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Thread: Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!

  1. #91
    Banned Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!
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    Dissidia is not canon?


    Okay, X isn't canon. VII isn't canon.

    And AdventChildren was just fan service.

    Glad we cleared that up. And Square-Enix should really hire you as CEO, Mario. You know more about Final Fantasy than the people who create it. (THAT, my friend, is entry level trolling, as now it's about you, not your half-cocked timeline theory)
    Last edited by OutlawTorn; 10-24-2014 at 06:41 AM.

  2. #92
    @loaf Your theory is flawed. In Tactics Advance, a kid named Mewt turns the real world into an illusion resembling Ivalice, which is reversed later on. At the end of Tactics Advance 2, you meet Mewt, now in his 30's, who gives you the Grimoire he used to create the illusion.

    @OutlawTorn Looks like SOMEBODY likes Dissidia too much. Dissidia could've happened at anytime if it could even fit in the timeline, as all the characters were dragged across time and space to get where Dissidia takes place.

  3. #93
    Banned Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!
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    Dissidia is not even in my top 10 FF games. It was sub-par, but it was made by Square-Enix, therefore you cannot refute it's validity with a hypothetical theory in which the strongest evidence is a nod to VII in X-2, because both games debuted their console, and early on it was envisioned as a prequel to VII.

    You admitted already your knowledge of FF isn't extensive, and that you had been convinced there in fact was no imposed hypothetical timeline at all.

    You can be wavered, the games cannot.
    Last edited by OutlawTorn; 10-24-2014 at 10:29 AM.

  4. #94
    @OutlawTorn Yes, my knowledge isn't extensive, but I do have Dissidia 012, so I know at least something about Dissidia.

  5. #95
    Banned Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought Dissida made them all separate dimensions connecting, but not really connecting everything together. Something that is actually lightly touched on in the crossover FFXIII and FFXIV event in FFXIV, where Lightning is dimension hopping, like thanks to the higher power in her universe. Depending on how seriously you take the lore from a crossover event, they're all just different universes in separate dimensions and beings with enough power can breach those barriers like Dissida.
    You should probably beat Dissidia, as it will slam-dunk this case. On a personal note, listen to people when they talk to you, especially women. You'll never save the Princess from Bowser behaving like this.

  6. #96
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    My theory is not flawed, in fact it's not even a theory; because it's from Square Enix. Did you even research the Ivalice timeline?

    Go read about it. It's official lol.

    I'm pretty sure you're theory is flawed 100% while my Time Line for Ivalice is in fact, 100% true.

    Edit: Upon reading other of your posts, I'm going to assume you didn't do any research at all on Ivalice. Next you're going to tell me FFXII happens last.
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  7. #97
    @loaf How do you explain Mewt, then? In Tactics Advance, he's a kid. In Tactics Advance 2, he's an ADULT. If this really is from Square Enix, which it most likely isn't, then they really need to play their own games more, because there's no way A2 could happen before Advance.

  8. #98
    Banned Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!
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    In the realm of fantasy, nothing is impossible. This could be Mewt's father, who named his kid after himself (because that NEVER happens. There's no way), or it could be some effect this artifact had on him. Or perhaps it's yet another cryptic nod, something else Square is famous for, but, perhaps you were unaware of that as well.

    This Mewt mystery is shadowed by the fact that you can obtain Cloud Strife as a character in Tactics (original). For god sake, don't read into and run away with this. Squaresoft was obsessed with Easter eggs and nods only Square gamers would get.

    You're FAR too liberal with things you have no right to be, especially when it comes to something this pointless. It would be cool if Final Fantasy was a franchise that wasn't designed deliberately to make each title t's own world. That's the FF MO, and it lasted up until X-2 (not XI, X-2 signifying that it is within the X canon). Hence, 1-10 were DIFFERENT WORLDS.

    Good god, this thread should have been locked when he admitted he was wrong.
    Last edited by OutlawTorn; 10-24-2014 at 09:08 PM.

  9. #99
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mariosmentor View Post
    @loaf How do you explain Mewt, then? In Tactics Advance, he's a kid. In Tactics Advance 2, he's an ADULT. If this really is from Square Enix, which it most likely isn't, then they really need to play their own games more, because there's no way A2 could happen before Advance.

    FFTA2 is an illusion world, not real. It's non Canon Ivalice, it's whatever the book creates. Hell even FFTA can be treated as non canon as they go into a different world. The Ivalice in the Tactics Advance games are worlds created by their memories. Mewt played a Final Fantasy game and used those memories to create his world.

    and even if they aren't real. The town of St. Ivalice is named after the world, if they are naming it after their world I would assume they don't even know their world is called Ivalice, thus FFTA and FFTA2 would happen way later in the games. Which makes FFTA2 Beginning and End after FFTA which would put FFTA after FFT.
    Last edited by loaf; 10-25-2014 at 09:12 AM.
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  10. #100
    Banned Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    FFTA2 is an illusion world, not real. It's non Canon Ivalice, it's whatever the book creates. Hell even FFTA can be treated as non canon as they go into a different world. The Ivalice in the Tactics Advance games are worlds created by their memories. Mewt played a Final Fantasy game and used those memories to create his world.

    and even if they aren't real. The town of St. Ivalice is named after the world, if they are naming it after their world I would assume they don't even know their world is called Ivalice, thus FFTA and FFTA2 would happen way later in the games. Which makes FFTA2 Beginning and End after FFTA which would put FFTA after FFT.

  11. #101
    Ugh..............Must I explain everything? ...........You know what? Forget it. I show you cold hard evidence that TA2 happens AFTER TA, and you remain ignorant. Is this because I won't place Dissidia, your apparent favorite crossover, in the timeline, or is this because of Mystic Quest? Are really that hellbent about adding a game made for stupid Americans who don't know ANYTHING about RPGs? Even Quest 64 is more entertaining than that pile of shit!

  12. #102
    Banned Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!
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    It's about there NOT BEING a timeline at all!!

    Are you that delusional? I mean really?

    We give you 4 fuking pages of FACTUAL evidence, straight from the creators and source material itself, and you still cling to your stupid timeline, which is laughably pathetic.

    You need mental treatment, and I mean that sincerely, 1 human being to another, because you're losing your grip on reality.

  13. #103
    @OutlawTorn The only thing insane about me is a figment of your own opinion.

    Can any moderators here close this thread? Arguing gets boring after a while.

  14. #104
    Banned Final Fantasy Timeline Theory!
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    You'd have better luck trying to convince a group of Christians the bible was written by the devil. Which is a good metaphor for what you've tried to do here. Only there's no way to prove or disprove almost anything biblical.


    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    I think ffx has a biggs and wedge too. Biggs and wedge appear together in many FF titles as different characters.
    In VI it was Vicks* & Wedge, Imperial soldiers who are escorting Terra to Narshe at the beginning of the game.

    I believe this their first appearance.

    I went as far as to give Vicks a nod in my FF by making him a minor antagonist role who develops into a Protagonist "mole" of sorts.

    In X, they are Blitzball players. Wedge is basically the best player you can hire. He eventually learns Tidus's special kick move (Jecht Shot?), and is insanely fast.

    Biggs was an average Defenseman.
    Last edited by OutlawTorn; 10-25-2014 at 07:54 PM.

  15. #105

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