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Thread: Which One Next?:)

  1. #1

    Which One Next?:)

    as a kid I did not play any Final Fantasy (and I was and I am huge RPG fan) game as it was very damn dear and rare in my country

    so after years I decided to buy Crisis Core (hated it first time) so I dropped it out...

    now few months ago, I decided to give Crisis Core second chance and I simply 'LOVED' it

    then I've played XIII and liked it so I decided to pick up dissidia 012 (not rpg... I know ;p) and I really liked it

    after that

    FF4: Complete Edition - ohhh... I LOVE this game Cecil is just awesome

    FF I & FF II - are already coming to me from US (import ;p)

    but after that I dont know which one should I play - need your help

    btw, did Square Enix says anything about re-making any of the older FF games like FF VII, VIII, IX or even XII??

    Thanks (and sorry for that mess above - I am a bit tired ;p)

  2. #2

    Re: Which One Next?:)

    Quote Originally Posted by MaiYun View Post
    as a kid I did not play any Final Fantasy (and I was and I am huge RPG fan) game as it was very damn dear and rare in my country

    so after years I decided to buy Crisis Core (hated it first time) so I dropped it out...

    now few months ago, I decided to give Crisis Core second chance and I simply 'LOVED' it

    then I've played XIII and liked it so I decided to pick up dissidia 012 (not rpg... I know ;p) and I really liked it

    after that

    FF4: Complete Edition - ohhh... I LOVE this game Cecil is just awesome

    FF I & FF II - are already coming to me from US (import)

    but after that I dont know which one should I play - need your help

    btw, did Square Enix says anything about re-making any of the older FF games like FF VII, VIII, IX or even XII??

    Thanks (and sorry for that mess above - I am a bit tired ;p)
    after you end crisis core, there is cloud stand in train and there are...
    TO BE CONTINUED : FINAL FANTASY 7 FF7, its the best FF for me (yeah i only play ff4 and ff7 )

  3. #3

    Re: Which One Next?:)

    Whatever you do make sure you Play FF7, FF8, FF10 and ff13 they should keep you happy for a long time trust me!!!


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