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Thread: Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!

  1. #1

    Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!

    Creating a timeline theory for FINAL FANTASY? What an idiot I was.
    Last edited by mariosmentor; 10-01-2018 at 03:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! LauriJ's Avatar
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    Interesting tidbit you have to be sure. Do you have a direct link to the thread in question?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    What an interesting theory. There was obviously a lot of thought put in to this

  5. #5
    Thanks. I did the same thing for Dragon Quest, and I'm considering making a timeline theory for the Super Mario franchise, but I'm not too sure. Anyway, while waiting for me to finish up with FF5, why don't we share our favorite FF villains (aside from Sephiroth)? I personally like Golbez, but I find Xande a bit more relatable.

  6. #6
    GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DiscipleofBob WAS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did some extra research, but then I found a few references, and then a few more, all of which practically spells out the REAL timeline theory. I'm gonna have to rewrite my first post.........

  7. #7
    Banned Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!
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    Canada, eh?
    He was tragically wrong.

    It's very easy to say the landscapes and kingdoms changed, but we have nothing to support that.

    What we do have, is a franchise we know didn't begin to revist worlds until X-2...

    Take Ivalice. The setting of Tactics. Revisited in a recent title... Why make it a big deal if every world, is acually Ivalice?

    Take VII. Mako enery... Materia... Went out of their way to revisit several times.

    Until X-2, FF was know for hosting an epic out of separate universes.

    Summons change, deities change, major things like Mako, Pires(X), lore changes, Black Mages come and go...

    The first 10 main titles have NOTHING to do with one and other, we know this to be true.


    He was tragically wrong.

    It's very easy to say the landscapes and kingdoms changed, but we have nothing to support that.

    What we do have, is a franchise we know didn't begin to revist worlds until X-2...

    Take Ivalice. The setting of Tactics. Revisited in a recent title... Why make it a big deal if every world, is acually Ivalice?

    Take VII. Mako enery... Materia... Went out of their way to revisit several times.

    Until X-2, FF was know for hosting an epic out of separate universes.

    Summons change, deities change, major things like Mako, Pires(X), lore changes, Black Mages come and go...

    The first 10 main titles have NOTHING to do with one and other, we know this to be true.

  8. #8
    zzz........N-huh?! You've awoken me from my slumber, and I am peeved, to say the least. During my sleep, I dreamed of how certain spinoffs (Crystal Chronicles, Type-0, etc.) could fit in this timeline as well, but before I update, let me tell you this: I'M NOT PUTTING GEOGRAPHY INTO ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To quote from my Dragon Quest Timeline Theory:
    "When some demon lord/sorcerer/phantom, etc. comes around, the world's natural defenses kick up, placing a barrier on the surrounding area, so as to seal the threat. It works a lot like Stephen King's Under the Dome, where no one can enter or leave, with the common folk none the wiser." If you theorize that the Final Fantasy games take place on a giant planet that follows this hypothesis, geography becomes irrelevant. That doesn't mean I'm denying the concept of multiple worlds. In fact, the gap between 10-2 and Crisis Core could've been a migration to another world entirely, or maybe another galaxy. Another thing I should mention is that when building this theory, I focused the overall plot towards the evolution of the crystals seen throughout the series. If you don't like the idea, then don't post.

  9. #9
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Andromeda's Avatar
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    I thought Dissida made them all separate dimensions connecting, but not really connecting everything together. Something that is actually lightly touched on in the crossover FFXIII and FFXIV event in FFXIV, where Lightning is dimension hopping, like thanks to the higher power in her universe. Depending on how seriously you take the lore from a crossover event, they're all just different universes in separate dimensions and beings with enough power can breach those barriers like Dissida.
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  10. #10
    What about FF Mystic Quest? That game was awesome and introduced me to the whole FF universe.

  11. #11
    @Andromeda Crossovers are merely fanservices at best. I don't normally use them for reference.
    @Odin1199 Mystic Quest isn't canon as it was only meant to teach idiot Americans (no offense) what the dingdong an RPG was.

  12. #12
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Andromeda's Avatar
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    Crossovers notwithstanding, Dissidia still treats all of the mainline FF games as separate worlds/dimensions/universes, whichever they pick. So wouldn't that still count the setup as not existing on the same world?
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  13. #13
    @Andromeda Dissidia is irrelevant as it's just an oversized crossover/fanservice.

