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  1. #1

    Toughest battles you've won

    So, what are some of the toughest battles you've come across, but you also won?

    Some of mine are:

    *Shinryuu - Final Fantasy V -- This one was pretty tough. I failed a couple times here, but then I discovered a certain way of beating him after a while of searching the web. Thanks to the YouTube LPer HCBailly for that.

    *Ex-Death - Final Fantasy V -- There was one point in the final battle where he always got me. Every damn time until my 500th try. I don't remember how he always got me, but I know it came at a certain phase of the battle.

    *Ultima Weapon - Final Fantasy IV: The After Years -- In the final chapter, you have the option of fighting the superboss Ultima Weapon. I failed many times until finally, I was able to survive long enough to take him down. I don't have any particular strategy to thank for that. That battle I feel I really just won with luck.

    *Omega - Final Fantasy IV: The After Years -- I couldn't get him on my first playthrough. I was way too weak. My second playthough, I was stronger at this point. Yeah, not much to say here, except that I survived after a couple tries. Still never beat him in FFV.

    There were a couple monsters in FFXII that COULD be listed here, but they weren't really so much hard. They just had tons and tons of HP and it took a long time to end the battle.

  2. #2

    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    Shinryu(Also known as Nova Dragon) on FFIV TCC(TAY): Man I love that dragon... He's fun
    Omega on FFIV TCC(TAY): I don't know why but I just hate that guy :S
    Feral/Desperado Chaos (DISSIDIA 012 [duodecim] FINAL FANTASY): Most fun boss ever. I enjoyed that battle!

    Found that on Google, and wrote the text :3

  3. #3
    Registered User Toughest battles you've won
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    One that comes to my mind right now would be the fight against Barbariccia from FF IV DS. My whole party had been nearly wiped out by her, and the only one left standing was Cecil. Every time I tried to revive someone, they would get KOed again. So, needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), once she went into whirlwind mode, there was no way to hit her...

    However, Barbariccia had been poisoned by one of my team members, so the only damage that was happening to her was from whatever amount of HP was being drained by that particular status effect (and it wasn't very much ). Finally, after waiting and healing when I needed to, she finally was defeated by the poison.

    It probably wouldn't have been so tough if I had been better prepared, but eh. Live and learn.
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  4. #4

    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    Mist Dragon (FF4) : well at that time i dont know what should i do

  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Toughest battles you've won Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    Omega Weapon (Final Fantasy VIII) - Tough battle at first, until you come with decent tactic that is, even then he's one tough nut to crack, unless you're one of those cowards who uses Hero Drinks and whatnot.

    Ozma (Final Fantasy IX) - I managed to beat him on my second playthrough, Quina was my key character in this battle, the same way Quistis was against Omega Weapon. It took me several times to take him down, had harder time since I lacked proper equipment.

    Elder Wyrm (Final Fantasy XII) - Pure luck to be honest, I accidentally summoned Belias which helped me realize Elder's handicapp, he couldn't cause status aliments while summon monster was on the field, before that there were quite a couple of fails to bring him down.

    I have yet to tackle Dark Aeons, Pennance, Yiazmat, and Omega Mark XII, I plan on doing so when I decide to go for second time through their respective games.

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  6. #6

    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    I have yet to defeat Omega Weapon in FF8 but I will do that next time I go through it (I made the mistake of refining my Holy Wars and I won't do it agian!) I also need to go through 9 to do Ozma as I completed this game without use of a startegy guide and missed all that out as I couldn't figure out what to do next. However I have also not defeated Penance in FF10 without usiong Zanmato (too easy I know) that is something else I need to do and I am determined to do this soon!!! As for which of these seems the hardest I would say Penance partly due to his regenerating arms!!!

  7. #7
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Toughest battles you've won nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    I never had much trouble with super-bosses or anything, except for maybe 3:

    1) Omega Mark XII from FFXII - I didn't know the invisibility trick when I first fought him. Even without it though, it's not such a tough fight, depending on your attributes and hp levels.

    2) Long-Gui/Shaolong Gui from FFXIII - Just because it took so long to get to the point where you could survive for more than 5 minutes. I don't believe in the Death spamming, unless for farming purposes (in fact i think you can only spam Death with the Adamantoises etc, not the Gui's).

    3) Penance from FFX - I found this one annoying, because i didn't take the advice of buffing my attributes to a high enough level. Just plain pissed me off :'(
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  8. #8

    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    I just wanna say, I've officially defeated Shinryu (or Nova Dragon) in The After Years on my recent playthrough. I've always had so much trouble with him in The After Years. I never could even last one minute. In this last playthrough, though, I was more prepared and I just felt confident, so I fought and defeated him without failing even once. Yeah, this last playthrough was a good one for me. None of the crystal bosses gave me much trouble this time around.

  9. #9
    I feel epic... Toughest battles you've won Ralz's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    FFX: Yunalesca. Just... just Yunalesca. Also Seymour Flux to a lesser, but equally devastating degree. Took so many tries.

    FFIVDS: Does the whole game count? Well, Barbariccia and Golbez. They REALLY got buffed. I even ran out of Phoenix Downs for the Barbariccia one. D:

    FFXIII: If anyone remembers my bitching about the final boss...

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  10. #10

    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    Yunalesca - FFX

  11. #11
    Registered User Toughest battles you've won HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    FFX Yunalesca. That fight was ridiculous...

