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Thread: PS4 FF7 Remake?

  1. #1

    Question PS4 FF7 Remake?

    I have just searched up anything about a PS4 and found out it is in production and a possible time of release is rumored to be late 2012 (also they are apparently in very early productionn of a PS5 and 6!!!). But the real question is this, do you think if they ever remake FF7 it could be for a future console rather than the PS3? Commets on this issue appreciated!!!

  2. #2
    The Old Skool Warrior PS4 FF7 Remake? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    First of all, there is no way a PS4 would be releasing in 2012 given they did not reveal one at this year's E3. I would not be surprised to see a reveal during the 2012 E3 event, but that would put its placement in late 2013 at the earliest.

    As for FFVII, I think fan demand has gotten so ridiculous now that Square-Enix may actually reconsider it... I remember an interview a long while ago where Wada had said that, while there were "no plans" for a remake, it wasn't completely out of the question. I wish I had the source for that interview handy at the moment, but... in any case, I wouldn't hold your breath for a remake, but I know I certainly won't be surprised if it happens.

    The PS4 could be a viable candidate, since the ones receiving overhauls are still the old SNES-generation titles... as we are three generations removed from those, it may make sense to finally revamp the PSX titles once we are three generations beyond their releases.
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  3. #3

    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    Personally I don't understand why people want it so much. I mean honestly I always just hear they want the graphics to be updated but not the story or engine( materia/turn base etc). Why bother? I think the above poster is right though that fan demand might win in the end look at Ocarina of time for the 3ds that game was popular and eventually remade/ported, maybe one day FF7 will as well.PS4? maybe but considering how the Tech demo went I think people would like it better on the PS3.

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  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth PS4 FF7 Remake? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    As strange as it may sound I highly doubt anyone would be happy as I if Square actually decided to remake Final Fantasy VII, not because I want to play it, I just want to see all the fans shut the **** up already, they became more annoying than Lady GaGa combined with Justin Bieber.

    After that Square could concentrate on making good games instead, like proper Parasite Eve sequel, another Chrono game perhaps...

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  5. #5

    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    First of all, there is no way a PS4 would be releasing in 2012 given they did not reveal one at this year's E3. I would not be surprised to see a reveal during the 2012 E3 event, but that would put its placement in late 2013 at the earliest.
    Yeah definitely, I haven't heard ANYTHING about the PS4 really yet, let alone it coming out in 2012 with PS5 and 6 in the works too ..... Where is this article? Can you provide a link? I would be very interested to see it....

  6. #6
    Rune Knight PS4 FF7 Remake? Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    I wasn't that great of a game. personally why should ff7 get graphics upgrade when 5 and 6 have not gotten updated with 3d sprites yet.
    I think its a waste of time and money from the company to do a remake when they can re-release it on the PS network.they make more money off you guys with little effort and they know you all will buy into it without hesitation. lol

  7. #7

    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    Sorry Cecil Harvey but I cannot remenber where I saw this info. However after chatting with some people we came to an agreement that it was probably rumours and I agree that is more than likely the right answer. However if you wanna have a look for yourself just Google it and see what you get maybe I read something wrong... maybe?

  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    If there was a PS4 being released, everyone would know about it.
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  9. #9
    That guy. PS4 FF7 Remake? Hot Shot's Avatar
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    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    I don't see the PS4 being released anytime near 2012-2013. As for an FF VII remake. I'm gonna bet that they'll make it...eventually. SE will hold out until every VII fanboy begs for it. I personally don't care either way, I still like the original PS version

  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    Out of all the games I would want to see remade, the Vice President tells us to just go buy a new copy.

    why can't they say this about VII.
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  11. #11

    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    I think it's highly unlikely that the PS4 would be released anytime before 2013 given that the PS3 is still in its prime. As for the FFVII remake, if they are considering making one then it would probably come out for the 20th anniversary of FFVII (which would be in 2017). To remake the game from scratch would take several years and at present they are still working on way too many projects to have the freedom to do so.
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  12. #12
    I will save the world PS4 FF7 Remake? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    Basically going onto a comment regarding the ps4, the ps3 is still selling pretty strong, they won't be selling their new system until shopping season for 2012. In regards to remaking FF7 for an updated system......I'm mixed.

    I love Final Fantasy VII, it is and will always be my favorite Final Fantasy, yet I feel if you turn into one of those FMV based games just for the gamers who have an attention span of 5 seconds, it will take away the awesome storyline, the music and the progress of the characters. I might some hate for that but I don't really care, I said it in a recent forum and I'll say it again

    "You don't mess with the classics, because the second you do, it's no longer a classic"

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  13. #13
    Master couch potato PS4 FF7 Remake? Peachesonfire2012's Avatar
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    Re: PS4 FF7 Remake?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hero without a Name View Post
    Basically going onto a comment regarding the ps4, the ps3 is still selling pretty strong, they won't be selling their new system until shopping season for 2012. In regards to remaking FF7 for an updated system......I'm mixed.

    I love Final Fantasy VII, it is and will always be my favorite Final Fantasy, yet I feel if you turn into one of those FMV based games just for the gamers who have an attention span of 5 seconds, it will take away the awesome storyline, the music and the progress of the characters. I might some hate for that but I don't really care, I said it in a recent forum and I'll say it again

    "You don't mess with the classics, because the second you do, it's no longer a classic"
    I agree completely Hero without a Name. People just want graphics this and better that. why can't people just be happy with what they have? If they make a remake for FFVII i think they would lose alot of respect from the real FF fans. all these posers and wannabe nerds with there love of "FFX-2 and FF12" never realized what made the games so amazing. It wasen't about the graphics it was about the immense story line, the gameplay, and the beautiful music that we still hum and whistle thru-out the supermarket today. and about PS4...really? if they make a PS4 within the next 2 years then this industry is retarded. plus i'm just now getting a PS3 next month so i'd be pretty pissed.
    Some people call it Stupidity. I call it miss-information.

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