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Thread: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

  1. #1
    Registered User What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Locke4God's Avatar
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    What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Seriously there are a bunch, but I want to hear what your favorites are.

    Possible Spoilers if you've not played some of these games!!!

    Areis dying was obviously huge from FF7. My favorite though, believe it or not, was Palom and Porom sacraficing themselves when the team was about to die, by turning to stone in order to brace the entrance for the team's escape. The pair stayed that way for almost the entire rest of the game, and I kept returning, hoping that I could help them. It was breathtaking to see them that way, and a super cool moment in the series.
    Last edited by Locke4God; 03-18-2011 at 08:13 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?


    Hm, probably the whole World of Ruin in FFVI. And the fact that I let Shadow... oh well, you know, I was just stupid when playing the game. XD" I still regret it.
    However, I wouldn't have thought that Kefka really destroyed the world. And I really thought most of my party was dead. ^^" So that was quite shocking.
    Also, I was like "OMG DON'T DO IT" when Celes
    wanted to commit suicide.

    And, in XIII:
    When Sazh tried to kill himself.

    Yes, I know, I'm always shocked because of the "OMFG SOMEONE KILLS HIM-/HERSELF!!" moments, but... well, I just put too many emotions into those games. ^^""

    Another thing I'd like to mention... if you KNOW that Aeris'll die... you're not shocked at all anymore. At least I wasn't. I was rather sad at that moment. ^^"
    Last edited by Freya; 03-18-2011 at 08:36 AM.

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  3. #3
    Registered User What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Good call on the FF6, Kefka BLOWED UP the world moment. That might be the winner actually. How crazy was that?

  4. #4

    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    The biggest one that comes to mind right now was
    in FF6... waiting for shadow on the floating continent.
    During my first time through I was feelin' all the drama
    of the moment, with the tense music and the screen shaking,
    I came across the prompt "WAIT FOR SHADOW?"" I waited
    and waited, not knowing if he'd actually show up or not...
    The countdown timer crept closer and closer to 0, and
    I was about to piss in my pants from all the pressure. I decided
    "eh screw it, I'm NOT risking starting all over and going through
    all those bland cutscenes again for this... I'll see shadow again,
    I'm sure of it
    "... Thinking I'd get shadow back, I save my game
    in the World of Ruin. When I found out that I COULDN'T get
    shadow back, that was my big OMG moment... I sat there
    shocked... losing one of my favourite players for the rest of
    the game.

  5. #5

    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post

    Hm, probably the whole World of Ruin in FFVI. And the fact that I let Shadow... oh well, you know, I was just stupid when playing the game. XD" I still regret it.
    However, I wouldn't have thought that Kefka really destroyed the world. And I really thought most of my party was dead. ^^" So that was quite shocking.
    Also, I was like "OMG DON'T DO IT" when Celes wanted to commit suicide. @_@

    And, in XIII: When Sazh tried to kill himself.
    Yes, I know, I'm always shocked because of the "OMFG SOMEONE KILLS HIM-/HERSELF!!" moments, but... well, I just put too many emotions into those games. ^^""

    Another thing I'd like to mention... if you KNOW that Aeris'll die... you're not shocked at all anymore. At least I wasn't. I was rather sad at that moment. ^^"
    All those moments.

    Celes committing suicide was a bit of a heart-clencher. I don't even care much for Celes but when her only companion dies (most likely as without strategy guides its very easy for Cid to die) and the world is crap and things look that bleak you start to feel for her.

    When Sazh almost killed himself in FFXIII that's when the game really picked up for me. I was like, "whoa, now this is powerful", the normally goofy character pulling a stunt like that.

    Aeris Dying was a shock for me the first time. I was young and new to video games, I wasn't used to main characters (especially ones I played) dying permanently. Part of me was even like "Noo my items equipped on her!" lol.

    There are likely others i can't think of at the moment. I keep thinking of "Wow!" moments instead like the FFVI Opera scene right now.
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  6. #6
    HRH Albha What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Personally I feel that the biggest OMG experience I ever had in an FF game was in FFXIII.

