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Thread: Your first Final Fantasy game

  1. #1

    Your first Final Fantasy game

    I'm sure there is a thread like this somewhere, but I didn't see it based on a quick search.

    Anyway, what was your first Final Fantasy and what were some of the most memorable parts of the game for you?

    My first was FFIV, back when it was still the USA FFII SNES version. My brother and I played it when we were kids and the part of the game that I'll always remember in a nostalgic way is when you first enter the underworld. I still remember the very first time we made it to the underworld. It was epic lol. That may be why the whole part of the game where you're in the underworld is my favorite part.
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  2. #2
    Registered User Your first Final Fantasy game i.aM.BlissKaZE's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    My first was Crisis Core on the PSP, I remember watching the opening cutscene like 5 times before I started the game, then when I beat Genesis, then when the game ended so suddenly...

    I really miss the Aerith cutscenes ;3 she was such a cutie...
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  3. #3
    TFF's Resident Messenger Your first Final Fantasy game Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    The first Final Fantasy game I owned was IX. One of my brother's friends was selling his copy in order to get a PS3. I jumped at the chance to own it. He had brought the game to our house and played it. So, when he offered to sell it for only $7.00, I couldn't wait to own it. Disc 2 wasn't playable, so this friend also gave me his memory card that had a save after the Disc 2 intro scene (where Dagger and Steiner are on the train). It wasn't cheating because there was nothing special about it, it was just a normal save with no cheat codes, special items. The save actually had less equipment than my final Disc 1 save.

    I did end up buying a brand new copy of Final Fantasy IX a few years later. Yes, I spent $20 for one scene.
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  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Your first Final Fantasy game Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    Final Fantasy IX, for couple of hours only I'm afraid, after which I had to return it to my cousin. Not enough to make a proper judgment, though I loved the adventure feel of it.

    I asked my parents to buy me a copy, they did, just wrong Final Fantasy. I got Final Fantasy VIII instead, drastic difference, but it was still a great introduction to the series. Over the years my love towards characters, and story of Final Fantasy VIII has weakened, as both are rather poorly done, though I still love it for it's gameplay, triple triad, and exploration.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  5. #5

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    Final Fantasy VIII it was. I had never play Final Fantasy, so i downloaded it. My computer bach then was very slow, so this was pretty cool game for it... And then i just started to love Final Fantasy! Those cutscenes! That story! That battle system! It was wonderful!
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  6. #6
    Just kind of there. Your first Final Fantasy game Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    I was about 7 years old. I had the original for NES got it in a box of games.
    I didn't know what i had. And sold it to a friend for 5 bucks.

    Years down the road I got VII, And really fell in love with the series.
    And started kicking myself for giving up the original so cheap.
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  7. #7
    G'day Your first Final Fantasy game NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    I guy I used to know was playing Final X, and that's what got me to like it. I already knew about it, but had never played it. So, he and I played from 1 to 6 together. It was a good time. But I haven't play 7,8,9 or any of the spin offs. But I'd really love to play them all, from the first to the last.

  8. #8

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    I played the handheld re-makes first. I'm pretty sure it FFV Advance for GBA.

  9. #9
    The British Guy. Your first Final Fantasy game Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    I was extremely young although i played it cause on the surface when you ignore all plot lines it's pretty simple haha and my cousin was playing VIII i jumped at the chance to play it and i liked how the characters looked and acted, Before i could read i was playing Final Fantasy VIII, I asked my nan to read it out it didn't make a difference tbh although even with this large handicap i still got to the end of Disc 2 then got entirely stuck haha
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  10. #10

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    Final Fantasy IX, aged 10. I'd never really played any RPG's before, just platformers mainly, confused the hell out of me! But after getting used to the simple gameplay I was loving it, getting my a*se kicked at every boss still though and having to restart constantly; especially frustrating when you haven't saved in a while and you bump into something that just annihilates you instantly (damn those Yans!) and I still enjoyed it immensely more than anything since MGS.

    It's the most significant Final Fantasy to mind for me, and the door opener to every single other Final Fantasy to date.

