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Thread: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

  1. #1

    Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I believe that the title says it all. You just need to have played the game in order to bash it into oblivion.

    Final Fantasy 10 made me question my allegiance to Square. I've come to terms with 7-8 (I get the feeling that a few posters are gonna call me on that) being what they are. Bad, yet bearable. I liked FF9 when I had it, so I just thought that 7 and 8 were just experiments. marginally failed experiments sure, but experiments are meant to fail (as my old chemistry teacher once said, but then again he wasn't all there). FF9 was a good return to form if a bit lacking in innovation. But...the story to 10 is the stuff of nightmares. I've already posted reasons why I despise this game, but I'll leave you with the plot hole that made me bang my head against the wall.

    After Yuna gets captured for the fiftieth time, Tidus learns that Yuna will die if she gets the final aeon and that the Al Bhed have been kidnapping summoners so that they don't get killed trying to defeat Sin...But what about the hundreds of thousands of people that will be killed by the flying Doom Whale?!

  2. #2
    Black Wizard Lvl 16 Magic Your most despised Final Fantasy game Master Garland's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    It is FFX-2 for me and FFX in general, but X-2 the most. I hate that X-2 turned all non mystical and pop like it was just a mockery to the FF series. As a matter of fact because of X-2 I can never bring myself to play FFX regular ever again. The whole atmosphere of FFX-2 was that of a bimbo Charlie's Angels thing and not anything like the way FF is supposed to be like. IMHO FFIX and lower are the games that define FF but FFX and up is not even in the same league.

  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Anti, my response for the Al Bhed kidnapping but still people dying to Sin.

    The Al Bhed believed they could destroy Sin without the need of the Final Summoning.
    which works

    That is my only take on why they wanted to save the summoners, even though many others were dying in the process.

    My most despised FF game? I would say X-2 but I honestly never played it, I only watched a friend play it. If I had to choose, it would have to be FFV. As much as I like the game, it's really the only FF game I don't like to play compared to any of the others. II is close to V, but I like the idea of the customizing in II; just the time consuming part of it is what makes me not like it.
    Last edited by loaf; 03-06-2011 at 04:55 AM.
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  4. #4
    Registered User Your most despised Final Fantasy game Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I stopped loving FF games coming out when X came out, (same time when Spirits Within came out and sucked balls) and the games after that were worse.
    Still like most of them and played them alot, just not nearly anything close to the ones before PS2.

    Probably most despised is XII, didn't like the storyline or the shortness of the fake-depth at all, not a bad game overall but this one along with X-2 and DoC were pretty sucky compared to the others.
    But even more so i think the Crystal Chronicles and Tactics games were the worse but some people have a thing for them, that's why they keep coming out.

  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Your most despised Final Fantasy game Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Despise? Not really the word I was looking for. It's no secret that there are some bad games in franchise, still, no reason to hate them, played worse to be honest. I guess what I really despise is the fact that Square, Final Fantasy in general became huge trademark in game industry, meaning, they can get away with anything. Prime example would be Final Fantasy X-2, which by the way is is mediocre game at best, nevertheless, it received excellent reviews solely due to Final Fantasy stamp. This goes for not just Final Fantasy, some other titles as well, "cough"Zelda"cough", though that would be for another discussion...

    I guess I could mention the worst entry's in franchise, in my opinion of course. When it comes to main series it would have to be Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy X-2 in general. What really kept me playing both games was the gameplay, the job system to be more precise. Other than that, nothing really appealing about them.

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  6. #6
    I want to play a game. Your most despised Final Fantasy game Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Final Fantasy XIII. While Final Fantasy X is very linear it does offer up some freedom in a few ways; Final Fantasy XIII is not very linear, it's restrictive. How is it restrictive:
    - the player cannot choose the party or party leader till late chapter 9.
    - portions of the crystarium grid are locked till passing certain points of the game plus the level of customization on the crystarium grid is small; mostly going straight forward, side-paths are small.
    - no backtracking till chapter 13 when the player can go back to Pulse or Eden.
    - most areas are a line that winds a bit but with little to no divergent paths that have any relevance. (Yes Final Fantasy X is like this but with FFXIII this goes along with the restrictiveness.)

    Also the story was horribly done and with poor dialogue but good voice-acting. The Snow x Hope arc was done poorly. Hope and Vanille were my least favorite characters. I had issues with Snow as well. The fake deaths that are prevalent and done poorly and/or not explained. The bringing back of one character that is not necessary. The lack of explanations to what some things are and/or why things are happening & there is some translation errors that make things a bit worse. The ending. The focus on too much character development with the plot scattered scarcely. Limited screen time given to NPCs. Poor villains.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antidrall View Post
    But...the story to 10 is the stuff of nightmares. I've already posted reasons why I despise this game, but I'll leave you with the plot hole that made me bang my head against the wall.