    When you reach the end and you see the final screen and then instantly the logo for the game makes sense. That probably had the biggest buildup of any other FF game. From the moment the logo was unveiled to when the first players finished, it essentially had months of buildup.

    I would have said the famous scene in FFVII but...

    I wish I'd been able to find a better image, but Square Europe messed up and if you can't tell, look at the first game screenshot closely.

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  7. #7
    Registered User What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Good Moments Dan,

    You know I'm glad that you brought up the Opera Scene,,,, because I read about it being sorta iconic, and then I played the game, but I think I just don't quite get it. It's sort of a whole, Optional isn't the right word, but kind of an incidental, doesn't really effect the plotline moment, so I've always wondered why it is held in such a high regard. Can you help explain? I think I'm missing something.

  8. #8

    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    Good Moments Dan,

    You know I'm glad that you brought up the Opera Scene,,,, because I read about it being sorta iconic, and then I played the game, but I think I just don't quite get it. It's sort of a whole, Optional isn't the right word, but kind of an incidental, doesn't really effect the plotline moment, so I've always wondered why it is held in such a high regard. Can you help explain? I think I'm missing something.
    It's probably more of just a preference thing. You're right, its not really crucial to the plot but I feel it was a nice "mini-game" (if you can call remembering 3-4 lines a game).

    I like the music and how it was before full voice acting for games was even an option (being an old SNES game) they were able to pull it off so well. I actually like it better with the "muffled tones" for voices then some renditions I've seen of it fully voice acted. I'm not sure of that kinda thing was done in FF games before or any RPGs at that time. The improvising that Locke does is kinda funny and the first time I was able to screw with the lights/switches was funny too.
    Lastly it introduces one of my all-time favorite characters; Setzer.

    Overall, its not like a godly moment that changed gaming forever or anything but for me its one of the several great milestones or rather a fun juxtaposition within FFVI. So sometimes it may be overhyped but I still like it.
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  9. #9
    Magically Delicous What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?


    Well clearly the first time I played FFVII, the death scene was a shell-shocker, so I won't even dwell on that one. Playing through FFIV had an OMG moment towards the end. One by one your party members sacrifice themselves for the cause, giving their lives to save the world. I'm OK with that and think it is epic. What I'm not OK with is at the end they all magically appear and go "PSYCH! We aren't really dead!!!" That wasn't an OMG moment, it was an OMGWTF?!?!?!? moment. The storyline was deep and engrossing, and the ending totally ruined the entire plot. Each death had meaning, ruined by them coming back from the dead(or fake death).

    The Sazh suicide moment in FFXIII was a WTF moment for me. His death would have been an excellent climax for that part of the game and made for an interesting plot line. Having him show up right afterward unscathed ruined the mood and any possible angles that could have come from it. I could see if he DID shoot himself in the head but their medics kept him alive just to torture him... but this? No. It was such a wasted opportunity.

  10. #10
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Other members have already mentioned several big ones, no need to repeat the same thing over, and over again.

    Moment where you find out Zidane's true origin, fact that he's supposed to be a dark messenger, true angel of death. Destruction of Terra, Clerya...

    Final Fantasy XII had it's fair share of OMG moments, Reddas's sacrifice for instance, though the biggest one in my opinion is the moment you find out Vayne's true motives, time I came to realize how different he really is from other villains in franchise.

    The ones from Final Fantasy IV can be described with one sentence - "OMG" you're alive, how the hell did you survive that".

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  11. #11
    Registered User What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    @ Xanatos - Good choices,

    I wanted to ask you, I'm a little confused, having just finished 12, what Vayne's intentino really was. It seemed he did want to rid the world of the God's control, just like Cid, which would almost make him on the same side of the Heroes. But then he's attempting his own world domination along with that? I didnt' quite get it. Help me out.

