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Thread: TFF Families...what the hell are they for??!

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  1. #1
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    TFF Families...what the hell are they for??!

    So let's say you have a TFF brother/sis/parents/bf/gf/wife/pet/slave/etc (disclaimer: some of those listed may be synonymous or interchangeable), do you actually do things with them?

    I am not new to the TFF Family concept. I remember having a brother before with a member named chocobo_{something} (can't remember) and a sister Arus Kim (I think). Other than put names in my sig, I really don't remember anything else. Wonder if that has changed or different with any of you.

    So yeah...that's about it. /random babble

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: TFF Families...what the hell are they for??!

    I'm part of one member's family.

    Back when I was apart of Square Ultima when it was alive, there were many families, and I think I was in a few...probably even Tiffany's. I guess back when the forums were way more active with people it meant more, I don't know.
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  3. #3
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: TFF Families...what the hell are they for??!

    I started a family with brothers nd sisters of arms with toughts of using it as a basis to a rping club. It was to be the balance of good and bad called the Order. Had a bunch of people interested including the leader to the SoI (the good side) and was talking to someone else about the dark side as setting one up for them too.

    When I went to clubs my proposal was shot down and ran through the mud because it was considered a faction and at the time factions were not allowed so also the thought of a dark side was shot down also.

    Was a good idea that was gone faster then it originated. Sucks but don't have time to actually set anything like that up again and put it all back in order. But the whole concept centered using TFF family.

    Was partialy made up to increase activity in this area of the forum.

    CPC8 uses this forum to recuit members into the brotherhood. Haven't had any applicants lately but for about a year it was the most active thread in this forum.
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  4. #4
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: TFF Families...what the hell are they for??!

    @Meier - That sounds cool. I am actually interested in joining any sort of active RP club. >_< I have been getting bit by the RP bug lately and got no one to RP with so it kinda makes me sad lol.

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