    After Yuna gets captured for the fiftieth time, Tidus learns that Yuna will die if she gets the final aeon and that the Al Bhed have been kidnapping summoners so that they don't get killed trying to defeat Sin...But what about the hundreds of thousands of people that will be killed by the flying Doom Whale?!
    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Anti, my response for the Al Bhed kidnapping but still people dying to Sin.

    The Al Bhed believed they could destroy Sin without the need of the Final Summoning.
    which works

    That is my only take on why they wanted to save the summoners, even though many others were dying in the process.
    To expand on Loaf: the Al Bhed did not believe that summoners ought to die, through the final summoning, in order to save Spira (this was stated in the game). As Loaf said they believed through technology Sin could be defeated. It was a difference in views: the Al Bhed believed it was wrong for summoner had to sacrifice themselves and the church perpetuated the idea. Sin had always come back from defeat to the final summoning, the Al Bhed saw the summoner's sacrifice as meaningless. Though Yuna says giving Spira even a small respite to Sin is enough reason for her. Plus she & others believed that one time Sin would finally be defeated through the final summoning - a lie.

    You really ought to learn what a plot hole actually is: a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot, or constitutes a blatant omission of relevant information regarding the plot. These include such things as unlikely behaviour or actions of characters, illogical or impossible events, events happening for no apparent reason, or statements/events that contradict earlier events in the storyline. What you called a "plot hole" of Final Fantasy X in this thread is not a plot hole. Make sure you understand what you are trying to argue. The Al Bhed had a different view on the matter than the Church of Yevon plus the denizens of Spira, that does not make it a plot hole.
    Last edited by Zargabaath; 03-07-2011 at 12:01 PM.

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  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I'm going to go with Final Fantasy X, but mostly for a really shallow reason. I thought the story was pretty good, the music was pretty good, and I cried at the end (which in my book states it must be pretty good), but I couldn't STAND the voice acting. Tidus just had this voice of a pubescent, whiny, spoiled brat boy. I found him very irritating - worse than Vaan, imo. Yuna sounded dreamy the whole time. All the NPCs/unimportant characters just sounded so fake and over the top. I don't think the acting for Lulu, Wakka and Kimahri was too bad - they actually had the best I think.

    I don't know why, but I found Wakka irritating too. I can't believe Lulu is pregnant by him in X-2, but I guess I picked up the tension between them in the main game. Still, I thought Lulu wouldn't dream of him taking all those belts off.

    I also hated the Sphere Grid. Not as much as I hated the system in FFVIII though, but enough. It was just really confusing to me.

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  8. #8

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Despise? I used to despise VIII. It's still my least favorite but I don't hate it like I did when I first played it. I felt it had the least compelling cast since III with a few exceptions, and I only liked one of those exceptions. The story needed serious work, the junctioning system was messy/tedious and beyond broken, leveling was counter-productive (seriously, I don't get this at all), I didn't enjoy Triple Triad, the scene on the Ragnarok between Squall and Rinoa made me gag, Squall's shift from "Sigh, can't you go save Rinoa?" to "I want to hear Rinoa's voice" was too abrupt and could have been smoother, and I could go on and on with my complaints...
    I warmed up to Squall's character as I got older but I don't care much for him and I dislike Rinoa; in fact I didn't care for most of the PCs. Ultimecia was a mediocre villain with ridiculous, counterproductive goals that I couldn't take seriously.

    However, what I did like of the game, I REALLY liked. That is to say, Laguna. I love Laguna. He's my second favorite character in the series. I like him enough that it's worth playing through a game I barely enjoy at all just to see him in action.

    I don't hate VIII, I just... don't like it.

  9. #9
    Registered User Your most despised Final Fantasy game Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Oh boy did I loath 9! It's funny because it does have a following, but I began on 7 & 8, and those are my top two still. 10 & 12 are top 5's and the Old school FF 6 makes my top 3. Even 4 for me was far superior to 9, but I just have absolutely no idea why anybody likes that game, much less loves it.

    I'll just start with the Mini-Games and Sidequests. Do you like watching paint dry? Because jumping rope 1000 times, delivering Mog Mail to no avail, and playing hot and cold with Chocobos was that boring. WORST SIDE GAMES EVER! Oh and good lord that card game was the epitomy of evil. They didn't even give you the rules for crying out loud!

    How about the characters? Well Vivi was awesome. Garnett was passable. Freya was cool. But Steiner? Dope. Amarant, Quina, and Eiko were total garbage, and Zidane was a flaming girly man. What happened to the manly heroes like Cecil and Locke? And the Bad guys? Kuja was more girly than Zidane. Bahrane? I guess.