  11. #11
    Registered User Your first Final Fantasy game Caladbolg's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    Final Fantasy X - I rememeber it! my brother and I got a playstation 2 and we got a demo of it, I was a lot younger and a bit stupid I didn't know it was roman numeral 10 I actually thought it was Final Fantasy "ex"

  12. #12
    I will save the world Your first Final Fantasy game Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    I first played Final Fantasy VII on the pc when I was 13 years old, I was so into the story about taking out Shrina and Red XIII it got me hooked and then I started playing all of the FF's, it was a good time.

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  13. #13

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    I asked my parents to buy me a copy, they did, just wrong Final Fantasy. I got Final Fantasy VIII instead, drastic difference, but it was still a great introduction to the series. Over the years my love towards characters, and story of Final Fantasy VIII has weakened, as both are rather poorly done, though I still love it for it's gameplay, triple triad, and exploration.
    Funnily enough, I feel the exact opposite. Compared to other FF games, VIII had pretty weak gameplay IMO, but the story line was so poignant at times, and how it all wrapped up at the end essentially coming full circle? Brilliant.

    FFVIII was my first love, then I went on to FFVII, which had the best gameplay in my opinion. Then FFIX, which I enjoyed but not enough to finish, and finally FFX, which took me a while to get into but eventually is the FF game I ended up sinking the most time into (200 hours... don't judge).

    FFXIII? Beat it, but don't remember much of it at all. Uninspired eye candy with not a single likable character, except for maybe Sazh.

  14. #14
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Your first Final Fantasy game Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    Quote Originally Posted by Vegeta76 View Post
    Funnily enough, I feel the exact opposite. Compared to other FF games, VIII had pretty weak gameplay IMO, but the story line was so poignant at times, and how it all wrapped up at the end essentially coming full circle? Brilliant.

    FFVIII was my first love, then I went on to FFVII, which had the best gameplay in my opinion.
    Junction system offers deep customization and it has direct influence on your stats, you can approach any situation in several different ways, in other words it has tactics feel to it, not to mention your opponents level up with you which gives certain amount of challenge, thus excellent gameplay. However, junction system is easily exploited, which also leads us to VII's gameplay, materia system while impressive at first is highly flawed and as with junction system easily exploited. Nevertheless, both are still fun to mess with.

    Regarding the story, it relies way too much on teen love for my taste, if you look at the full scope a lot is left unanswered or given a poor explanation. Both Rinoa and Squall heavily overshadow other characters, as for the main villain, I appreciate her as a brilliant mastermind, but she's not fleshed enough and her motives don't have strong foundations if at any.

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  15. #15

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    Yeah, I'll definitely agree with you on FFVIII having a pretty lousy main villain. That's probably my least favorite thing regarding the game's story. As for the unanswered questions, I didn't mind them too much, as there's enough hinted through subtext to allow players to draw their own conclusions. In a lot of ways it reminds me of the "LOST" of Final Fantasy games, where for every answer there sprouts up at least two more questions, haha. Being a Lost fan might explain why I'm also a fan of VIII.

    Also, have you ever heard of the Squall is dead theory? While I don't agree 100% with the author's observations, it is rather interesting, and helps shed some new light on the game.

    Perhaps even more interesting is the theory that Final Fantasy VIII and III exist in the same world, spread apart by hundreds -- if not thousands -- of years.

  16. #16
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Your first Final Fantasy game Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    Quote Originally Posted by Vegeta76 View Post
    Yeah, I'll definitely agree with you on FFVIII having a pretty lousy main villain. That's probably my least favorite thing regarding the game's story. As for the unanswered questions, I didn't mind them too much, as there's enough hinted through subtext to allow players to draw their own conclusions. In a lot of ways it reminds me of the "LOST" of Final Fantasy games, where for every answer there sprouts up at least two more questions, haha. Being a Lost fan might explain why I'm also a fan of VIII.

    Also, have you ever heard of the Squall is dead theory? While I don't agree 100% with the author's observations, it is rather interesting, and helps shed some new light on the game.

    Perhaps even more interesting is the theory that Final Fantasy VIII and III exist in the same world, spread apart by hundreds -- if not thousands -- of years.
    I've read almost every theory there is regarding Final Fantasy VIII, few actually make sense and would tie things down pretty well, my personal favorite is Rinoa being Ultimecia which would explain quite a few things, but when Square oficialy denies every posible theorie even though they make more sense then what they had to offer they lose certain amount of charm to them.

