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Thread: Where the fiends come from

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  1. #1

    Where the fiends come from

    I currently replay FFX and got to the scene in which Lulu tells Tidus that the Sending is important. She tells him that the dead are raging so much and envy the living so that they become fiends.
    I also currently play FFVIII and I got to the scene in which Squall is told (by whom I don't remember, haha .,.") that the fiends are coming from the moon. (Something with tears from the moon.. I don't quite remember that one, has been a few weeks that I saw this ^^")

    So I was quite stunned that in both games there was a reason that fiends exist. In this thread, I'd like you to help me complete the list, as I don't remember if there was anything said in the other games about the fiends.

    And of course: Which of these ideas do you like best? Do you think they're good or bad ideas? I mean, do you actually think that it fits the story and do you believe that this could be happening in such a world?

    As for me... I loved the way Lulu told Tidus where the fiends came from. And it fits the story so perfectly.. all the fiends you beat will be sent after fighting them. That was quite nice. I told my mom a few days ago that it was a good thing to slay all those monsters and she was a bit shocked about that. But after I explained to her WHY I need to do this she was also a bit stunned. I don't think she expected a game to be so full of story xD"
    After thinking about this for a while, I really began to love the whole story with the fiends being unsent humans. ^^

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  2. #2
    Registered User Where the fiends come from
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    I may be wrong about this, since it's been a while since I've played FFIX, but I think the Mist in that game caused monsters to appear. I also think that they were just called monsters, not fiends (in FFIX).

    I know that when the world in FFIX gets engulfed in the mist, a lot of stronger monsters appear, and mist plays a pretty important role in FFIX.

    I thought it was kind of neat how the creators came up with a reason why there are so many monsters running around in the world. They could have just plopped them in the game and not cared about when, how, why they are there, but the creators didn't go that route.
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  3. #3
    O Rly? Where the fiends come from Arch's Avatar
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    I Totally forgot aboutin FFX that when you slay the fiends they do get sent (Hence the fire fly looking things) but as for any other story about firends sry i do not know about but i am currently playing FFXII and i will keep watch for that

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  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Where the fiends come from Xanatos's Avatar
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    The backstory of monsters appearing in FF games was first explained in FF VII where humans and animals exposed to high degree of Mako turn into monsters.

    In FF VIII monsters are send from the moon called Lunar Cry.

    In FF IX monsters are spawned from Mist (Remember that Kuja made those Mages from mist) which is made from the souls of dead people from planet Terra.

    I haven't played FF X, X2 and XII so I don't know anything about that for these games
    Last edited by Xanatos; 07-28-2009 at 10:43 AM.

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