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Thread: Final fantasy characters that you are in love with

  1. #31
    Queen Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Crescent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Again, Kefka knew his limitations, he was smart enough to cover his weak point while Sephiroth with all his power, being almost invincible, got his ass kicked more times, than I care to remember. As for his will being immortal, it is in fact in constant struggle not to be consumed by lifestream, he also needs a new body to pop out once again, it took him more than two years to create imperfect bodies, imagine how much time it would take to make one with Jenova cells. By that time Cloud just might die of old age, an actual meteor may hit Gaia…
    Sephiroth has seen what Cloud can do, yet he fails to acknowledge Cloud as a real threat, preferring to mock him and demean him for every attempt he makes to fix his life. He only thinks of Cloud as a meager puppet. Sephiroth knows he can kill Cloud, that’s part of his arrogance. Sephiroth wants something better, more sinister n that is to break Cloud’s will to live so that he would become as he was halfway through FFVII- a soulless puppet. He wants Cloud to give up of his own free will. Plus All this crap about being defeated on more than one/two/three occasions has and never will affect my views of Sephiroth as a villain, let alone consider any other villain who will all inevitably be dealt the same fate to be defined as either a good or shit one. A great villain is not above making mistakes. That is so goddamn simple-minded to let that get in the way of constituting one, let alone a great one. One of the best things about great villains are all those whom have a dynamic between them and their rival or the hero like my other fave popular villain/hero pairs- Batman/The Joker, Solid Snake/Liquid Snake or Optimus Prime/Megatron. Also, Square-not Nomura but Yoshinori Kitase (whose favourite FF & FF character is FFVII & Cloud! WOOHOO) has stated very clearly that “Sephiroth’s existence and will is extremely powerful. There is nothing stronger, nothing above Him”. Almost everything Sephiroth does in FFVII is solely with the powerful of his will-surviving in the lifestream, taking control of Jenova, taking control of other people who carry Jenova, reconstructing his entire body, summoning Meteor, and stopping Holy dead in its tracks, using some telekinesis power that lets Him trap the entire team for a while (even though some of them don’t even have Jenova in them), using his will to survive a second death, his sheer hatred/anger resonating with the Jenova cells and corrupting the life force of Geostigma’s victims, using this anger to create a bond with Cloud’s memories, and then finally to incarnate three parts of his spirit so that they could ultimately allow him to reconstruct his body again..All this plus Jenova and its Reunion ability, its almost if not certain Sephiroth will never be done for. It’s proven too resilient, and even with its cells scattered throughout the planet, the threat of it returning at a NEAR point in the future is very real..(Even if they dont make a game out of it X’

    All this happens pretty much because Sephiroth “wants” it to happen.

    Even going with His multiple ‘deaths’, He is so powerful, his will alone is more than enough for Him to stay an entity, even through the Lifestream. He can manifest in the ultimate parallels, in Life AND Death. Just that information is already enough to understand how powerful He can be, if He wants to.. *__________________*

    Kuja is as narcissistic as it gets, though smart enough for such trait to get in his way more than it should. I prefer villains who do their thing rather than wondering what one might or might not do.
    Sephiroth paved a different path in the usual route a villian took, sure He did what most bad guys do kill people, take lives, maybe he didnt kill as many as other villains but to me n I didnt realise at the time, until He came along, added depth to what I thought was a one-dimensional archetype ‘villain’ and for once made me consider the ‘bad’ guy’s goals/objectives like no other. Most story-driven video games do a shockingly sub-standard job of crafting their villains, thinking that the final enemy you must defeat is a means to an end rather than an essential contributing factor to the game’s overall quality. For myself the best villains are immoral. This is what makes them villains. It’s not that they lack a sense of right or wrong. On the contrary, villains often subscribe to a moral code. But they are willing to violate accepted moral principles in order to accomplish their goals. Sephiroth knows that he has violated every principle of human decency. Yet he justifies his actions by saying that they are ‘for the greater good’. Fulfilling his vision of the ideal social order is so important that, in his mind, it necessitates doing terrible things. This is a common theme with many great villains. They believe so strongly in the rightness of their own cause that they no longer see the normal standards of moral conduct as applying to them. Also it was a rare thing where I actually felt some sympathy with a villain’s goal/s but at the same time, still bore hatred/anger towards(let alone one in a medium I had little to no interest in at the time) n in all His devices was to ultimately build/create a new world/life as He saw fit. Determined is also another crucial characteristic in what makes up a perfect villain for me. This is what separates the great villains from the lesser baddies. A truly formidable villain is possessed by an unstoppable drive to achieve his or her goal. Under no circumstances will he ever give up.