  14. #14
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Andromeda's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy XIV is heavy on the fanservice and crossover, but you're including that as well. It has materia (VII), magitek (VI), Crystal Tower (III), Lightning and all related equipment (XIII and LR), Shantotto (XI), Ultros (VI), Diabolos (VIII), Siren (VIII), Warrior of Light (I, specifically the iconic Warrior of Light), Battle on Big Bridge (VI), races (XI). FFXIV is Final Fantasy Fanservice the Game. It doesn't really make it much different to what does Dissidia by bringing all the content from past games and putting it together in a single game.
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  15. #15
    @Andromeda Most of the crossover fanservices are also only available by being involved in side quests or scheduled events. FFXIV still has its own overarching plot. It's a lot like FFIX in that sense. Another thing to note is that when comparing the references to the other games, FFXI references are clearly the most prominent, which is why I placed it so close to XI.

  16. #16
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Andromeda's Avatar
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    Nearly everything I mentioned for FFXIV is part of the core experience of the game, not scheduled events. The Crystal Tower is literally in the world you can see it right there. It has all of the bosses from FFIII inside it and later the Cloud of Darkness and World of Darkness will be available. This is dragged straight from FFIII, but it is fundamental to the game, lore and main quest line. Same with Magitek Armor and materia, both are direct rips from their respective FF games. Siren is pretty much the same model but updated from FFVIII and they admitted that Diabolos is the VIII Diabolos complete with all of his VIII attacks. FFXIV directly pulls things from other FF games and makes it part of its lore and world, they've been doing this since the relaunch of the game.
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  17. #17
    @Andromeda Really? I thought the crystal tower was an optional dungeon. Regardless, it makes sense, as XIV happens AFTER III. The bosses could be carbon copies, or sentient memories. Diabolos is pretty much a summon, like Bahamut or Ifrit, so he's most likely an immortal being who showed during the events of XIV, VIII, and XI. Another thing to mention is how I have the timeline planned out:
    In III, there were the Light and Dark Crystals.
    Sometime before XI, the crystals merged to become the Mothercrystal in order to hold off the Emptiness, and was shattered into 5 pieces because of it.
    Sometime before XIV, the Mothercrystals (somehow) merged back into one, and eventually becomes the crystal in IX.
    You should also consider that this is my own head canon, and it's bound to conflict with other people's ideas. The only thing making mine stand out was that I compared events and lore, and disregarded geography and technological advances entirely.

  18. #18
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Andromeda's Avatar
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    It's an MMO, so optional becomes a very subjective term as everything in the game can be ignored depending on how you play the game. But the Crystal Tower is deeply built into the world and lore of the world and it's presence as learned in the most recent exploration of it is absolutely critical to several other sections of the game. The importance story-wise it has makes it significantly different from the standard content that you're probably considering optional.

    Additionally, if you're saying this is your timeline, many of the FF games histories that you learn extend for thousands of years. You're lining them all up you're talking about ten of thousands of years with periodic global scale historical resets that would completely erase the past effects and memories of things that would likely become legend or never forgotten. Ignoring geography, FFVII-FFIX allows you to completely circumvent the world so it's not even localized things, they take place on the entire planet.

    And how does FFXIII fit into all of this since the magic that can be used is only by people that are l'Cie something granted by god-like beings that were actually created by gods, which have all existed since the beginning of FFXIII's history. If they were connected, those gods would go further back completely preventing the use of magic as it is known in most FF games.
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  19. #19
    @Andromeda Thank you for the pointless wall of text regarding the crystal tower after I've established the fact that when I was placing III in the timeline, I kept reminding myself about the tower in XIV and how III must happen before XIV.

    If you look at my earlier posts, you will see that I had theorized about most FF games taking place on a giant planet, with different games taking place in different areas. If we use our planet in proportion to this theory, XII would take place somewhere in Europe, IV would take place in the Middle East, etc. Different areas have different lores and belief systems. Use that earlier post for further reference.

    As for XIII's placement, it needed a certain theory of mine. At the end of VI, Terra and co. kicked Kefka's @$$, and magic ceased to exist. Advantages in Technology eventually lead to another lifestream issue, but this time, no one tries to stop it, and the world reaches the brink of death. Eventually, the Maker comes along and creates Cocoon and the fal'Cie, basically rejuvenating the planet to it's original state.

  20. #20
    Boxer of the Galaxy Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mariosmentor View Post
    @Andromeda Thank you for the pointless wall of text regarding the crystal tower after I've established the fact that when I was placing III in the timeline, I kept reminding myself about the tower in XIV and how III must happen before XIV.
    Nothing Andro says is ever pointless.

