View Poll Results: Is the first Final Fantasy you ever played your favourite today?

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Thread: Is your first FF your favourite?

  1. #61
    Registered User Is your first FF your favourite? Horhay's Avatar
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    in my own head.

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My first and favorite is VIII. Yes, part of it is because it was my first, but out of the FFs I've really played through, I've become more immersed in the world of FFVIII than the others. Maybe that'll change once I have a few more FFs under my belt, but I don't see it happening. I love the world Squaresoft created for VIII. The Gardens, the cities, the world in general, a very good soundtrack (X rivals it though in my opinion), and how the story and characters evolve as the story goes on. Oh, and Zell. Zell is cool.

  2. #62
    Boxer of the Galaxy Is your first FF your favourite? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My first ff was VII. It holds a dear place in my heart. having such a nostalgia attached to it, I think it will always be my number 1. Although FFVIII comes a close second and IX a third (see the pattern here). I think firsts have a major advantage when it comes to favoritism. If you havnt, I highly reccomend playing VII, its just amazing. Ignore the stigma people try to point out about it and just enjoy the game.

  3. #63
    The Persistent Flourish Is your first FF your favourite? Alice's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My first Final Fantasy was *technically* VII, but my disks became damaged before I even beat the first boss. My first serious playthrough of any FF game was VIII, and I completely destroyed that game even as a young child. I liked it, don't get me wrong, but.. it didn't pull me in enough. I have nothing against it, and hell, if I had any working copies of the game right now, I would play it again. But it just didn't make me love it as much it probably could have. Who knows why.

    No, I played VI much later, and I got hooked. I own what people call the dreaded PS1 port, but I don't think the load times are actually that big of a deal unless for some reason you constantly go in and out of the menus (which I never do, I do quick setups that will last a while that are always effective). I love the characters in the game. They can all hold their own in the plot, the villains are brilliant (Ultros is bloody hilarious) and.. I could go on forever. Did I mention that all of the World Map themes are brilliant?

    Oh and, Terra. /fanboy

  4. #64

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My first Final Fantasy was the very first one: FFI! =) Although it is one of the very few FF games I have actually replayed, I would say my favorite would be VI. FFI I loved for the exploration and size of it's world. It felt like a real adventure. The problem is that it feels very generic and bland with little backstory or character development (although I was very surprised and excited to find out it robots AND time travel near the end. ROBOTS!) FFVI, however, has some of the greatest and most memorable scenes, characters, and storylines in the series, in my opinion. Most all of the playable characters were fleshed out with their own unique back-stories and personalities, as well as a unique fighting style. I also really liked the magic system with equipping espers and all that.
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  5. #65
    Registered User Is your first FF your favourite? Diyala's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Actually it is! my fist ff was FFX , and it is the one and only that made me fond of this series even being in such forums either , and no matter how different ff games I try , my first would certainly be my best !

  6. #66
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Is your first FF your favourite? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My First FF Game That I've Ever Played I Believe Is FFVII, And It Is To This Day One Of My Favorite Games, And Is One Of My Favorite FF Games Too. I'm Talkin' 'Bout The Original. It's Still A Really Awesome Game, Even Though The Graphics Aren't As Awesome As They Used To Seem...XD It Is One Of Those Games That I Would Actually Like To See A Full Remake Of.

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  7. #67
    Fueled by Coffee Is your first FF your favourite? Elise's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My first was FFVIII and it's my top 5 (or 6), so the answer is no, but it was the one that introduced me to the series so it holds a special place in my heart, that's probably what's keeping it hanging in no.5 lol

    My top favourites are FFIX and FFXII, so there isn't a clear pattern for my preferences, since IX was my second and XII was one of the latest.

  8. #68
    I will save the world Is your first FF your favourite? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    I've said it in many different forums posting and I'll say it again. Final Fantasy VII was the first final fantasy I played when I was 12 years old, and I got hooked!

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  9. #69

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    That really depends on what my first Final Fantasy game was. Technically, my first one was VI, but I only played it for an hour, got stuck, and then stopped playing it. It was FFI that got me into the series, but since you really can't compare it to the rest of the series, it wasn't my favorite. But afterwards, I played VI until I beat it, and it's my favorite in the series. So yeah, I don't know how to answer this question.

  10. #70

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Technically, my first FF game was Tactics: Advance. Although I didn't enjoy it because of the rules you apparently had to follow (e.g. NO USING BROAD SWORDS 'TIL THE TIME STRICKS 34, NO YELLING "Black Betty" TIL SOME ORGASM HAPPENS, etc) and the (then (I played this game when I was around 7-10 years old)) confusing menus/format.

    However, my first official FF game was X. While I enjoy the concepts shown in the beginning/mid portion of the game such as "Being taken from your home or a familiar place and into a world filled with strange creatures and exotic lands", I didn't really enjoy it. I guess this is thanks to seeing the same scenes 4-5 times before I got bored and the seemingly complex sphere grid.

    The only official FF game I enjoy (so far) happens to be FFI for the NES. I guess it mostly has to do with the fact that it was the game that launched the whole series and made Square Soft tons of cash, thus saving them from bankruptcy. There's also the whole fact that it allows you to choose and name characters and pretty much use your imagination.

  11. #71
    Consistently Average Is your first FF your favourite? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Technically my first Final fantasy was VII but I was about 6 or 7 at the time so I had no idea what I was doing or playing and had no memory card for my PS1. I consider X as my 'first' Final Fantasy because I could acually play videogames at that point. At the time it was an awesome game but since I bought XII and have played a decent amount for some of the older titles, it kinda lacks in comparison. Still, I have fond memories from this game and in no way do I consider it inferior to the others.
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  12. #72

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    I definitely think that the first FF game you play has a lot to do with which is you're favorite because it's like no other game as to how involved you get.

    I played IX when I was young don't know how I got to the 3rd disk but when I did the PS2 came out so I didn't play it. Obviously went back to it and started it again years later and it's definitely my favorite.

  13. #73

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Not for me. I liked the first FF I played and it got me interested on the rest of the series but it wasn't my favorite of the bunch, not on my top three.

  14. #74

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    For the first 5 or 6 years from playing my very first final fantasy (VII) it was always my favorite.
    Not even a question in my mind.

    But now, I'm not so sure. I don't go through the final fantasy games a lot, but i went through them just recently. I couldn't even stand to play VII. I had so much more fun playing IX and X. It made me really doubt that i even had a favorite.

  15. #75
    The White Wizard of Fynn Is your first FF your favourite? Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    VIII was my first. When I first started playing the series I preferred it to VII and IX, but in time grew to like IX more, and as soon as I played X there was no longer any contest for me.

  16. #76
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My first FF is VIII. And yes, it is still my favorite. *hugs TFF username*

    I also liked FFX because of Lulu but VIII will always hold a special place in my heart. I got a few weird experiences during the height of FFVIII popularity that I am glad it was over with though.

    As for VII, I just can't see past the hype (probably the reason I don't care for it.) But I love Vincent. Him and Squall are tied on top as my fave FF male characters...maybe Vincent a little ahead. Sorry Squall. lol

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