How should FF15 be?
We know it's coming. I'm pretty sure that immeadiately after ff 14 is released with aall it's expansions we're gonna hear bout the 15th installment. But how would you want It to be?
personally I want it to be less JRPGish. I want it to take a turn back to it's NES roots. not like it to be 8 bit but to be more medevil and not ludicrously futuristic or idiotic clothing(12). You know how the warrior of light looks in dissidia? something like that's what I want. I either want the gameplay to be a standard turn based style (the kind I grew up with) or an action RPG like kingdom hearts 2. If it's to be an action RPg They should have 3 characters in at the same time. Also you should be able to switch your character in the heat of battle. oh and also...BRING BACK THE JOB SYSTEM!
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