  12. #12
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    As seen in game nethicite holds fearsome might, what Vayne had was artificially made nethicite from either Dusk, or Midlight Shard, which are only a fraction of Sun Cryst, power which even Gods themselves feared. Now imagine if Sun Cryst was in Vayne's possession. Dalmasca, and Nalbadia were crushed two years before the main events of Final Fantasy XII, time where Vayne got his hands on Midlight Shard, which resulted in creation of artificial nethicite, and Nabudis's doom.

    Although Arcadia relied heavily on army, his father thought Larsa would be ideal choice as Archadia's new leader, as Larsa would solve conflicts in peaceful manner. Vayne south to protect Larsa, after all Larsa was the only brother Vayne spared when he decided to trim the competition. Instead he killed his own father which made him a new leader by default. With his new power he marched for the Sun Cryst, which was why Ocurians rushed Ashe to use the Sun Cryst to destroy Archadia. Ashe refused to use the Sun Cryst, Cid on the other hand didn't. Destruction of Sun Cryst ment freedom for people of Ivalice from clutches of Immortal Ocurians, as Bahamut was considered to be absolute power in world of Final Fantasy XII.

    Unlike other villains in Final Fantasy franchise, Vayne didn't have a selfish goal. To acomplish his goal Vayne had to sacrifice far more than any other villain, but then again Vayne is not your standard, cliched villain.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 03-18-2011 at 02:29 PM.

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  13. #13
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Leon's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    First, in FFX, when Seymour ominously reveals Kimahri being the last Ronso before your third fight with him. Even though later in the game you realize some of the Ronso actually survived Seymour's attack. It was pretty sick just learning Seymour dispatched of the Ronso with, apparently, hardly any effort.

    Next, Josef's, Mindu's, and Ricard's deaths in FFII. (I played the Origins version so Ricard was named Gareth instead). Josef stopped a giant boulder long enough to save the party. It's my favorite between his death and Galuf because I don't think Galuf, being an older man, would have been able to hold off that boulder nay longer than Josef had. But I would be impressed if he had the muscle to do it.

    Ricard's also because of the way he dies. Castle Palamecia itself blows up and is replaced with Pandemonium. He managed to hold off the Emperor long enough for the party to escape. But it's the way he dies that amazes me.

    Mindu's death was epic, but pointless. To me, Ultima wasn't that great of a spell. I leveled it up a lot and it kept dealing the same amount of damage. I understand it relied on your Spirit for its power, but it was a middle finger to me when I found out leveling it didn't increase its power. Even using the scroll as an item didn't do a lot of damage. Tell me again why it had to be sealed away in the first place? >.>

    Finally, the fight between Alexander with Bahamut in FFIX. After witnessing Bahamut's power once, I thought he was going to destroy Alexandria but i was surprised when Alexander actually killed him.

    The reason I refuse to say Aeris's death is mainly because I think it could have been prevented. She could have asked someone to protect her while she did her thing but no, she runs off by herself. Now, I'm no VII fan so if there's reasons behind why she had to go alone in the first place I'll be happy to hear them. I don't want to hit anybody's nerve since it's just my opinion anyway.
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  14. #14

    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Ahhhh, all these XIII spoilers. Had to skip almost all the posts above as to not to spoil myself. Sorry.

    Unfortunately, I played VII late where everyone on the internet was going "Aerith's dead," so it wasn't a big event for me. I'm sure if I've never heard of the event, I would've been surprised, but I wasn't. It might also be the reason I don't really feel a connection to Aerith either like other people.

    At that same note, I didn't much care for Shadow either. I didn't even know I could save him until after the game. I don't know why, I just didn't like him.

