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Thread: Revisiting Final Fantasy

  1. #1

    Revisiting Final Fantasy

    Hello everyone.
    As we all know, gaming is a time consuming hobby. Especially RPG titles can be quite heavy and the Final Fantasy titles are no exception. However sometimes we want to revisit games that we loved as a child, or maybe just games we enjoyed greatly.
    So my question to you is: What Final Fantasy titles do you play over and over again, and what is the reason behind this/these title/titles?
    As for myself, I don't have the time to revisit a lot of the titles. I have a lot of games which I have not yet completed, and as a full-time student it is hard to find the time to play a lot. However I have played through Final Fantasy I and III more than once. The reason for this is that I own these games on portable systems (GBA and DS) and they are not among the most demanding titles in the Final Fantasy series. Furthermore they can provide a very different gameplay style each time you play through them. I want to replay some Final Fantasy games, but I do not want to take the time to do so. Can anyone relate?
    Have a very nice day to all of you out there!

  2. #2
    My two big ones are FF VIII and FF X. Final Fantasy VIII came out when I was still hooked on Rugrats and playing Crash Bandicoot on Saturday mornings. I had never had much experience outside the typical platformer and fighting game. I remember playing a demo of FF VIII on a Pizza Hut demo disc. I instantly fell in love with it. I replayed the demo for a few months until I found the game at one of my local stores. The demo had nothing on the actual experience. Not only was I enjoying FF VIII for the first time but a brand new genre that would change my approach to games well in to my adulthood.

    As for FF X, it came around by the time I was a teenager. I was a little low on money after buying a PS2 and 20 packs of Yugioh cards for a tournament the summer before so it had to wait a year or so. The wait only added to the glory and awesomeness that was FF X. I played it at least 3 times during the month after I bought it. By the end of it all, I had 5 files dedicated to blitz-ball. Needless to say, I am more than stoked for the HD to come out this Spring!

  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Yes, sorry I was in a lot of chats at work and I kept reading like 1 sentence in this topic and never posted!

    I just like FF9 a lot, all of the Characters from the Main party to all the minor ones. They are just all great. I loved the story line and Zidane and Garnet are 2 of my favorite main characters ever. Vivi is just amazing from start to finish, Amarant is probably my favorite character in the game other than Zidane. Zorn and Thorn are great. It has by far the hardest Super Boss in the series I feel. (based on luck most the time) All of the side quests are just great, I personally enjoyed Chocobos. In the end though it's about the music I feel, I can listen to the OST all day long if I had to.
    Last edited by loaf; 02-01-2014 at 06:15 PM.
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  4. #4
    The Quiet One Revisiting Final Fantasy Andromeda's Avatar
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    Loaf you need to provide a little more information. ^^ They did ask why it is something that you kept replaying it over and over again. You certainly must have a reason.

    FFIX is the one that I replay a lot as well though. I've completed it more times than I can remember. It is the one FF game that I remember pretty much all of the details and even remember the background music that plays in areas and recognize parts of the game by their music. I replayed it a ton partly because it was only one of the few games I had at the time, but also because it was pretty much everything I wanted. The characters were a lot of fun, it it was a good fantasy setting that ignoring the cloning more technological airships, remained fairly low tech and it had a great sense of scale that gave it the right amount of epic fantasy adventure. There was a lot of adventure and going to unusual places. It was the reason I got into the series and what I want the series to return back to eventually.
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  5. #5
    Consistently Average Revisiting Final Fantasy Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emiliow View Post
    However I have played through Final Fantasy I and III more than once. The reason for this is that I own these games on portable systems (GBA and DS) and they are not among the most demanding titles in the Final Fantasy series. Furthermore they can provide a very different gameplay style each time you play through them.
    Have you played Final Fantasy V? It's available on GBA as well and what you said pretty much sums up how I feel about it. If you haven't tried it I would definitely recommend giving it a go.

    I don't tend to play rpg's like Final Fantasy over and over. Once I've beaten the story I like to keep playing until I've beaten all the extra sidequests and stuff like that, and then I put it down for a while. Although I'd love to be able to play XII again, it's my favourite one of the series but I keep getting faulty disks second hand. I don't want to risk paying extra for a brand new one only for it to have the same problems.

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  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Revisiting Final Fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    I find myself replaying VIII the most, gameplay wise my favorite game in the series. Junction system is fun to mess around with, and I tend to spend hours upon hours just playing Triple Triad, by far my favorite mini game. IX is my close second in that regard, along with VIII only FF's I've beaten more than twice.

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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    Have you played Final Fantasy V? It's available on GBA as well and what you said pretty much sums up how I feel about it. If you haven't tried it I would definitely recommend giving it a go.
    In fact I have. Though I have not played through it more than once, but it is a fantastic game. Definitely among my favorites, if not my favorite overall. I played through the entire game with my good friend so I have certain memories connected with this game. However that was on the PS1 maybe I should look into the GBA version...

    By the way, thank you for your replies. It is interesting to see.

  8. #8
    The Old Skool Warrior Revisiting Final Fantasy LocoColt04's Avatar
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    My go-to is definitely FFVI. I make it a point to complete it at least once a year, but it usually happens twice or more. Since release, I have seen the end credits on that game more than three dozen times, and I still haven't done all of the possible combinations of "if this; else that" which can be done in that game.

    The music, the story, and the ridiculous character development for almost all of the 14 "legitimate" party members (plus bad guys, semi-bad guys, etc) are what keep me going back for more.

    Should I wait, or jump?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  9. #9
    I have FF 3 4 5 6 and Dimensions on my Note 2 and I'm definitely replaying them. They're all good games I want to keep replaying. Currently am playing FF6 and it's a blast replaying it again on better gfx.

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