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Thread: Share your thoughts of Greatest Hits versions

  1. #1
    Registered User Share your thoughts of Greatest Hits versions Cloud87's Avatar
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    Share your thoughts of Greatest Hits versions

    Do you think in your opinions you're a real Final Fantasy fan/huge fan if you own any of the greatest hits versions of any Final Fantasy including your favorites?

    Hi fellow gamers,fellow otaku,fellow Final Fantasy fan/huge fans & fellow members like myself how are you all doing so far as for me I'm doing awesome as always & in a way i kinda got the idea for us to share our thoughts of Greatest Hits versions from 1 person on youtube commented saying"5:37 noob, a real fan owns the non-greatest hits! Funny too, I could sell mine and get enough money to buy a new arcade stick. The game is overly priced nowadays. Last I checked it was almost 200 dollars for an original copy."

    So thought of asking all of you who wants to share your thoughts as for my opinions to start & do the honors i would say you're still a Final Fantasy fan/huge fan even if you own Greatest Hits versions,Platinum hits,the best(if you own PSP,PSP1000,PSP 2000,PSP 3000 etc.) versions etc. doesn't matter if you own a regular version or Greatest Hits versions of Final Fantasy you're still a Final Fantasy fan/huge fan as long as you considered yourself a Final Fantasy fan/huge fan.

    Be honest & share your thoughts & MOD & Admin if you want to banned them please don't because I'm asking everyone to be completely honest with us about our thoughts including your thoughts of Greatest Hits versions enjoy .
    Last edited by Cloud87; 01-19-2017 at 09:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Bananarama Share your thoughts of Greatest Hits versions Pete's Avatar
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    You're a fan of whatever you're a fan of, and you can discover things at different points in your life.

    I didn't have a snes growing up and I didn't get a PlayStation until 1999. I missed out on playing FFI-VI until the anthologies came out on PS1, or I found alternate means to procure them.

    The first FF I ever played was VII for the PC. It came out right before I got my PlayStation and I absolutely fell in love with it. I was hooked.

    Christmas came later and with it a PS1 and a copy of FFVIII. Again, the story captivated my 12 year old self. I was hooked for sure. The stories were incredible. I found myself researching everything I could about the series. There was no way in hell that I could afford the snes or titles.

    I think being a fan of something has more to do with the enjoyment you have of the series, regardless of how you came to find it.

    How many people are fans of a certain sports team without having gone to a game, or liking a band without having seen them in concert? It's kind of the same thing.

    There are also economic factors to consider. Not everyone can afford to just drop down the money for a brand new game. There are also titles that I wasn't interested enough to spend a full 60 on. FFXIII is a prime example of this. I played it, meh.

    Hell, I haven't finished a handful of FF games. Does that make me less of a fan? It doesn't make me any less of a fan that I don't own the nintendo versions or that I didn't stand in line at a midnight release or that I didn't shell out extra money for a special edition.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  3. #3
    Registered User Share your thoughts of Greatest Hits versions Cloud87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    You're a fan of whatever you're a fan of, and you can discover things at different points in your life.

    I didn't have a snes growing up and I didn't get a PlayStation until 1999. I missed out on playing FFI-VI until the anthologies came out on PS1, or I found alternate means to procure them.

    The first FF I ever played was VII for the PC. It came out right before I got my PlayStation and I absolutely fell in love with it. I was hooked.

    Christmas came later and with it a PS1 and a copy of FFVIII. Again, the story captivated my 12 year old self. I was hooked for sure. The stories were incredible. I found myself researching everything I could about the series. There was no way in hell that I could afford the snes or titles.

    I think being a fan of something has more to do with the enjoyment you have of the series, regardless of how you came to find it.

    How many people are fans of a certain sports team without having gone to a game, or liking a band without having seen them in concert? It's kind of the same thing.

    There are also economic factors to consider. Not everyone can afford to just drop down the money for a brand new game. There are also titles that I wasn't interested enough to spend a full 60 on. FFXIII is a prime example of this. I played it, meh.

    Hell, I haven't finished a handful of FF games. Does that make me less of a fan? It doesn't make me any less of a fan that I don't own the nintendo versions or that I didn't stand in line at a midnight release or that I didn't shell out extra money for a special edition.
    If you don't mind i have to say is i agreed some if not most or all of you what just said well said my friend well said .

  4. #4
    Consistently Average Share your thoughts of Greatest Hits versions Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    If you enjoy Final Fantasy then you're a fan. Period. The internet's full of people who feel the need to constantly one up each other. If you know that you're a fan there's no need to constantly push it on others or try to make yourself look superior. Not aiming this at anyone it's just how I feel about that topic.

    If the only copies of a game you own are greatest hits then that's great you're still playing and enjoying the game. No one on the internet can tell you otherwise or that you're less of a fan for doing so.
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  5. #5
    Registered User Share your thoughts of Greatest Hits versions Cloud87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    If you enjoy Final Fantasy then you're a fan. Period. The internet's full of people who feel the need to constantly one up each other. If you know that you're a fan there's no need to constantly push it on others or try to make yourself look superior. Not aiming this at anyone it's just how I feel about that topic.

    If the only copies of a game you own are greatest hits then that's great you're still playing and enjoying the game. No one on the internet can tell you otherwise or that you're less of a fan for doing so.
    If you don't mind i have to say is i agreed some if not most or all of you what just said well said my friend well said

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