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Thread: Sony to sell off all 9.5 million shares of SE stock.

  1. #1
    Mystyrion Sony to sell off all 9.5 million shares of SE stock. C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    Sony to sell off all 9.5 million shares of SE stock.

    Sony To Sell Off All 9.5 Million Shares Of Square-Enix Stock - News -

    This is surprising really surprising to me anyways. Wonder what this is going to do to SE. Hopefully this doesn't cause 15 to be delayed even longer

  2. #2
    Certified tech, come at me! Sony to sell off all 9.5 million shares of SE stock. SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I personally hope this will be an opportunity for Nintendo to get either some Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts related titles on the Wii U. That could really provide some variety and help get more Wii U sales in. I mean, they've done pretty well with the 3DS, but the Wii U does need some extra help.

    Now I don't expect FFXV or KH 2.5 to become Wii U titles, but hopefully, we'll see some future titles on that system.
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  3. #3
    Consistently Average Sony to sell off all 9.5 million shares of SE stock. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    I don't really know how this would affect Square, or future Final Fantasy games for that matter. But I do know the games they've put out on the DS/3DS have all been pretty great over the years (maybe except for KH Days and DDD) and there will always be those NES/SNES games they can port or remake onto the handhelds *cough* FF V and VI *cough* Chrono Trigger again becuase it seems to have disappeared *cough*. So i'm not going to complain if Nintendo buys up those shares, maybe we'll see more Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts character in future Smash Bros. games.

    If it means they have to cut back on their budget a bit and make games with a little more story, gameplay and characterisation, rather than blowing it all on FMVs and the like I'd be all for it even more.
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  4. #4
    Queen Sony to sell off all 9.5 million shares of SE stock. Crescent's Avatar
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    Oh Wow. Huge news...

    They probably sold the shares because they did not see any further reason for maintaining their stake in SE. SE is washed up nowadays and are no more the influential juggernaut they once were. New gamers may find it hard to believe but during the second half of the 90s and early 2,000s, Squaresoft's support determined the winning console of the generation. Now SE has ruined FF series, the company is going in red, share price is falling and is desperately in need of a hit to make them relevant once again. Dont forget that SE basically turned on them the past generation making Star Ocean originally as an exclusive for 360 and bringing FF and Tomb Raider games to Xbox too. SE showed zero loyalty to a major shareholder a major shareholder basically jumped ship. This is just part of Sony's trimming the fat effort like they've been doing recently.

  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Sony to sell off all 9.5 million shares of SE stock. Xanatos's Avatar
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    I am pretty content with Square's work recently, save for Final Fantasy that is, I really enjoyed Tomb Raider and I simply adore Deus Ex: Human Revolution, would love to play Bravely Default as it looks amazing. Perhaps Nintendo can use this opportunity to its advantage and once more have actual support from Square for its home console, like in the old days, God knows they have money to spend, just not that Crystal Chronicles bullshit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    Dont forget that SE basically turned on them the past generation making Star Ocean originally as an exclusive for 360 and bringing FF and Tomb Raider games to Xbox too. SE showed zero loyalty to a major shareholder a major shareholder basically jumped ship. This is just part of Sony's trimming the fat effort like they've been doing recently.
    Although I don't blame Square for such actions, it's a logical move and after all profit is a profit, and God knows they need some, I have to second what Crescent wrote. Even games such as Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV, one was meant to be a PS exclusive I believe if not both, are being released on XBox One.

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  6. #6
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    @Kurt Zisa - You could try, they have both the EU and NA version of Chrono Trigger on there new though I'm not sure how much the shipping would be. I don't think the FF games need any more ports, I'd rather them focus on other titles. PAL port/release of Xenogears and Chrono Cross would be nice.

  7. #7
    FF 7 HD coming soon.

  8. #8
    Registered User Sony to sell off all 9.5 million shares of SE stock. Pikachu's Avatar
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    With all of the losses the company has had, I'd probably have sold off whatever I had in it too. No point in staying on a leaking ship.

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