Should I worry about grinding until I get to Pulse? Where is a good place to go when you first start Pulse?
Should I worry about grinding until I get to Pulse? Where is a good place to go when you first start Pulse?
You try to Behemoth Kings, yet? Well, you can look at this for a worthwhile investment of your time.
YouTube - Final Fantasy XIII: CP farming in chapter 11 *PART 1 (xbox360)
What the video doesn't explain is you MUST get a Preemptive Strike, or else the fight will be too hard. Preemptive strike, Stagger it, and unload.
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
I was using the...Rangda, I believe they're called. The little penguin-y things that summon or -aga you. There's an area with a ton of them and they don't have a large respawn radius so you could just keep running in a large circle to fight them all. They're pretty easy to fight even without a preemptive strike and the CP is decent for the effort. I was grinding there for awhile after I discovered how much tougher Gran Pulse is compared to...everything up to that point, more or less.
Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn
Really when I first got to pulse...just exploring the Massif area gave me a HUGE boost along with the areas in M'ahahabra (sp?)
This is my signature. It's not good now, but later on it might be. Who can say...
...can you?
There's a King Behemoth and a Megistothrian (sp) in a fight near the entrance to Ma'haraba (sp). They're fighting each other, so you always get a pre-emptive strike.
Kill the Behemoth first. If he stands up (and he will about 10 seconds after he hurls the other guy), you should start over. It just turns into a never ending battle then... and he'll hit you and the other opponent.
But, it's 6600CP. I filled out the remaining role levels for all my characters using those two.. Just finish, then run up the hill past the save point, turn around and they respawn before your eyes.
In Mah'habara when the path first splits into two, take the left path which would lead to: a group of two Cryohedrons which net around 2200 Cp. The next group consists of 3 Cryohedrons and 2 Hoplites netting around 5200 CP. The next group is just 3 Cryohedrons for around 3100 CP. The final group consists of 5 Hoplites netting around 4400 CP.
Once you go through all the groups, the 3 Cryo and 2 Hoplites will have respawned and so will the 2 Cryos; once you fight those again the 5 Hoplites have respawned and repeat process (it appears to me that the 3 Cryos never respawn). All these battles should take less than a minutes, around 30 secs, and are easy to pre-emptive and are easy in general.
The three groups that respawn net around 11,800 CP in around one minute and thirty seconds. If my math is correct in a 20 minute time frame a player should be able to acquire roughly 157,333 CP.
Edit: These numbers are not with the Growth Egg equiped as I have not acquired it.
Last edited by Zargabaath; 03-25-2010 at 12:41 PM.
Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x
That's what I'm using now at end game. It's a lot easier at this point. The battle takes anywhere from 30-40 seconds, depending on if the Behemoth gains his HP back or not. Having the "Boost" synthisis is pretty key though to getting this battle done as soon as possible. Then just run back to the save point and they will respawn. Within an hour of doing that I had about 380,000 CP. Not to shabby.
This is my signature. It's not good now, but later on it might be. Who can say...
...can you?
I used that trick as well. After fighting the one Behemoth so much, I decided to do some exploring. I'd read about this battle, so I went searching for it. Unfortunately, I spent about 30 minutes searching all over the damn place for it. >_>
The bright side is that I filled the map up during my search, which was helpful when I took on a few Cie'th missions. Finally, I discovered it, realizing it was one the way to the goal. I find unloading with Lightning, Fang, and Snow to be the most effective. I'd say forget staggering them, as the stagger meter for the Behemoth King is so high, you can deal 12000+ damage with each hit. Everytime, I managed to kill the Behemoth before it finished transforming. The other monster is pretty easy to take out. I had an average of 25-30 seconds for a quick 6600 CP. If only I had the Growth Egg at that point... (I don't have it yet, but I've read about what it does.)
I could've sworn someone talked about an Ochu fight worth much more, but the fight cannot be Preemptive Strike'd, so its too hard. =/
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE: