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Thread: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

  1. #1

    What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    I'm wanting to know peoples favorite Final Fantasy music themes prior to the PS2 preferably from the SNES or earlier.

    I know that One Winged Angel and Aeris/Aerith's theme a favorite of a lot of people so could you name other themes besides those?

    Some of my Favorites are:

    You're Not Alone - FFIX
    Forever Rachel - FFVI
    Kefka's Theme - FFVI
    Devil's Lab - FFVI
    Nostalgia - FFV
    Home Sweet Home - FFV
    Theme of Love - FFIV


  2. #2
    Registered User What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    i actually like;

    Ronfaure: FF XI
    To Zanerkind: FF X

    FF main theme, called something different in alot of games, but hopefully you know which one i mean.

    like most FF music to be honest

  3. #3
    黒い翼の天使 What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme? yuki's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    yuna theme ffx
    last order ff7 criss core
    suteki da ne ffx
    another world ffx

    thats all i can think of for now ...

  4. #4
    I would explode to save your life~ What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme? SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    Terra's theme
    Flower blooming in the slums
    Last edited by SeaAlchemist; 08-09-2010 at 10:01 AM.

  5. #5
    Rune Knight What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme? Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    Terra's Theme
    Crystal Prologue
    Relms theme
    Sanctuary of Zi'tah

  6. #6
    Never getting back together... What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme? JillXWesker's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    Garnet's theme from Final Fantasy IX, and Chocobo theme from Final Fantasy XIII.

    Love JillXWesker

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  7. #7
    Sephiroth's Girl What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme? sephirothsbigfan's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    i love the prelude musical to final fantasy vii and that will be all there

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  8. #8

    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    One of my favorites is the theme song in FFX. It is the when they go tothe temple and first find yuna and she joins the group. The sounds are angelic and I am going to get that for my ringtone.

  9. #9
    The Lone Dagger What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    Pretty much all the tracks in FF IX are my favorites:

    You're Not Alone - FF IX
    The Dark Messenger - FF IX
    Melodies of Life - FF IX
    Suteki Da Ne - FF X

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  10. #10
    Registered User What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme? Aadria's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    FFIX - Ukelele de Chocobo
    FFIX - Fanfare (of course)
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  11. #11

    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    Terra's Theme - FFVI
    Crossing those Hills - FFIX
    To Zanarkand - FFX

    I'm telling you, I've more! My brain's just not working properly...

  12. #12
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    I enjoy listening to most of the Final Fantasy music but if I had to chose my favorite it would be Liberi Fatali from Final Fantasy VIII, also, to mention some others I like:

    Final Fantasy V - Clash on the Big Bridge
    Final Fantasy VI - Forever Rachel
    Final Fantasy VI - World of Ruin Theme
    Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core - The Burdened
    Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core - The Price of Freedom
    Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core - Why
    Final Fantasy VIII - Eyes on Me
    Final Fantasy VIII - The Man with Machine Gun
    Final Fantasy IX - Ambush Attack
    Final Fantasy IX - Battle
    Final Fantasy IX - Black Mage Viallage
    Final Fantasy IX - Cid's Theme
    Final Fantasy IX - Hilda Garde
    Final Fantasy IX - Melodies of Life
    Final Fantasy IX - Hunters Chance
    Final Fantasy IX - Messenger of Destruction
    Final Fantasy IX - Rose of May
    Final Fantasy IX - The place I'll return to Someday
    Final Fantasy X - To Zanarkand
    Final Fantasy XII - Clash on the Bridge
    Final Fantasy XII - Fight to the Death
    Final Fantasy XII - Main Theme
    Final Fantasy XII - The Salikawood Theme
    Final Fantasy XII - White Room

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  13. #13
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    Most of the music in FFXI is great. I like a lot of them.

    Ronfaure is one that is very noted.
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  14. #14
    Registered User What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme? Kuja's Avatar
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    Dancing Mad - VI
    Chocobo Theme - VII
    Jenova - VII
    Dark Messenger - IX
    Victory Fanfare - IX
    Fight With Seymour - X

    That's all I can think of right now.
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  15. #15
    Registered User What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?
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    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    I've said this before, but I really dig the ShinRa Inc. theme from FF VII. It's also equally good in Crisis Core. :3

    I'm a big fan of a lot of FF music, but I would say that's probably my most favorite theme out of all the games.
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  16. #16

    Re: What's your favorite Final Fantasy music theme?

    Lol victory song

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