I have to say that mine's Jecht (Not cloud or sephiroth?! GASP!!!). Sure, his brave attacks take some time to master and playing as a musclebound, shirtless Adonis is a Homophobe's nightmare (not a homophobe. just joking) but when you do get a hang of him (bow chicka bow wow) he's a pretty damn awesome character. not only this but he's got a good place in the story. He's a father who's pretty damn scared of showing any emotion other than macho, forced to fight his son who desperatly wants to beat the shit outta him. He properly disciplines his son by Shoving a sword(which to be perfectly frank, should be censored) through his gut, incinerating him and kicking molten boulders at him. all in all, he's a badass character and a badass father to boot...Kinda reminds me of my dad...the molten boulder part especially.