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Thread: What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?

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  1. #1
    The Brave What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?
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    Question What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?

    Hello, as you may know, Final Fantasy Dissidia was a great game that pitted many characters from the previous Final Fantasies to each other. I am rather happy about the fact that they are planning to release a sequel to the said game. What characters you would like to see in the next Dissidia game? And what kinds of changes they would make to the already successful formula?

  2. #2

    Re: What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?

    I would like to have lightning

  3. #3
    Memento Rhapso What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?

    Side Characters!
    That's the only logical step for them to take, and we were all disappointed at the lack of Zack (lol) in Dissidia, and I myself was dissappointed in no Genesis to go with him. That makes me think, what about the others? Each side character in each game has had his/her own tasks to overcome, mainly a rival, and Dissidia would fit that idea perrfectly
    Oh, Norman, the were planning on having Lightning in Dissidia originally, but they were afraid it'd give away too much, so they might add her in the next one if there is one

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  4. #4
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?

    I would like to see Angeal, Zack, Weiss and Genesis for a start. I think they would be fun to play as. Then maybe Vincent, Laguna and Balthier, adding some guns into the mix, make some fights pretty interesting.

    I was surprised when Seifer wasn't put in the first one (even though Ultimecia fit into the dynamic of the story more), so maybe put Seifer in too. I'd also like to see Kain and Freya, because Dragoons rule . I think Lightning will be in the next one (assuming there will be a next one).

  5. #5
    Registered User What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?
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    Re: What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?

    I wanna see a hero that represents FF XII. Preferably Basch, since I think he would have a greater dynamic with Gabranth than if any of the other characters were chosen.
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  6. #6
    The Lone Dagger What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?

    Hopefully they can really expand it, I know that the space on a PSP game is probably a limiting factor when it comes to including all types of characters in a game but some characters I'd like to see are: Vincent, Zack, Amarant, Freya, Blank, Auron, Paine, Basch, Balthier, Lightning, Fang, Sazh, and Snow.

    I know Blank is kinda far-fetched and he probably won't be included but I liked his character so much in every aspect the little time he was a part of the group so put him in lol. Amarant and Freya are the only ones I see that deserve it from IX unless you wanna throw in a mage. The ones that I see will def get in the next one though are Zack, Auron, Vincent, Basch, and Lightning. We'll see though, can't wait.

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  7. #7
    A Plain Old Derp What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game? Padraic's Avatar
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    Re: What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?

    I think that there was a thread already for this but I forgot my answer so I may as well post my ideas in here.

    The original Black Mage, because the game seemed to lack a male mage, and there weren't many mages to begin with in that game...

    I would like to have had Celes because again she was part mage, but she also focused with some attacks, and her runic ability could be pretty cool

    Locke because then him and Zidane could have an epic "thief" battle and he was a main character from VI, sadly I can't think of another reason.

    Maybe split Cecil's two classes, and make Kain the chaos side for the Dark knight because there wasn't enough to focus on either class I found, and it would be cool to see Kain in the game...

    Maybe Sabin because he had all his blitz moves that could be changed into his abilities, and it would be cool to use a fist fighting character.

    I just realized, with this I must sound like an FFVI fanboy -__-'

  8. #8
    The Bird Of Hermes What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game? Dancing_Corpse's Avatar
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    Re: What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?

    I think they should have Auron and Khimari because I really liked them and they could do quite a bit with their move sets. I would also like to see Zell and Balthier because I liked them better than their games main characters.

  9. #9
    Registered User What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game? Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3's Avatar
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    Re: What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game?

    I love the Dissidia game, it's so kool! (See my signature???)

    I would like all/most of the KH characters to be in the new one, that would rock
    And things they could've changed would be that you could vs more than one character in one battle (More than just 1v1)
    And make it so there were three styles of battle; Action, caommand, and a fusion of the two (Like KH with the command list there, but you can move; I get so F#cked off when i go to do a dp requirement and realize i'm playing in command, epecially on the 10 sec requirements!)

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  10. #10

    final fantasy dissidia characters

    Hey Guys, Here is a complete list of all the Final Fantasy Dissidia characters. These are the Final Fantasy Dissidia supporting characters and selectable Dissidia fighters. Characters in Final Fantasy Dissidia series games are included on this list. The Final Fantasy Dissidia game characters fight each other in this fighter video game. The characters include eternal enemies Cloud Strife and Sephiroth. Feel free to use this list as a basis for your own favorite games character list.

    final fantasy dissidia characters

  11. #11
    The Lone Dagger What character you would like to have in the next Dissidia game? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy dissidia characters

    Quote Originally Posted by Mathewkey View Post
    Hey Guys, Here is a complete list of all the Final Fantasy Dissidia characters. These are the Final Fantasy Dissidia supporting characters and selectable Dissidia fighters. Characters in Final Fantasy Dissidia series games are included on this list. The Final Fantasy Dissidia game characters fight each other in this fighter video game. The characters include eternal enemies Cloud Strife and Sephiroth. Feel free to use this list as a basis for your own favorite games character list.

    final fantasy dissidia characters
    We know what characters were in the first Dissidia game, we are just thinking about the next one if they end up coming out with one and what other characters whether it be that were excluded from the first game or were in the newer games (XII & XIII) that we would want to see as playable characters.

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