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Thread: Spiritual Link between FFVII & FFX

  1. #1
    Registered User Spiritual Link between FFVII & FFX Locke4God's Avatar
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    Spiritual Link between FFVII & FFX

    Most of you have probably heard this, but some may not, that there was supposedly a spiritual link between the story elements of FFVII and X. (Note that this doesn't mean the games exist in the same world). I had wondered what the heck that was all about until recently and I think I've discovered a few things about it that makes sense. But please add your ideas as well or discuss these. I'm sure there's a lot I'm missing.


    • Let's start with the box art. Both Cloud and Tidus stand ready with sword in hand while a mystical city stands behind them. In Tidus' case, it's Zanarkand, the city he was born in, and in Cloud's it's Shinra Headquarters, the company who made him who he is. (It is interesting to note that the tough and serious Cloud is turned away from us with his sword ready for battle, while the more care free Tidus is visibly smiling with his sword relaxed at his side.)
    • Within the games, the two cities represent places that these two lead characters can't get back to. As the player, you start off at each one of them, but then quickly leave never to return. Well actually you do return to both very briefly late in the games.
    • How about Aries and Yuna, Aries is a mage bound to a 1000 year old legacy who gave her life to aid the planet. Yuna, a summoner whose mission it was to give her life to protect the people of her world from a 1000 year old enemy
    • While in FFX, the Farplane is a place for souls of the dead to congregate, in FFVII all souls are returned to the lifestream of Gaia.
    • How about the final images of the game. Aeries, who had given her life flashes across the screen as Holy turns back the meteor impact, while Tidus, who wound up giving his life in place of Yuna, flashes across the screen following victory as he fades from existance. Within the games themselves, neither would ever be seen in the real world again.
    Last edited by Locke4God; 09-06-2009 at 01:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Death comes on silent wings Spiritual Link between FFVII & FFX bobbo087's Avatar
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    You know I never really thought about it much but you do have some very valid points. also in the end of FF VII cloud loses Aries While in the end of FF X Yuna loses Tidus.

  3. #3
    These are more like just similarities because the same company produced both games... I see no evidence of the two worlds connecting.

  4. #4
    Registered User Spiritual Link between FFVII & FFX Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Che - NO, I never meant the two worlds were the same. Square never said that. What they said, was there was a spiritual link between the stories, common elements more than those that exist between all of these games.

  5. #5
    Oh, I see what you're saying. I thought you were trying to imply that they were somehow the same worlds, maybe in different periods of time.

  6. #6
    There is a little bit of hard evidence of a connection... In X-2 there is a kid named Shinra who says he thinks he's found a new source of energy that can be taken right from the planet... or something to that effect. And in the X or X-2 Ultamania Square addresses it more throughly.

  7. #7
    Each final fantasy has similarities to others. Lemme compare FFVI to FFVII

    -Both game have an ''evil group'' (VI= Empire, VIII= Shinra) but ends up being defeated somehow, and a main Villain (FFVI Kefka, FFVIII Sephiroth) ends up being the last boss
    -Both Kefka and Sephiroth become Fallen Angels of sorts
    -Both games involve a gang of rebels (Returners in FFVI and AVALANCHE in FFVIII)

    And now, some similarities that affect more games than only 2
    -At least 1 character falls in some sort of mental breakdown in FF 6 trhough 9 (Terra becomes unable to control her own power, Cloud is afflicted with the Mako Poisoning, Squall suddenly becomes afraid of dying, and Zidane well... I never really got it, but anyways)
    -In every games from FFVI to IX, you fight an evil group (mentioned in my above points), Empire in FFVI, Shinra in VII, Galbadia Army in VIII Alexandria soldiers in FFIX
    -In both FFV and III, the void is involved in the scheme to destroy the world.
    -MANY FF includes these summons: Ifrit, Ramuh, Carbuncle, Shiva and Bahamut.

    As you can see, these are similarities mainly cause it's the same company making the same games over and over, only with diffrent gameplay everytime!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoArashi View Post
    Each final fantasy has similarities to others. Lemme compare FFVI to FFVII

    -Both game have an ''evil group'' (VI= Empire, VIII= Shinra) but ends up being defeated somehow, and a main Villain (FFVI Kefka, FFVIII Sephiroth) ends up being the last boss
    -Both Kefka and Sephiroth become Fallen Angels of sorts
    -Both games involve a gang of rebels (Returners in FFVI and AVALANCHE in FFVIII)

    And now, some similarities that affect more games than only 2
    -At least 1 character falls in some sort of mental breakdown in FF 6 trhough 9 (Terra becomes unable to control her own power, Cloud is afflicted with the Mako Poisoning, Squall suddenly becomes afraid of dying, and Zidane well... I never really got it, but anyways)
    -In every games from FFVI to IX, you fight an evil group (mentioned in my above points), Empire in FFVI, Shinra in VII, Galbadia Army in VIII Alexandria soldiers in FFIX
    -In both FFV and III, the void is involved in the scheme to destroy the world.
    -MANY FF includes these summons: Ifrit, Ramuh, Carbuncle, Shiva and Bahamut.