    Strange, Kefka did more shit to hate him for than Sephiroth ever did through several medias. That’s the thing, you may like him for his personality and appearance (in the end this thread is all about that so I apologize if I went overboard), that may make him a good character in ones eyes but nowhere near a good villain.
    Not to me. Kefka, I always felt he was a bit one-dimensional and again, I never thought highly of villains who seem to just be evil just because(except the Joker which might be the reason why I feel Kefka is so “been there done that”). Yet Ive given him props for being one of the only villains whose plans ever succeeded(Don’t know what that says about Terra and party. Worst Hero party EVER?!XD) Also, I developed a much, MUCH deeper emotional attachment to the characters of FFVII (as opposed to VI) so that was another strong force in the hate I bore Sephiroth back then throughout the game, so ltho I found Aerith a.n.n.o.y.i.n.g, I really was sad and pissed off! He took her away so abruptly. Skank’s practically about to save the world, then, mere seconds later, dead at the hands of a villain who maintains eye contact as he withdraws his sword../. I hated him for the reasons the writers intended and multi slashing his egotistical ass into oblivion was deeply cathartic. Also, personality and appearance are not the only reasons why I love Him, but definitely part of it, of course. If characters were unattractive, they could not succeed half as well. I love the paradox, they ooze charisma and depravity at the same time and it just so happens Im more partial to the bishounen look (just like OP n agreed with her in that "Manly Man" thread in GC LMFAOO). But then I do find The Joker, Solid Snake and Pyramid Head sexy too. Also, when Kefka was on the screen it wasnt near as captivating as when Sephiroth was. The music for Sephiroth was just perfect. Sephiroth nearly destroyed the entire planet but u dont have fit the ‘crazy’ niche to be evil or achieve your goal, it is his intent that is evil. Kefka may have been crazy but he never attacked one person so hard…taking everything they loved and just destroying it over and over. Thats more evil to me. I feel that killing everyone and destroying the planet doesn’t do much since people aren’t around to feel the pain from it while what Sephiroth did to Cloud, Tifa, Barret, the main cast and most of the people after *movie* as well had to suffer constantly from what He did. Causing someone constant pain and prolonging it is far worse/evil then killing them.

    So Sephiroth..AKA that dude who nearly destroyed the world WHILE DEAD, orchestrated his own resurrection WHILE DEAD, was such a major threat that the planet itself tried to eliminate all life on Earth just to stop him WHILE DEAD, and is now 1 with the planet so he’s actually impossible to completely destroy.

    He literally turned the planet itself against him, something no other FF Villain has ever managed to do. Sephiroth was only defeated by someone with the same DNA after an entire battle in the middle of the planet’s life force against the planets strongest beings THEN took on Cloud&Co in Safer & Bizarro forms THEN was defeated AFTER the team has just finished destroying Sephiroth’s physical body, by Cloud’s Omnislash. Much more than just a single move. Thanks to all those for ignoring the entire series of boss battles just to try and put down Sephiroth.

