Not to me. Kefka, I always felt he was a bit one-dimensional and again, I never thought highly of villains who seem to just be evil just because(except the Joker which might be the reason why I feel Kefka is so “been there done that”). Yet Ive given him props for being one of the only villains whose plans ever succeeded(Don’t know what that says about Terra and party. Worst Hero party EVER?!XD) Also, I developed a much, MUCH deeper emotional attachment to the characters of FFVII (as opposed to VI) so that was another strong force in the hate I bore Sephiroth back then throughout the game, so ltho I found Aerith
a.n.n.o.y.i.n.g, I really was sad and pissed off! He took her away so abruptly. Skank’s practically about to save the world, then, mere seconds later, dead at the hands of a villain who maintains eye contact as he withdraws his sword..


. I hated him for the reasons the writers intended and multi slashing his egotistical ass into oblivion was deeply cathartic. Also, personality and appearance are not the only reasons why I love Him, but definitely part of it, of course. If characters were unattractive, they could not succeed half as well. I love the paradox, they ooze charisma and depravity at the same time and it just so happens Im more partial to the bishounen look (just like OP n agreed with her in that "Manly Man" thread in GC LMFAOO). But then I do find The Joker, Solid Snake and Pyramid Head sexy too. Also, when Kefka was on the screen it wasnt near as captivating as when Sephiroth was. The music for Sephiroth was just perfect. Sephiroth nearly destroyed the entire planet but u dont have fit the ‘crazy’ niche to be evil or achieve your goal, it is his intent that is evil. Kefka may have been crazy but he never attacked one person so hard…taking everything they loved and just destroying it over and over. Thats more evil to me. I feel that killing everyone and destroying the planet doesn’t do much since people aren’t around to feel the pain from it while what Sephiroth did to Cloud, Tifa, Barret, the main cast and most of the people after *movie* as well had to suffer constantly from what He did. Causing someone constant pain and prolonging it is far worse/evil then killing them.
So Sephiroth..AKA that dude who nearly destroyed the world WHILE DEAD, orchestrated his own resurrection WHILE DEAD, was such a major threat that the planet itself tried to eliminate all life on Earth just to stop him WHILE DEAD, and is now 1 with the planet so he’s actually impossible to completely destroy.
He literally turned the planet itself against him, something no other FF Villain has ever managed to do. Sephiroth was only defeated by someone with the same DNA after an entire battle in the middle of the planet’s life force against the planets strongest beings THEN took on Cloud&Co in Safer & Bizarro forms THEN was defeated AFTER the team has just finished destroying Sephiroth’s physical body, by Cloud’s Omnislash. Much more than just a single move. Thanks to all those for ignoring the entire series of boss battles just to try and put down Sephiroth.
Sorry altho Kefka may have done all those things including accomplishing his goal its shit compared to all the things Sephiroth did^ and how He did them all throughout FFVII. How He just appeared like a ghost and haunted you and messed with your mind all the time, and you rarely see him in action, you just discover his bloody massacre at the Shinra building, find the giant impaled Zolom, and see Nibelheim after he has already set it ablaze. It makes him more haunting as opposed to if they took the usual straightforward, in-your-face approach with most villains. In FFVII, He just kinda creeps in the back of your mind. I think it’s more effective to do that, because if He were more about fighting and action, the only thing you had to fear from him was physical harm or death. As opposed to how they make it seem like he doesn’t just flip out and fight you all the time and cause more harm to towns along the way and blow more things up, because he can do things WORSE than death. He has your mind in His hands. He has bigger things in mind and He’s not just gonna walk around like some thug and blast everything. He’s gonna calmly play with you and the world itself, and then destroy it all in a way that benefits Him. Sephiroth really just hits all the major points of excellent villainy and still walks away as a potential victor, even when his final form is all but gone. That and His inextricable link to the game’s awesome main character, Cloud, just makes the story and unfolding drama all the more better.
In the instances where Sephiroth is compared with all the other FF villains, Kefka n all the others arent even on my radar. I outsource to Batman and MGS. Sephiroth is classic. Sephiroth will always be the best not just to me but to alot of ppl. Its cool to hate on FFVII apparently

Haters gonna hate.