For FFIII Only count the Invincible (last airship you get) and for FFIV only count the Lunar Whale.
Personnaly I AP train a lot as soon as I get the airship usually.
Hehe, so basicly, I'm among the people screaming ''Let's go to cactuar island!..
Power Training (Get your characters close too 99)
AP TRaining (Level up your Jobs/GFs or Gain new abilities)
Money TRaining (You go to that place with monsters that cough up a lot of money when killed)
Do side-quests
Find new places/Just fly around for a bit
Go to secret places/Village with a shop that seels rare items
Just proceed with the main quest.
For FFIII Only count the Invincible (last airship you get) and for FFIV only count the Lunar Whale.
Personnaly I AP train a lot as soon as I get the airship usually.
Hehe, so basicly, I'm among the people screaming ''Let's go to cactuar island!..
But in the Lunar Whale, you can't enter the underworld area with it. Why cancel out the other airships? As I recall, the underworld in FFIV had secret areas.
Currently Playing:
I basically train until I can't train anymore, and maybe some mini quests's along with that. I loved the Lunar Whale, I use to snuggle with that fat chocobo in there. And I go to places I haven't been to in a while. Now that I have an airship, it makes travel much easier. Well, I guess you could say I do alot when I get an airship...but mostly train.
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It depends a lot on which game it is and how many times I've played it before. If it's my first time playing a game, I'm likely to continue on with the story and disregard sidequests and such. If it's my nth run through I'll usually take my time, do some quests and level and hunt down new equipment, etc. Sometimes I'll just fly around for fun and end up in random places. Or I'll revisit areas where major events happened. Leveling is something I don't usually go out of my way to do unless I'm having trouble with a specific boss.
Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn
I am kinda a completionist, even when I'm playing a game for the first time so when I do actually get control of an airship and can freely move about the World Map I usually head out to do all the sidequests and leveling that I can do. Like in IX I usually go finish up any chocobo stuff that I have yet to do and start playing the card game a lot because I liked it a lot.
Wanna Know More:
if its not my first run through of the game, i'll go knock out a bunch of side quest, level up, and grind for gil to get some better equipment. but if its my first time play the game through, i'll just continue on with the story.
"With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier
final fantasy xiii-2
pokemon fire red
I chose everything 'cept the last part.
I try to master the game with airships, if it's almost impossible like in IX, i just finish everything else![]()