    Sorry altho Kefka may have done all those things including accomplishing his goal its shit compared to all the things Sephiroth did^ and how He did them all throughout FFVII. How He just appeared like a ghost and haunted you and messed with your mind all the time, and you rarely see him in action, you just discover his bloody massacre at the Shinra building, find the giant impaled Zolom, and see Nibelheim after he has already set it ablaze. It makes him more haunting as opposed to if they took the usual straightforward, in-your-face approach with most villains. In FFVII, He just kinda creeps in the back of your mind. I think it’s more effective to do that, because if He were more about fighting and action, the only thing you had to fear from him was physical harm or death. As opposed to how they make it seem like he doesn’t just flip out and fight you all the time and cause more harm to towns along the way and blow more things up, because he can do things WORSE than death. He has your mind in His hands. He has bigger things in mind and He’s not just gonna walk around like some thug and blast everything. He’s gonna calmly play with you and the world itself, and then destroy it all in a way that benefits Him. Sephiroth really just hits all the major points of excellent villainy and still walks away as a potential victor, even when his final form is all but gone. That and His inextricable link to the game’s awesome main character, Cloud, just makes the story and unfolding drama all the more better.

    In the instances where Sephiroth is compared with all the other FF villains, Kefka n all the others arent even on my radar. I outsource to Batman and MGS. Sephiroth is classic. Sephiroth will always be the best not just to me but to alot of ppl. Its cool to hate on FFVII apparently Haters gonna hate.

    You see that guy down there in my sig, in the black & silver..That. I want That for Christmas.

  2. #32
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    Sephiroth has seen what Cloud can do, yet he fails to acknowledge Cloud as a real threat, preferring to mock him and demean him for every attempt he makes to fix his life. He only thinks of Cloud as a meager puppet. Sephiroth knows he can kill Cloud, that’s part of his arrogance. Sephiroth wants something better, more sinister n that is to break Cloud’s will to live so that he would become as he was halfway through FFVII- a soulless puppet. He wants Cloud to give up of his own free will. Plus All this crap about being defeated on more than one/two/three occasions has and never will affect my views of Sephiroth as a villain, let alone consider any other villain who will all inevitably be dealt the same fate to be defined as either a good or shit one. A great villain is not above making mistakes. That is so goddamn simple-minded to let that get in the way of constituting one, let alone a great one. One of the best things about great villains are all those whom have a dynamic between them and their rival or the hero like my other fave popular villain/hero pairs- Batman/The Joker, Solid Snake/Liquid Snake or Optimus Prime/Megatron. Also, Square-not Nomura but Yoshinori Kitase (whose favourite FF & FF character is FFVII & Cloud! WOOHOO) has stated very clearly that “Sephiroth’s existence and will is extremely powerful. There is nothing stronger, nothing above Him”. Almost everything Sephiroth does in FFVII is solely with the powerful of his will-surviving in the lifestream, taking control of Jenova, taking control of other people who carry Jenova, reconstructing his entire body, summoning Meteor, and stopping Holy dead in its tracks, using some telekinesis power that lets Him trap the entire team for a while (even though some of them don’t even have Jenova in them), using his will to survive a second death, his sheer hatred/anger resonating with the Jenova cells and corrupting the life force of Geostigma’s victims, using this anger to create a bond with Cloud’s memories, and then finally to incarnate three parts of his spirit so that they could ultimately allow him to reconstruct his body again..All this plus Jenova and its Reunion ability, its almost if not certain Sephiroth will never be done for. It’s proven too resilient, and even with its cells scattered throughout the planet, the threat of it returning at a NEAR point in the future is very real..(Even if they dont make a game out of it X’

    All this happens pretty much because Sephiroth “wants” it to happen.
    In other words, instead of actually striving towards his goal he goes through all that trouble to pop out, toy with Cloud a little bit, and get himself defeated for no apparent reason... remind me again, how does this not make him the dumbest ****ing villain in existence... then again, perhaps he has a rather weird fetish.

    Even going with His multiple ‘deaths’, He is so powerful, his will alone is more than enough for Him to stay an entity, even through the Lifestream. He can manifest in the ultimate parallels, in Life AND Death. Just that information is already enough to understand how powerful He can be, if He wants to.. *__________________*
    A lot of "if's" in almost every discussion regarding Sephiroth, surely that can't be a good thing.

    This is what separates the great villains from the lesser baddies. A truly formidable villain is possessed by an unstoppable drive to achieve his or her goal. Under no circumstances will he ever give up.
    You pretty much nailed Kefka, Ultimecia, Kuja, and Vayne, especially Vayne, villains who as you know managed to accomplish their goals against all obstacles, perhaps even Sephiroth up to the point when he pops out and says, **** it, I'll lose to Cloud today on purpose, lol.