    As you can see, these are similarities mainly cause it's the same company making the same games over and over, only with diffrent gameplay everytime!
    You make a lot of good points that connect the seiries as a whole and make it great, but (and correct me if I'm wrong) I think the Thread's Author was talking about pretty specific links between the two games.

    But you do bring to light points I often overlook, so Kudos.

  9. #9
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    The only type of connection between FFVII and FFX is just references.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Soloros View Post
    You make a lot of good points that connect the seiries as a whole and make it great, but (and correct me if I'm wrong) I think the Thread's Author was talking about pretty specific links between the two games.

    But you do bring to light points I often overlook, so Kudos.
    I know he was talking about specific point between 7 and 10. WHat I meant to say is that these games are not the only ones to have similarities. Every games, barring FFI and the spin-offs have similarities to each others, meaning this whole thread is close to pointless.

  11. #11
    As much as we hate to think of the real world...I believe that the Shinra reference in X-2 was just one of the developers little jokes. but i really hope not.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoArashi View Post
    I know he was talking about specific point between 7 and 10. WHat I meant to say is that these games are not the only ones to have similarities. Every games, barring FFI and the spin-offs have similarities to each others, meaning this whole thread is close to pointless.
    Calling the thread close to pointless is a little harsh. There's plenty of other threads that discuss less worthwhile things. I mean, having similarities between your games is what gives a company their name sake and what to expect... but I digress.

    I think this is more along the lines of VII and X have stronger similarities than any other two games, which actually makes me sad because X is my least favorite of the series.

  13. #13
    Registered User Spiritual Link between FFVII & FFX Locke4God's Avatar
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    Hey guys,,,, sorry I've been away and haven't contributed. I know what you all mean that each of the games could be loosely associated, but what I was trying to figure out is what Square had said that there was a connection. Not that the worlds were the same, but they specifically mentioned VII & X. Didn't they? Maybe I misunderstood but I'm pretty sure they emphasized a link between those 2 games specifically.

  14. #14
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Read my post again. Those will be the only type of connections to any Final Fantasy games. That's like saying Viewtiful Joe and Devil May Cry are connected because of Dante. References are done to appreciate a game.

  15. #15
    I'm the one and only ace here! Spiritual Link between FFVII & FFX Tidus1872's Avatar
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    Now that I think about it FFVII and FFX are kind of connected. Even the battle system is pretty much the same.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Tidus1872 View Post
    Now that I think about it FFVII and FFX are kind of connected. Even the battle system is pretty much the same.

    Dude, can you refer me to your dealer, 'cause he really gives you awesome stuff. Seriously, FF 7 and 10's battle system are nowhere close to each others.

  17. #17
    Okay, excluding the wishful thinking connections most people bring up her, SE (or the ultimania guide for one of the games) stated that both games take place in the same world, I think FFX taking place several thousand years after FFVII or something.
    Of course this connections makes no sense, is only barely feasible and was only made because it boosts sales.

  18. #18
    I'm glad you put "Spiritual" connection, rather than trying to explain some ridiculous scheme where both stories take place in the same world, eons apart.

    While the connections are noteable however, it's probably just becuase Square tends to use the same infrasturcture for every story, then differentiate them with characters, enviroments, and events. Further speculation would probably render simliar results when comparing any other two titles of the series.

  19. #19
    Death Before Dishonor Spiritual Link between FFVII & FFX Josh_R's Avatar
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    I have never thought about any of this but it is a valid point and will cause me to research and analyze this deeply

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  20. #20
    Registered User Spiritual Link between FFVII & FFX Locke4God's Avatar
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    I'm not sure that anybody is touching on what I'd referred to in the opening. I'm not saying of course that they take place in the same world, and I'm really not saying anything at all. Square it'self said there is some connection between these two games specifically, and I was just trying to figure out what exactly it was.

    @ Loaf - yeah i can read. i did read your comment. You're not getting what I'm saying. I KNOW THAT ALL FF GAMES HAVE SIMILAR CHARACTERISTICS. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that square indicated these 2 games specifically have something in common beyond the norms of the series.

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