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Thread: The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game.

  1. #1
    Pwning Hojo The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. AtonedForMySins's Avatar
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    The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game.

    Admit it, you were so shocked that it gave you bowel trouble. The first time I ever read it was probably on VII where Barrett calls Rufus a....barsteward. Bearing in mind that I was about 5 years old I was terrified that I'd have the game taken off me, then when he said 'shit' this was the final straw and I ended up cowering in a corner. Talk about your experiences with FF related profanity.
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  2. #2
    .............. The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. smurphy's Avatar
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    FFVII is the only ff game i can think of that uses any kind of profanity but i was pleasantly surprised at the way it was presented with the "b#?*!@d".a clever way of insinuating that Barret used profanity but making it seem like hes saying random gibberish. I was nine the first time i played it and i found it a novelty.

  3. #3
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. Tallulah's Avatar
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    Sacred in Final Fantasy VIII: "BASTARDS! IT AIN'T OVER!" just before he runs away after the first battle in the Tomb of the Unknown King, when getting the Brothers GF.

    Followed by Zell in the prison: "What are you doing to [Rinoa], you bastard!"

    Also, I think Zidane calls Kuja a 'rat bastard' somewhere along the line in Final Fantasy IX.

  4. #4
    I'm DYING to see you! The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    I have to say that my first time was in Final Fantasy 9.
    I can't remember at what point I saw the word "Bastard!" written on my screen but I know it was that word. I think when I saw it, I was pretty normal about it.

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  5. #5
    Pwning Hojo The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. AtonedForMySins's Avatar
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    I remember either Biggs or Wedge calling everyone bastards for getting them demoted too, this was less shocking.
    Dilly-dally, shilly-shally. Isn't it time you do the forgiving?

  6. #6
    Death Before Dishonor The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. Josh_R's Avatar
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    The first was VII Barrett calls Rufus a bastard, other than that there has been little to no profanity in the latest FF game...

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  7. #7
    I feel epic... The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    First time was in FFX. During Operation Mi'ihen, one of the soliders remarks how to Al Bhed are bastards, but they have to work with them.

    I was... about 12 when I saw this. I'm like "ZOMG!!! HE SWORE!!!!"

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  8. #8
    All is One.One is All. The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. Firefly's Avatar
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    The first time I ever saw the word bastard on a FF game was FFVIII.The one FF game where it constantly had Bastard(s) in every sentence was FFIX.*Zidane glares at me...*I♥U,Zidane!!.lol
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  9. #9
    I didn't even know what a bastard was before. Is bastard really considered a bad word?

    all I have to say is:


    I learned that from Cid and Barret....shame on me.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 11-11-2009 at 04:39 PM.

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  10. #10
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I think it was either VII or VIII, I can't remember exactly but I know both of those games consist of that word. It is pretty funny though, well I thought it was anyway. It makes the game more interesting.

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  11. #11
    I am Ol' Fartsy and I said So! The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. Ol' Fartsy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
    Sacred in Final Fantasy VIII: "BASTARDS! IT AIN'T OVER!" just before he runs away after the first battle in the Tomb of the Unknown King, when getting the Brothers GF.

    Followed by Zell in the prison: "What are you doing to [Rinoa], you bastard!"

    Also, I think Zidane calls Kuja a 'rat bastard' somewhere along the line in Final Fantasy IX.
    I agree that the first time I heard it, it was in FF8.
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  12. #12
    Haha I was 12,and already knew the word. I am pretty sure it was FF8 and Zell of course.

  13. #13
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    First time I saw any some sort of bad word in an FF game, I didn't really care, since I was able to walk I've been around worse profanity that the word bastard is nothing. Actually, the word bastard is nothing. Why worry.
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  14. #14
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. Treize's Avatar
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    The word bastard really isn't that bad of a word. There are worse. I think the first time I saw it was a "bastard sword" in some game. I was kind of confused about why a sword would be called "bastard sword," but I didn't really mind the word being used.

    I also like the symbols used in Final Fantasy VII. I found it to be pretty funny. Honestly I think something like that wouldn't work the way it did in many other games besides Final Fantasy VII. I think that if I saw that in different games, it would just be annoying.
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  15. #15
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtonedForMySins View Post
    Admit it, you were so shocked that it gave you bowel trouble.
    Shocked because of the word bastard, seriously?

    I'm sure it was in FF VIII since it was the first FF game that I've actually played.

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  16. #16
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Experience? They're just words used to reflect a character's personality or emotional state. A well placed word, profane or not, can be used to great, sometimes shocking effect. That's just good storytelling. I certainly didn't find anything disturbing or particularly bowel-inducing about the use of profanity in the games. I suppose it's also different since I wasn't nearly that young when the game came out, though.

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  17. #17
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    First time I clearly remember seeing the word 'bastard' in an FF game was FFVIII. Several times. Never really bothered me. I think the only time profanity in an FF game caught me off guard was when Cid yelled at Cloud to sit down and drink is GODDAMN TEA! Didn't bother me, mind you, just kinda caught me off guard.

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  18. #18
    Tsuna Feesh The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    The first time I saw the word bastard in a Final Fantasy game, I instantly recalled seeing it on another RPG. Still, I didn't even care the first time I saw it. I've heard and seen it before, and at the time I was that age, I had already heard it on public television, so I knew it couldn't be anything too bad. But really, I wouldn't have cared even if I saw a usually-censored-word in the game. If I remember correctly, when Adrammalech dies in Final Fantasy Tactics, he screams out, 'Shit!" I still didn't mind. If a silly thing like a word is going to prevent me from playing the games that I love, then I'd be extremely immature.

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  19. #19
    Do the elements trust you? The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game. bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: The first time you read the word 'bastard' on an FF game.

    I could have sworn that in kain and cecils(ff4) flashback kain called Cecil a bastard. I was 6 and wondered what it meant, but forgot to look it up, later when I found out I was laughing my @ss off cuz Cecil was just like me in that prospect.
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