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Thread: A family for Trunks!?

  1. #1
    Mojo Jojo A family for Trunks!? Trunks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    A family for Trunks!?

    I don't exactly know what this does but I'll ask:- who wants to be my family?

    All applicants welcome!

  2. #2

    Re: A family for Trunks!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Trunks View Post
    I don't exactly know what this does
    It doesn't do that much - but you'll have some people you can refer to on TFF if you have a family.
    That means: You'll have lots of fun and friends. ^^
    Good luck finding your family!

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  3. #3

    Re: A family for Trunks!?

    TFF family is just for fun, it can look something like this (my old family):
    My TFFFamily:

    "My Amy Whynehoose Lovin' Bro, Dimi"
    "My Toejam and Earl buddy, Pete"
    "Peanut butter and Lemon flavored Frozen yogurt buddy, Clint Eastwood
    "My mysteriously often blood covered but always polite big sister Anachlirium"

    "Artistically Inspired Insufficient Mage""THE American President James K. Polk
    "My undercover partner, Rocky “aka Chupacabra”
    "My Devilish Artsy sister Violet"
    "My Personal Internet Pirate Loaf"
    "My "Brother Gami'n Sabin"
    "Crazy Navy Brother Ruin"
    My seductive and sexy sister Mistress Sheena
    "My Vibrant Pocket-size Nephew Fate"
    "Improving his marks with Marx: Alpha""The Good Omen Albatross Psiko
    " Belgium Brute, Ragna Toad
    Music Man Maridia

    You don't have to give them titles you can just list them if you want.

    Also I want to be in your family!

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  4. #4
    Just kind of there. A family for Trunks!? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: A family for Trunks!?

    Sure, You can be my little brother.

    Or the dog.

    Your choice.
    -My Tee Eff Eff Family-
    Unknown Entity, My recipe trading, PS3 playing cousin.
    And then just like that i'm gone again.

  5. #5
    Mojo Jojo A family for Trunks!? Trunks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: A family for Trunks!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Calvan
    Sure, You can be my little brother.

    Or the dog.

    Your choice.
    Say wha!? Dude, I'm applying for a family of my own. I ain't being my own brother... Or my own dawgggg. You be my familys dog, bro. Although, I suppose for your family I could be the dog.

    CONGRATULATIONS: Mel is now a family member, lvl 1. Or, you know, something cool...

    I'll edit it in soon. What are you gonna be I wonder...

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