    There's no such thing as perfect story, but Final Fantasy VIII leaves us with too many unanswered questions I'm afraid, that's ok with older titles, in fact I love older titles for leaving us to our imagination but for day and age where storytelling in games evolved drasticaly I consider this to be a huge flaw. Same goes for Final Fantasy VII where fans have to go beyond adding some backstory to certain character.

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  17. #17

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    My first FF was VII. I got it for Christmas when I was a lot younger (can't remember how old, probably around 1 or 12). I had no idea what kind of game it was and I was instantly hooked as soon as I started playing.
    Soon I found out that my friend was playing FFVIII and we would swap stories about things that were going on in the respective games. I remember how surprised and pleased we were when we spotted links between the games (the same Summons turning up was a big happy shock!)

    I found out Aeris was going to die before she did when a friend let it slip and I was a little heartbroken. After I completed it and the credits had finished rolling and the bonus cut-scene had finished I just sat and stared into space, then wandered round the house in a daze. Nothing in life seemed the same anymore, I'd never been witness to a storytelling experience like it. Final Fantasy VII influenced so much about my opinion on video games, on storytelling, my interest in mythology and folklore, my understanding of writing and character development, the list goes on.

    I'm glad to have found this forum, because when I try to explain what FFVII did to me no one (apart from my stepdad weirdly) understands and people just roll their eyes. But I'll never forget my first time, nor the excitement I got when new ones like IX and the re-release of VI came out. Happy times.

  18. #18
    The White Wizard of Fynn Your first Final Fantasy game Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    My first was FFVIII, when I was ten or eleven years old. I played the hell out of it and got IX a few months later. I rented X when it first came out and borrowed VII from a friend. By then I was hooked on Final Fantasy.

  19. #19

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    My first Final Fantasy game was FF The Mystic Quest for SNES. It was hard when I started playing it, especially the skeleton boss thing, because my game was on auto my ally wasn't helping me out. Then I dumped it and started playing FF6 and after that FF4 and then MQ again. This time I beat it.

  20. #20
    Passing fair judgement Your first Final Fantasy game Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    I played Crisis Core first because I liked the front cover lol. My favorite part would have to be the cutscene at the end of the game when Zack charges the Shinra soldiers.
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  21. #21
    All is One.One is All. Your first Final Fantasy game Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    The first FF games I ever laid hands on was actually Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy X. ...But,I do remember the first time I watched a FF game being played. I was about 5 or 6 and I clearly remember my stepdad playing FFVIII. I was Shiva ( err...he renamed Shiva for me),and I would always get mad when he didn't summon 'me'. Lol
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  22. #22

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    Hi all
    I have Final Fantasy Xii but I will be getting the others soon Watch this space.

  23. #23
    Registered User Your first Final Fantasy game Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    VII was the first I ever played. I grew up watching my brother play so eventually I started to myself.

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  24. #24

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    Myy first FF: X, first owned FF: IX

  25. #25
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game


    Hence my username? lol

  26. #26
    Crash Boom Bang Your first Final Fantasy game Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    FFVII, came across it by chance really, id of never thought to buy it myself, had i njot, id of saved myself a fortune over the ywears

    its so hard typing on the floor ):

  27. #27

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    My first FF game was FFVII. I still can remember the woow feeling I got when playing it. The explosion in the beginning was so cool

  28. #28

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    I didnt have a Playstation, but one day a friend on mine brought his over with FFVIII. I fell in love with it! I bought a PS2 not long after, and ended up getting FFVIII and FFIX around the same time.

  29. #29

    Re: Your first Final Fantasy game

    My first Final Fantasy game was Final Fantasy XII for the PS2. I had just finished playing Kingdom Hearts and was like, "Oh they're really similar! I want to play it!"

    In 2007 I felt like I was playing the hardest game ever, but that's what made it fun! Needless to say, I gave up after failing at the first boss. Fastfoward to the summer of 2011: in boredom of my dust-collecting Wii, I pop on the disc and decide to start from the beginning. Oh my God! It was then I decided to play them ALL.

    I fell in love with XII. I could fall asleep to the Dalmasca Estersand theme. <3

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