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Thread: I want to get into Final Fantasy

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  1. #1

    Question I want to get into Final Fantasy

    Hi guys. I'm new to this forum and new to final fantasy games overall but i would love to get into them. I have been told they are amazing games by so many people and told so much about them and i want to start to collect them. I have been told that none of them have the same story line at all so it doesnt matter where i start but the thing is i wanna start from the beginning of the series to see how the games develop over time and add in new features. I need you guys to help me and give me some places i can obtain the first 2 games any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Registered User I want to get into Final Fantasy
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    Re: I want to get into Final Fantasy

    The first two games are pretty easy to come by. There are plenty of ports made of those games if you can't find the original releases. It's available for the Playstation One, the GBA, the PSP, download them from the Wii Virtual Console, and also you can get them for the iPhone, iPod Touch or the iPad.

    Your best bet is probably either the downloadable ones or the PSP versions, but you could probably also find the GBA one if you look in some used game shops or something.
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  3. #3
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ I want to get into Final Fantasy Treize's Avatar
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    Re: I want to get into Final Fantasy

    If you can buy the games online, you could go to amazon and buy the games there. They are pretty cheap now. I think you can buy every Final Fantasy game except for Final Fantasy VII and Tactics there new for under $20. If I were you, I would buy either the GBA or Playstation version for Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II. That way you can get both games for the price of one. The GBA version is probably a little better, but I think it would cost you an extra couple bucks. I don't think much was added to the PSP versions to warrant it costing twice as much.
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  4. #4
    The Lone Dagger I want to get into Final Fantasy Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: I want to get into Final Fantasy

    I have been using for a lot of my stuff recently and it has never failed me, you can get a lot of the titles from X and before for less than $20 so I always find good deals there. Good luck starting out. I started with IX but starting at the beginning is admirable with all the technology and mind blowing graphics out there now

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  5. #5
    Memento Rhapso I want to get into Final Fantasy Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: I want to get into Final Fantasy

    Welcome! And if the aforementioned fail, ROM's are abundant and free! The only thing you have to do is find a safe emulator to download and then the ROMs that work with it. Only problem, it's kind of illegal lol
    Happy Hunting!

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  6. #6
    Tantalus Member of Lindblum I want to get into Final Fantasy True Zidane's Avatar
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    Re: I want to get into Final Fantasy

    well, i have final fantasy origins, which by now you might just know is final fantasy 1 and 2 for the psx, and i strongly suggest you get that one. i have final fantasy 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,12, and 13. i just ordered ff 5 and ff tactics. my favorite is ff 9. after you play a few and get the feel for final fantasy, you should go try ff 9. you can find em on ebay, amazon, and like that other guy said, for game stores, gamestop and planet entertainment are good places. i got 7,9,10,and 12 from a place called replays though. well good luck and enjoy final fantasy!!!!

  7. #7
    Learner I want to get into Final Fantasy CloudTide's Avatar
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    Re: I want to get into Final Fantasy

    i epically suggest getting FFI and VII
    they are the best
    u can get FFI on a ROM like Rapso said (get Dawn of Souls version for a GBA emulator that way you'll get FFI and FFII)
    and FFVII you can get from the PSN or if u have a working PS1 emulator (very hard to find for me)
    but i just got it on the PSN (way easier)
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  8. #8
    Registered User I want to get into Final Fantasy Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3's Avatar
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    Re: I want to get into Final Fantasy

    Lol, when i heard you said i want to get into final fantsy games, i thought you meant you wanted to play a virtual game like it or something. . .

    You should play the FF games from 1+, that's actually what i did.
    I still remember my first time playing FF (Stuck for half an hour trying to figure how you get past the name selection screen, btw. . .i was nine!)

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