    FFT 13 Monks. Okay so if you run around Grog Hill long enough you'll get ambushed by anywhere between 9-13 monks. It's crazy, they all know revive and are a force to be rekoned with. :0

  12. #12
    Passing fair judgement Toughest battles you've won Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    For some reason I had major problems with Sephiroth the final battle with him. I really have no explanation for it to be honest. Than in FFXIII I have troubles wth Barthandelus, especially once he casts Death.
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  13. #13
    All is One.One is All. Toughest battles you've won Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    FFVIII-Ultimecia (was I the only the one that had trouble with her? xD)
    FFXIII-Cid ( that's his name right? Anyways I really got ticked off with him,it took me a total of 12 frekin times to beat him!)
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  14. #14
    I will save the world Toughest battles you've won Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    Zeremous from FFIV DS, I think that my game hated me because he kept using his powerful attacks like 2/3 times in a row, really tough but I finally managed to beat him.

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  15. #15
    Everyone needs a savior Toughest battles you've won the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    first playthrough of FFX seymour flux

    first playthrough of FFVIII the machine at the missle base
    (now they are easy but they used to really tick me off)
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  16. #16
    Heroine of Justice! Toughest battles you've won Super Tifa's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    I cannot remember many, but I remember that:
    -In FFX-2 the third, fourt and the last boss of Via Infinito's Dungeon in Bevelle just made me crazy in my first playthrough when I didn't knew about the cat nip+trigger happy thing...
    - In the Same Game, that I spent THREE hours to defeat Angra Mainyu in the same playthrough
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  17. #17
    Everyone needs a savior Toughest battles you've won the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    the they were pretty tough i didnt even think about that game
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  18. #18

    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    Is Yunalesca the woman who just keeps turning into bigger and bigger monsters? Yeah she's my hardest too, no question.

    Although Bizarro Sephiroth was pretty tough too I seem to remember...

  19. #19

    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    The only fight that I have found hard is Penance from X, I know this thread is for bosses you beat but thus far I haven't killed Penance but as a bosses go he is mega hard!!!

  20. #20

    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    Atma and Kefka from FFVI were very difficult; the only difference was I barely beat atma in one try, while it took me around eight tries in order to beat Kefka. And to anyone who has beaten FFVI, Kefka really isn't a boss you want to do over and over again.

  21. #21
    The White Wizard of Fynn Toughest battles you've won Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    Quote Originally Posted by mezzocarattere92 View Post
    Atma and Kefka from FFVI were very difficult; the only difference was I barely beat atma in one try, while it took me around eight tries in order to beat Kefka. And to anyone who has beaten FFVI, Kefka really isn't a boss you want to do over and over again.
    I beat FFVI again just a couple of days ago, though Kefka didn't give me much trouble. I just had Relm using Ultima, Terra using Curaga and Holy, Shadow throwing Fumas and whatever powerful weapons I had in my inventory, in addition to Mog using Jump + Dragon Hair with the Radiant Lance eqipped. The only annoying thing was when he managed to wipe out everyone but Shadow just before I finished off the third part of the "pillar", so I ended up with weaker characters when fighting Kefka himself, but it still wasn't that difficult. I'd made no conscious effort to grind throughout the game either, and my party was at an average of level 40. However, the Warring Triad was extremely annoying. It took me about five tries to beat the one that turns your entire party to zombies, and I won only that fight by sheer luck. Ultima Buster was also a pain. After he used Ultima I only had one character left standing, with about 100 HP, but as that character knew Arise I was still able to beat him.

    On my first time through VII I also had a lot of trouble with Sephiroth, but on my second run I had all of the ultimate weapons and he didn't stand a chance. I briefly had a go against Ruby and Emerald, but knew that it would require a shitload of grinding and in the end I just couldn't be bothered. I'm not a completionist and have never wanted to be.

    Although I found IX easy in general, Necron always seemed to give me a lot of trouble. Then again, I was 13 the last time I played it and didn't prepare adequately for Grand Cross.

    Zeromus gave me a lot of grief the first two times I played IV. I couldn't beat him until my party was at an average of level 68 and spent a lot of hours grinding in the final dungeon until I reached that level. But the last time through I knew about the battle speed trick and the fight became incredibly easy.

    I remember that Bomb-type boss in the forest in XII that kept casting Curaja on himself. That one took a few attempts. And then there was that giant griffin boss that went "Beserk" when his HP was almost drained, and if that battle had lasted another turn I would have lost.

    In X Braska's Final Aeon and Yuna's Aeons were a pain to defeat. I'd exhausted all my overdrives on BFA and my own Aeons would always dodge physical attacks, so I had to get Lulu and Yuna in to cast Flare on each one, or use my Aeons against each other.
    Last edited by Mindu; 11-27-2011 at 05:08 AM.

  22. #22
    Consistently Average Toughest battles you've won Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    The Garuda the gaurds King Raithwals tomb was impossible to beat when I first played XII. I had no idea you could use those berries to weaken it so it just picked off my team one by one. I fought it again last week on my new file and I whomped it (that's a word, right?) in about 30 seconds without the aid of those esker berries. I managed to deal 1000 damage to it at one point which was unexpected, who knew it was weak against Dark? I guess that's preperation for you, bring on the Elder Wyrm!
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  23. #23

    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    The toughest was probably Shinryu and the dragon in FFIV Lunar Dungeon that gives you the hero shield. It was really hard until you found out how to tackle him. Haven't gotten to Ultima and Omega in the After Years yet.

    Anyone beat Omega in FFV?

  24. #24

    Re: Toughest battles you've won

    Anyone beat Omega Weapon in FFV? I never even tried. It was too hard.
    Last edited by Odin1199; 12-15-2011 at 10:24 PM.

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