    I'll take a moment now to tell you how much the Trance System sucked!! Utter uselessness.

    And as for the gameplay. Good lord it was sooooo linear while pretending not to be. You couldn't do anything until disk 3 aside from whatever the next step was. There was never a choice to make, no side villiages or side quests to do. Nothing.

    I swear, I'll give it another play through eventually, but I just do not get this game, and to see so many people list it as a favorite? I'm just scratching my head over that. What's to like?

  10. #10

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    It's quite clear from several of my posts Which one I despise most but for people who don't browse everywhere I'll say it, FFXII.

    Characters are all terrible and bland. The battle system while "new" us uneventful and unimpressive. The story is so boring I'd rather hit my hand with a hammer. Even the style in looks of the characters are mostly bland and forgettable. Nothing seems to *Pop* in this game its a whole dreary affair. If for some reason you want to see more check anywhere in the FFXII part of the forum you are bound to find a more thorough if not ranting explanation as to why this game sucks.

    In ways I can see how FF7 has earned some of its hate with overhype but I wish it happened more with crappy games that were overhyped that properly deserve hate like Halo or something. Many people even admit FF7 wasn't spectacular to them because of the let-down the hype set them up for. That and its endless additions probably do more damage then anything to the title.
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  11. #11

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I'm pretty sure I noted this in another thread, but I'll say it again. XD

    My least favorite FF is VIII. I couldn't tolerate Squall or Rinoa, and the battle system simply never appealed to me. Considering I couldn't stand the two who end up in a romance, the story just never clicked for me. If I remember correctly, I abandoned it somewhere on Disk 3. I still have the game, though I don't see myself ever becoming motivated enough to try it again.
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  12. #12
    Registered User Your most despised Final Fantasy game Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I get the romance part, and you not liking it, but the junction system was seriously fun I thought.

    No doubt, pump yourself up and try again. The fight with Weapon in this game, and even the battles leading to him, and then the final battle, were absolutely the two most fun fights I've ever played in a FF game, bar none.

  13. #13

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I'll think about it. Right now, I'm involved in XIII (of which I hated at first but have grown to actually enjoy.) Then I have other games to play when I'm done with that. If VIII were to get another chance, it wouldn't be for quite a long time. Maybe by then, I'll be more open to trying it out again.
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  14. #14
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Your most despised Final Fantasy game Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    I get the romance part, and you not liking it, but the junction system was seriously fun I thought.
    Junction system seems tad complicated at first, I guess that would be the main reason as to why many don't seem to like it. Though if you take time to actually learn all the advantages junction system offers, it becomes rather fun to use it.

    No doubt, pump yourself up and try again. The fight with Weapon in this game, and even the battles leading to him, and then the final battle, were absolutely the two most fun fights I've ever played in a FF game, bar none.
    Omega Weapon I assume, there is also a Ultima Weapon which is quite easy to defeat. I agree though, it's one of the best, if not the best optional battle I came across the Final Fantasy franchise, somewhat challenging, not in annoying way though (I'm looking at you Yiazmat).

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  15. #15
    Registered User Your most despised Final Fantasy game Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Actually Xanatos, I'm not sure what you mean between the different Weapons in VIII,,,, The weapon I meant was the one out on that Island, and you have pass the resonance room, and then journey down through that long stairwell.

    Is there another Weapon somewhere? Maybe I'm missing something, oh no :-(

    @ Glorious Weapon - Yeah, take some time away from VIII, but I recommend looking at the Junction System as the MOST CUSTOMIZABLE system in the entire series. I seriously look at it as the upgrade system for professional FF players. We always talk about wanting customization, and that's as customizable as it gets, certainly much more so than the early games of just buying the next weapon that comes along. You can really alter your characters stats, whether you want power or defense based on what magics you attach, and the same goes for various stats you might want to utilize. Put ICE 3 to a defence stat and suddenly you're imune to any attack an ice creature would use. It's glorious. Not unlike the sphere grid really, exept you can change it up as you go.
    Last edited by Locke4God; 03-16-2011 at 07:49 AM.

  16. #16
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Your most despised Final Fantasy game Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    Actually Xanatos, I'm not sure what you mean between the different Weapons in VIII,,,, The weapon I meant was the one out on that Island, and you have pass the resonance room, and then journey down through that long stairwell.

    Is there another Weapon somewhere? Maybe I'm missing something, oh no :-(
    There are two weapons in Final Fantasy VIII, Ultima, and Omega. From what you told me it seems you fought Ultima, which by the way is quite easy to defeat. Omega is noticeably harder, challenging, even more than Ultimecia. You can find him in Ultimecia's castle, to get to him, one of your teams has to ring the bell, the other has roughly about a minute to reach the chapel, place behind the fountain, where you can face him. If I recall corectly he has five to six times more HP than Ultima, nastier attacks, and has no weakness. Tough battle, but with right strategy he is beatable. I even developed my own strategy which works quite well I'll have to say.

