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Thread: Secret FF games?

  1. #1
    Registered User Secret FF games? Pug's Avatar
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    Secret FF games?

    Alright. Im English. So we didn't get the FF games like you guys in America did, or the Japanese. And I swear we missed some. Yeah sure we have FFI-13 like you Americans but from what ive heared our FF II is like Japans FF IV.

    So im just curious. Does anyone know what the deal is with these hidden FF games or if it was just all rumours.

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Secret FF games?

    There isn't any hidden games.

    For your FFII->FFIV thing.

    It's true. America's FFII for NES is FFIV. Just buy Final Fantasy Origins. It's the NES version of FFII.
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  3. #3
    HRH Albha Secret FF games? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Secret FF games?

    Just to clarify every main sereis Final Fantasy game that has been released in the United States has been released in Europe.

    Format-wise, there has never been any Final Fantasy games made for the NES and SNES released in Europe. The first Final Fantasy game available in Europe was FFVII which was released in 1997 for the Playstation. FFI - FFVI have only been released in Europe as remakes or ports.

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  4. #4
    Registered User Secret FF games? Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Secret FF games?

    Thanks for the info

  5. #5

    Re: Secret FF games?

    The full series runs lke this:

    Final Fantasy (Worldwide)
    FFII (Japan only)
    FFIII (Japan only)
    FFIV (Released in US and EUrope as FFII)
    FFV (Japan only)
    FFVI (Released in US and EU as FFIII)
    FFVII (Worldwide)
    and all titles from then on have been released worldwide.

    FF II, III, and V have since also all been released worldwide on PS1, GBA, Nintendo DS and a few other formats.

    Also this list doesn't include Tactics (I'm not sure about what order they were released in, continents-wise), Legend I, II and III, Mystic Quest or Adventure, although I'm fairly sure they were all released in US and Europe originally.

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