  21. #21
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Andromeda's Avatar
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    You're sort of ignoring the point that I said you can circumvent the world in VII-IX meaning that the entirety of the world is accessible and viewable to player. Making the giant planet theory not hold up for those games. I'm pretty sure most of the FF allow you to circumvent the world prior to X, but my familiarity is not as high as it is with VII and on.

    So you're saying in your timeline that the gods and goddesses of XIII didn't exist at the universe's creation? They only suddenly came into being for XIII's history?
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  22. #22
    chocolateer Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Kazushige Nojima had stated in the ffx-2 ultimania that the descendants of Shinra travel to another planet and establish the Shin-Ra company which means it goes against your one world idea.

    "After quitting the Gullwings, Shinra received enormous financial support from Rin, and began trying to use Vegnagun to siphon Mako Energy from the Farplane. But, he is unable to complete the system for utilizing this energy in his generation, and in the future, when traveling to distant planets becomes possible, the Shin-Ra Company is founded on another world, or something like that....... That would happen about 1000 years after this story, I think.”

    However whether this can be considered canon or not is another discussion entirely but it shows that at least SE did not intend for all the games to be in one timeline on one world. Also your theory has a major flaw you cannot ignore geography, what would be the point of the gods to change the geography so drastically? Geography is a major part of history, it also becomes a part of lore and legends, are you telling me the gods also wiped everything clean with each new game?

  23. #23
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Andromeda's Avatar
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    Additionally, when Square Enix announced FFXIII, Versus XIII (XV) and Agito XIII (Type-0), they clearly stated that while they use the same mythology that each game was going to be interpreting that mythology and utilizing it differently. Each game would not be occurring on the same world and they had no ties to each other than through the sharing of the same mythology. At the very least, they would be separate worlds, at most, completely different universes entirely. And this is stated directly from Square when they revealed the Fabula Nova Crystalis, since they wanted people to understand that they were not spin-offs or sequels. They had no shared timelines.

    And though you are ignoring geography, one important fact is that after Lightning Returns, the ending shows Earth as their new home for all of the souls from Pulse. Which has very well known geography. The maps I've seen of Type-0 aren't ones of Earth, I'll have to look at when it arrives in March, but that is something I'm pretty sure is not going to be case.
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  24. #24
    Boxer of the Galaxy Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Rowan's Avatar
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    The FF8 theory is far more solid than this timeline theory.

  25. #25
    @Andromeda I took a look at the ending for Lightning Returns. To be frank, the continents shown are pretty arbitrary. Until I find the time to explain my reasoning in full, you won't be hearing much from me anymore.

    @Rowan Stop trolling me, you jerk.

  26. #26
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Andromeda's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!-lrffxiii_ending_new_world-jpg

    You can see the Northern half of the continent of Africa, Southern Europe and the Arabian peninsula all in this view from the ending. As closer view when they zoom in shows the Iberian Peninsula (noteable for Spain and Portugal). On top of that, prior to seeing Earth they also show Jupiter and Mars, Jupiter being the most easily recognizable from the two.
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  27. #27
    Boxer of the Galaxy Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Rowan's Avatar
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    I was doing some research because I remember reading that FFVII and FFX are set in the same 'world/universe'. It shits me when the statement 'world/universe' is made because they are two completely different terms. Anyway, FFVII is 'gaia' and FFX is Spira. I dont understand how these can be the same world. Why would the name of a planet ever need to be changed unless you are talking about mass extinctions where life rebuilds itself. If this is the case, then there is absolutley no reason to give a theory like that credibility since very much like 'god', it cannot be proven. So far, all evidence presented in Final Fantasy lore points to the fact that each world is entirely different to each other.

    A lot of thought put into the theory, Kudos to you. But far less thought could have been used to debunk this from the start.

  28. #28
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah in FFX-2 the kid on the airship named Shinra during one of the optional scenes near the end of the game comments on discovering the potential of some nearly unlimited energy source to be found in the Farplane. There are enough vague comments from that to say Shinra is talking about Mako and the Lifestream, thus he would be the cause or trigger for the eventual creation of the Shin-ra Power Company. However, I always treated the thing as Square being cute and giving a little fanservice nod rather than being serious about the two actually being in the same universe.
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  29. #29
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I had a wall of text for this, then I just said No.
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  30. #30
    Boxer of the Galaxy Final Fantasy Timeline Theory! Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I had a wall of text for this, then I just said No.
    Do it pls

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