made up by his weapons which tend to be a fair bit stronger than everyone else. So he ends up a little better off than he first appears. Sazh is also the first character to get Haste, which makes him pretty important for some of the boss fights if you want to make your life a little easier. Hope eventually does get to Haste, but you have to wait an extra couple of chapters for it I think.

    The random death and poison were the most problematic things for me, everything else from the second fight of the final boss I could manage to get through without much of a problem. Playing a defensive game though in the fight is not a good idea since things can eventually get stacked against you. Playing more aggressively in the fight will end it sooner so that you don't have to worry about random deaths and other cheap shots that the boss has.

    It is fortunate that after the second fight the final fight is quite easy to get through. He is one of the few bosses you can juggle that late into the game. So that really helps out a lot since it means he can't fight back. The only problem is being on a timer with the doom clock ticking away.
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  6. #6
    Lady Succubus Last boss is hard? Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Last boss is hard?

    Here's a tip for the doom clock.

    ...Summon. It gets rid of it. Or at least stalls it for a while if I remember correctly. Also, Summoning fully heals your whole party, so don't just think summoning is there for aesthetics.

    If you find yourself almost dead... pull out a summon.

  7. #7
    The Strongest Fusion Last boss is hard? Gogeta's Avatar
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    Re: Last boss is hard?

    I understand what you guys are saying, but I just thought it was very hard, I had only 5 thousand HP for everyone and he totally whooped me. And yes, I did not use summons, it totally left my mind, I made the same mistake on FF X on Jecht, and I had leveled up my party very poorly and I was stuck on him for 2 years. But oh well, I did manage to beat the last boss on FF XIII though.
    Final Fantasy games played:1,2,3,6,7,9,10,12,13
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    I really didnt get too much into 1-3, I got about halfway through 6, didnt play 9 that much, and played 12 at a friends house.

  8. #8
    Magically Delicous Last boss is hard? Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: Last boss is hard?

    Equip Lightning with 3X Cherub's Crowns, and the instant death attack becomes an instant joke. Poison is easily combated by switching to Combat Clinic with good healers. The doom timer is only a problem if you have a setup without enough damage dealing. Lightning+Fang can chain a boss to 999% (Army of One ftw) and do massive damage in a short amount of time. It's all in how you want to play I guess. I prefer doing insane chains for massive damage and having little to no downtime.

    As far as summons go, I basically never used them. Compared to other FF, I personally thought they were all bark and no bite. The damage they did was pretty mediocre whenever I did use them.
    Last edited by Merlin; 05-16-2010 at 04:14 PM.

  9. #9
    The Quiet One Last boss is hard? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Last boss is hard?

    Summons are the only things that can break the 99,999 damage cap without equipment. There cap is at 999,999 by default. So when Fang caps out at damage Bahamut can still be doing more. Plus if you do any post-game content Summons will be very critical for successful killing or farming for CP/Traps/Plats until you're strong enough to handle things without them. They are also a bit of a get out of jail free card since when they leave they auto-full-heal everyone in the party and raise everyone. I think they also remove all debuffs as well.

    And poison during the fight isn't the problem Merlin. It is having poison on when Merciless Judgment comes through because there is a period of inaction where you'll be dropped to near 1 HP and then poison will off your entire party if it is on you still before you have the chance to heal yourself. It took me a while to figure that out since the interface gets removed and it is easy enough to mistake a Merciless Judgment strike for a killing shot when in reality it is poison finishing you off (since Merciless Judgment can't actually kill you).

    Depending on how strong Fang is in the party at that time 999% may not even be necessary for you. She can easily cap out on damage at that point if you're strong enough.
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  10. #10
    Magically Delicous Last boss is hard? Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: Last boss is hard?

    Hmm... I don't recall ever getting down to critical levels in that battle. Did you have your characters capped? His attacks did a shitload of damage at times, but it was easily mitigated with Combat Clinic, which was already selected before he did it.

    I haven't done the end-game stuff, so I guess I'll give summons another try. I got bored with the game after the mediocre ending. Overall the game was way too easy.

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