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Thread: Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most.

  1. #1

    Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most.

    Title says it all. The game and how you'd like to see it remade. I think FF8 would be the game I'd like to see in HD. FF6 in FF8 type 3D style in HD quality would be sweet as well.

  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. Rowan's Avatar
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    I think im being trolled when I see threads like this, and see anything other than FF7.

    but I would be down for any kind of remake to be honest. FF8 included. Extra content is a must.

  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    FF9 because it's my favorite, but......

    I would like to consider FF6 but it might kill the original feeling.

    8 because the graphics sucked originally.
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  4. #4
    The Mad God Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    ...All of them?
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  5. #5
    All of them would be definitely the best scenario, but considering the time and energy it takes to release a remake we have to pick ones that matter most to us. Damn, I'm playing FF9 right now and I gotta say that it is one gorgeous game. Would definitely want either 8 or 9 out first, followed by 6 and 7 later on, in that order. Then they can do 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, lol.

  6. #6
    Registered User Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    I would love to see VIII remade, because the graphics really weren't good. I have to say IX because I love that game so much, but compared to VIII I think it's graphics have done much better.

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  7. #7
    Boxer of the Galaxy Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. Rowan's Avatar
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    I dont think the graphics of ff8 were that bad. In fact, it was the first in the series to successfully create realistic looking characters and environments. I think a lot of the charm from the ps1 ff titles comes from the sprite backgrounds though. They were gorgeous works of art, very underappreciated in my opinion.

  8. #8
    Final Fantasy IX
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  9. #9
    Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. ZRO's Avatar
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    4 or 6 would be my pick, remade into full current-gen 3D. Just graphics though, and preferably with quality voice acting for important cutscenes. The DS remake of IV was good with the voice acting for the most part, but OMG that damned chibi style, UGH. But yeah, definitely 4 or 6. And for the love of all that's holy, if they remake 6, leave Terra's hair green like it's supposed to be, not this damned blondie retcon crap. >_<;
    Last edited by ZRO; 08-17-2014 at 11:48 PM.

  10. #10
    I want to play a game. Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. Zargabaath's Avatar
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    With the way the industry & SE has been producing remakes and re-releases these past couple of years, I will go with FF XV. Yes, you are reading that correctly. My logic being since SE is big into remakes/re-releases, the remake of FF XV will come out before the original.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  11. #11
    The Old Skool Warrior Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I rather enjoy your logic.

    If we play purely favorites, FFVI has to be on the list, but I really think I'd like to see FFV done first. Customization is king, if the current trends are anything to go by, and I really feel like of the sprite-era games, FFV would flourish the most. FFIII is an obvious suggestion there, but it's recently seen upgraded treatments on DS, iOS, and Android.
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  12. #12
    MagiTek Knight Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. SilentMage's Avatar
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    In my book, Final Fantasy VI is top of the list of FF games to be remade. Ideally, it would be in full 3D, similar to what we got with FFIV on the DS. If we went all-in on graphics for a modern console, I think that would be pretty amazing, though I fear if that happened, we'd get all the characters having a design similar to the current FF games and not in line with Yoshitaka Amano's art style.

    ...So yeah, keep the remake on the 3DS, please.

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  13. #13
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. Xanatos's Avatar
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    I played Final Fantasy IX quite recently and I must say it aged rather well, most gracefully out of the ones on PSOne for sure. With little bit of tweaking on your emulator you can make it look even better, in other words I'm pretty content with its state as it is.

    I wouldn't mind seeing a remake of Final Fantasy VIII, a simple graphics overhaul would do, with some additional content if possible. That recent port onto Steam is disgraceful, for some reason the original PC version has better looking cutscenes, not to mention inferior music to PSOne version, all easily fixed but still.

    I feel Final Fantasy V & VI would lose certain amount of charm going full 3D. Besides, Android/iOS versions of these two games look gorgeous. I'll rather have beautiful sprites than ugly ass 3D graphics, ergo why I prefer Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection over Final Fantasy IV DS.

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  14. #14
    With FF5 and 6 I'd like to see them in real 3D and not exaggerated like in FF4 or FF3. We'd be talking FF8 (or 10/12) style with next gen HD quality and cutscenes. Although I wouldn't mind having FF5 redone in FF9 style either.