    My most OMG moment would beeeee...
    Tidus's death

    in X. Every game up to this point always had the lead character live at the end (look at IX). X-2? No, he died. Really. End of credits? No! I said he died. So there.
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  15. #15
    Crash Boom Bang What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Zidane and Vivi having a wank in madain sari

  16. #16

    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post
    Zidane and Vivi having a wank in madain sari
    I don't...remember that. o_o
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  17. #17
    Registered User What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Quote Originally Posted by mineteaser View Post
    I don't...remember that. o_o
    Here's a video from a walkthrough of that scene if you wanna refresh your memory. The video should start at the point that Lily is talking about, but if not, then skip ahead to 2:04 to see it. Also, I think they're just peeing off the side of the cliff, but I lol'ed when I read "having a wank". It certainly puts that scene in a whole new perspective for me.
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  18. #18
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    On that note, Zell desperately wanting to see Squall's "gunblade." I just saw that scene again today; don't think I've actually played that one since 03. A friend had decided to start it up again. We were all loling. Especially when Zell calls Squall a "SCROOGE!" because he refuses to show Zell his "gundblade." Oh, Zell...

    I agree on Celes' death scene and Kefka destroying the planet. I saw those two scenes, along with Sabin and Edgar's flashback scene at Figaro Castle, late one night. I was pretty blown away, I remember. I also agree on Zidane discovering his origins, and that whole "You're Not Alone" sequence really stuck out to me for some time after I played that game.

    For FFVII, how about the flashback to when Cloud threw Sephiroth into the lifestream-with a sword through his abdomen, no less. Also, the final use of Omnislash on Sephiroth at the end of the game. Those were both jaw-droppers for me.

    Going way back, the Elia, Maiden of Water's death in FFIII really struck me. Even though we barely knew her, I was still pretty struck by her death. I think the music had a lot to do with it. Has a lot to do with a lot of these games. Sets the mood. Anyhoo...

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  19. #19
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Hmm, well...
    In FF13, the whole ending confused me.

    When Vanile and Fang turned into Ragnarok, all I can say was wha?

    Oh and

    When Sazh threatened to shoot Vanille and then himself.

    Oh and

    When Lightning bich slapped Fang, I wanted her dead...

    I was hoping Fang killed her... >.>

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  20. #20

    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Here's a video from a walkthrough of that scene if you wanna refresh your memory. The video should start at the point that Lily is talking about, but if not, then skip ahead to 2:04 to see it. Also, I think they're just peeing off the side of the cliff, but I lol'ed when I read "having a wank". It certainly puts that scene in a whole new perspective for me.
    Ah. I see. I thought they were peeing. Guess everyone has a different take on what "tinkle tinkle tinkle" is. \=|
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  21. #21
    Badass Military Agent What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Obviously some of the moments described above with the exception of Aerith's death I was quite content with seeing Sephiroth dispatch of her, quite happy indeed.

    From FFX
    When Tidus found out Sin was his Father

    And Also from FFXII

    When Balthier took his ship back from Vaan and Penelo at the end, i was like hell yeah he's back

    And also from FFVIII

    When Edea stabbed Squall in the stomach with that big ass crystal, I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    and also from FFIX

    When Kuja destroyed his home planet, I was like..... what a badass

    and also from FFXIII

    when Hope was gonna let Snow fall, I was like go ahead Hope kill that mofo

    and last but not less from FF Tactics

    when I found out Cloud was a playable character, I was like WTF really he's the only one >.> you gotta be kidding me Squaresoft >.>

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  22. #22
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! What's your favorite OMG moment of the series? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite OMG moment of the series?

    Maybe i'm just being a goof, but my OMG moment was in XIII.

    At the end, when you are talking with Barthandelus as Fang/Vanille, and he uses his smoke and mirrors to make the rest of the party turn into an illusion of C'ieth ... i was like "WTAF?!?! I just spent the whole game upgrading, farming CP until the Crystarium was complete and spamming oretoises and doing the maximum number of stone missions before having to complete the game to do the rest, and he turns my party into monsters?!?!" but then they all appeared back and it was a *have a cigarette, glass of wine and wipe a bead of sweat of the forehead* moment lol.

    Of course, the Aerith death, Zidane's true origin and purpose and realising Tidus is a dream come in close to this.

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