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  17. #17
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Omega weapon in FFVIII can suck it. The only boss fight in the game where everybody in the party must have 9999 HP or you will fail.
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  18. #18

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    I get the romance part, and you not liking it, but the junction system was seriously fun I thought.
    I found the Junctioning system to be incredibly broken, and incredibly tedious as I didn't enjoy Triple Triad, though that's just my issue because I think that most people liked TT?
    If you were doing it improperly, you got your butt handed to you, but if you did it as you ought to, you were ridiculously overpowered.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Omega weapon in FFVIII can suck it. The only boss fight in the game where everybody in the party must have 9999 HP or you will fail.
    You only need one person in the party to be that high.

    I was not impressed with VIII at all. EVERYTHING could be completely owned with Meltdown and Aura. What's more is that there's no reason to cast offensive magic at all- indeed, you basically punished yourself every time you used a spell you had junctioned. This meant that you were actually encouraged to use alternative set-ups that just resulted in you either using only attack or only Aura/Meltdown+Aura.
    We are talking about a system so broken that two characters in your party can literally take out the Omega Weapon with ONE COMMAND. Sigh...

  19. #19

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I don't despise any of the games but my least favourite was 10-2.

  20. #20
    Dalmascan princess Your most despised Final Fantasy game lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    despirsed means hate right?
    FFX-2, i dont see the point i it to be fair. they could have just left FFX as it was, it had a good enough ending right?

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  21. #21
    Final Fantasy Noob! Your most despised Final Fantasy game ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I didn't enjoy Crystal Chronicles when I tried it. Might try it again...but I remember hating it.
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  22. #22
    Dalmascan princess Your most despised Final Fantasy game lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    what game console is that on?

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  23. #23
    Peace Through Power Your most despised Final Fantasy game Kinzerelli's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    There were two Final Fantasy's I hated, and one I wasn't keen on.

    The two I hated were XI and X-2, and the one I wasn't keen on was IX.

    Can't say anything about XIII as I don't have a PS3 or X-Box 360.

  24. #24
    Final Fantasy Noob! Your most despised Final Fantasy game ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Quote Originally Posted by lady ashe View Post
    what game console is that on? was the one that had multiplayer, but if you wanted to have four people playing at once you needed to hook up four gameboy advances as the controllers....

    Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII

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  25. #25
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Your most despised Final Fantasy game nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I don't despise any, that's just too strong a word to use when it comes to games, I reserve that word for my enemies xD

    I don't dislike any of the games per se, but X-2 was my least favourite, because it was mainly all about "Girl Power." There's so much girl power now that men feel disenfranchised lol.

    I liked dresspheres and the ability system that came with them, but most of the game made me think "How the hell didn't any of these spheres get discovered in the Thousand Years of Sin's reign?!?!"

    Mehh, it wasn't that good, and the percentages for the Perfect Ending were frustrating.
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  26. #26
    Dalmascan princess Your most despised Final Fantasy game lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    ahaha... true, my brother didnt like x-2 because he had to play three girls

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  27. #27
    Passing fair judgement Your most despised Final Fantasy game Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I don't dislike any of them per say, but if I had to it would be the Crystal Chronicles for the Wii. Truly an awful game, at least in the standards of FF.
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  28. #28
    All is One.One is All. Your most despised Final Fantasy game Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I love Final Fantasy,and because of that..I cannot really hate any of the FF games But there are three FF games,that made my list of 'I don't want to play it again for a long time'

    1. FF DoC: Did not enjoy this game one bit,at all.The story sucked IMO and I hated the way you fought in the game

    2.FF X-2: The first time I played this game,I was 'ok' with it.But after I tried to replay it again,thats when I was like,WTF did I like about this game? I liked the dresspheres and the battle system,but the story..idk..ruined FFX IMO.

    3.FFXII- The story was..soo...boring.I didn't like the battle system all that well,but it was alright.The characters were ok,but not the best.Actually the only character I liked in this game was Ashe. -.-
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  29. #29

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    All the FF's are good screw the haters, if you don't like them then most likely you don't get the system. Except FF Mystic Quest, that game is just god awful...

  30. #30

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I've loved every Final Fantasy game i've played - however my least favourite out of the set would probably be I or III. Don't get me wrong, i love these games - but they are probably my least favourite out of all the games, mainly because you start the game with practically all the characters. At least with the others you acquire new characters over the course of the game (keeps things interesting and fresh) xD
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