  15. #15
    Certified tech, come at me! Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    but I really think I'd like to see FFV done first. Customization is king, if the current trends are anything to go by, and I really feel like of the sprite-era games, FFV would flourish the most.
    Couldn't have said this better myself, FFV is my currently played Final Fantasy and I am enjoying the world, the system, boy is that game hard, but at the same time, its a great experience, has a villain that is legitimately threatening (seriously, if a heavily armored, magical being suddenly appeared in front of you, you would be kinda scared), and a great soundtrack that makes you feel like you're actually going on an adventure.
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  16. #16
    Boxer of the Galaxy Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odin1199 View Post
    With FF5 and 6 I'd like to see them in real 3D and not exaggerated like in FF4 or FF3. We'd be talking FF8 (or 10/12) style with next gen HD quality and cutscenes. Although I wouldn't mind having FF5 redone in FF9 style either.
    Thats what I mean whenever I say I want a remake. I want a remake with realistic quality graphics, because most final fantasy stories IMO deal with many adult issues, and they would be far better showcased represented by realistic looking characters. The environments of ff7 were amazing, but characters felt so out of place...

  17. #17
    And they also looked like Minecraft characters with slightly higher polygons.

    Anyhow, it would be cool if they made 3d chars for FF6 and 5 based on their concept art sketches.

  18. #18

    Most wanted

    FFV by far would have the biggest effect, may even change some peoples favorite FF. Thinking about my adventure, the places i went to and the events would simply make an astonishing game.

    Surprisingly very few FFvii requests, makes me think that it must be a certain group of fans, who search + create such threads, spreading and creating this perception, as some of these people who request this actually may have not played many FF's. But when you put a random bunch of long time FF fans together the outcome is very different it seems.

    I see a bunch of FFV requests, this has made my day knowing that there are others out there with that level of thought and taste.

  19. #19
    FFV on ds is alot of fun. The game has everything a good FF must have and more. It's probably one of top 3 favorite FF's I've played if not the most favorite. FF6 and 8 would be second and third. FF9 is growing on me too.

  20. #20
    Bananarama Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. Pete's Avatar
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    It depends on how you define remake. If you overhaul the battle systems, item systems or anything of that nature, can you really consider it being the same game? I have no problem with rehashing the graphics and giving the older games a current generation look, but I wouldn't want the same androgynous looking renditions of beloved 8 and 16 bit sprites.

    There's so much that can be done right, but I fear that there is so much more that can wind up as a disaster.

    If it were to be done, I think I would want the same exact game, but with a fresh coat of paint. However, my fear would be that the games would lose their light hearted feeling by replacing sprites with ultra realistic looking characters. Plus, if they got the voices wrong, I'd be so mad.

    Long story short, I'm very ambivalent about it. Maybe remake FFV, because it's not one of my favorites. I'd be too bummed if 6,4,7,8 or 9 got ruined because the games weren't done to my wacky and ever changing standards
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  21. #21
    Registered User Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most.
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    8 no question. Not that I've played it in years but it always stuck with me greatly. They can keep the voice acting though, just give me updated graphics.

  22. #22
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Definitely Final Fantasy IX, for many reasons of course. Though I've pretty much given up all hope for a remake honestly. Now I just play it over and over on my phone, been content ever since. Still a nerd can dream... but like my dad always said, "Well wish in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first".
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  23. #23
    Cool saying lol. Yeah, FF9 would be awesome with upgraded graphics. I could really enjoy the scenery and all the little details alot more.

  24. #24
    I invented Go-Gurt. Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. Clint's Avatar
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    I don't necessarily think any of the games need to be remade. Some of the games had a lacking presentation, but they were still really good. I'd be happy with just re-releases, with slight touchups on things like sound and color. Then again, although I liked them, the first two games didn't impress me much, so if I have to choose which games should be remade, it would be either of the first two. Or Final Fantasy V. I've stated this before, V is the most underrated game in the entire series, and constantly gets overlooked. If a remake would bring more attention to a story and a game as fantastic as Final Fantasy V, I'd be all for that.

  25. #25
    Certified tech, come at me! Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Can we give mystic quest the benefit of a remake? The story obviously wasn't the best, the main character had little to no background so the story would need to be reworked, the battles would need to be revamped to be more challenging, locations would need to be fleshed out more, and the part that requires using weapons outside of battle to clear obstacles would need more usage.
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  26. #26
    Name one FF remake you'd want to see the most. cetra_aeris's Avatar
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    VIII holds a special place in my heart so I would have to go with it if I could have any remake of the series. I loved the story, the details of some of the NPCs, they little snippits of personality you could get from other characters. -sighs- If they did a remake though, I'd really want more of a re-tweak than anything. Upgrading the graphics, some extra content maybe, possibly update the battle system depending on what it went to.... Voice overs I'd be on the fence for and probably a few other things, but I feel there are some improvements that could be made and I'd love to be able to replay through it and re-experience the magic of a first play through.

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