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Thread: Type 0 Final Boss (spoilers)

  1. #1
    chocolateer Type 0 Final Boss (spoilers) 01habbo's Avatar
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    Type 0 Final Boss (spoilers)

    Was anyone else disappointed in the Final Boss?

    To me it felt anti-climatic, once you worked out you couldn't die until you performed a breaksight. It was pretty much just Breaksight, suck up the platoma (sp?), character dies rinse and repeat through all the characters. I mean as a story point I get it but the fight was about as thrilling as the last boss at the end of FFX.

    It was a real shame because the rest of the game was awesome, the last boss felt much too easy and I didn't feel I had achieved anything in that fight, there was no challenge. This is pretty much my only gripe with the game. The L'Cie ending last fights seemed to be more challenging and more exciting.

  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Type 0 Final Boss (spoilers) Xanatos's Avatar
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    One of the worst final boss battles, boss battles in general for that matter, I had displeasure of experiencing. Reaching him can be downright infuriating and all you get is a tightly scripted battle with no game over scenario, disappointing ain't the word.

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  3. #3
    chocolateer Type 0 Final Boss (spoilers) 01habbo's Avatar
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    If the characters hadn't been invincible it could have been an incredible fight, that is what gets me because the whole game was awesome to play. It deserved a really challenging last boss fight. Each character then dying after harvesting the energy would have felt more meaningful. As you had just fought with them to keep them alive.

  4. #4
    The Quiet One Type 0 Final Boss (spoilers) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Considering that I never used about half of the characters in any sort of real combat situation and not as sub in for the accidental death, I was fine with the way the fight played out. I would not want have to play 12 characters as well as I can play my main three and back up three. Forcing that sort of situation upon you would have been even worse, because there are some characters that I just don't like playing and literally don't have their timing down. So endless dying and repeating that boss would have made me hate it.

    It's actually one of my favorite parts of the game because of the depressing nature of what is happening and that this is literately what ends up killing them all in the end. So I enjoy it because it is an important and emotional beat in the story.
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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I really need to finish this game. I did the tutorial and got to the school and got bored.
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