    Not to me. Kefka, I always felt he was a bit one-dimensional and again, I never thought highly of villains who seem to just be evil just because(except the Joker which might be the reason why I feel Kefka is so “been there done that”). Yet Ive given him props for being one of the only villains whose plans ever succeeded(Don’t know what that says about Terra and party. Worst Hero party EVER?!XD) Also, I developed a much, MUCH deeper emotional attachment to the characters of FFVII (as opposed to VI) so that was another strong force in the hate I bore Sephiroth back then throughout the game, so ltho I found Aerith a.n.n.o.y.i.n.g, I really was sad and pissed off! He took her away so abruptly. Skank’s practically about to save the world, then, mere seconds later, dead at the hands of a villain who maintains eye contact as he withdraws his sword../. I hated him for the reasons the writers intended and multi slashing his egotistical ass into oblivion was deeply cathartic. Also, personality and appearance are not the only reasons why I love Him, but definitely part of it, of course. If characters were unattractive, they could not succeed half as well. I love the paradox, they ooze charisma and depravity at the same time and it just so happens Im more partial to the bishounen look (just like OP n agreed with her in that "Manly Man" thread in GC LMFAOO). But then I do find The Joker, Solid Snake and Pyramid Head sexy too. Also, when Kefka was on the screen it wasnt near as captivating as when Sephiroth was. The music for Sephiroth was just perfect. Sephiroth nearly destroyed the entire planet but u dont have fit the ‘crazy’ niche to be evil or achieve your goal, it is his intent that is evil. Kefka may have been crazy but he never attacked one person so hard…taking everything they loved and just destroying it over and over. Thats more evil to me. I feel that killing everyone and destroying the planet doesn’t do much since people aren’t around to feel the pain from it while what Sephiroth did to Cloud, Tifa, Barret, the main cast and most of the people after *movie* as well had to suffer constantly from what He did. Causing someone constant pain and prolonging it is far worse/evil then killing them.

    So Sephiroth..AKA that dude who nearly destroyed the world WHILE DEAD, orchestrated his own resurrection WHILE DEAD, was such a major threat that the planet itself tried to eliminate all life on Earth just to stop him WHILE DEAD, and is now 1 with the planet so he’s actually impossible to completely destroy.

    He literally turned the planet itself against him, something no other FF Villain has ever managed to do. Sephiroth was only defeated by someone with the same DNA after an entire battle in the middle of the planet’s life force against the planets strongest beings THEN took on Cloud&Co in Safer & Bizarro forms THEN was defeated AFTER the team has just finished destroying Sephiroth’s physical body, by Cloud’s Omnislash. Much more than just a single move. Thanks to all those for ignoring the entire series of boss battles just to try and put down Sephiroth.

    Sorry altho Kefka may have done all those things including accomplishing his goal its shit compared to all the things Sephiroth did^ and how He did them all throughout FFVII. How He just appeared like a ghost and haunted you and messed with your mind all the time, and you rarely see him in action, you just discover his bloody massacre at the Shinra building, find the giant impaled Zolom, and see Nibelheim after he has already set it ablaze. It makes him more haunting as opposed to if they took the usual straightforward, in-your-face approach with most villains. In FFVII, He just kinda creeps in the back of your mind. I think it’s more effective to do that, because if He were more about fighting and action, the only thing you had to fear from him was physical harm or death. As opposed to how they make it seem like he doesn’t just flip out and fight you all the time and cause more harm to towns along the way and blow more things up, because he can do things WORSE than death. He has your mind in His hands. He has bigger things in mind and He’s not just gonna walk around like some thug and blast everything. He’s gonna calmly play with you and the world itself, and then destroy it all in a way that benefits Him. Sephiroth really just hits all the major points of excellent villainy and still walks away as a potential victor, even when his final form is all but gone. That and His inextricable link to the game’s awesome main character, Cloud, just makes the story and unfolding drama all the more better.

    In the instances where Sephiroth is compared with all the other FF villains, Kefka n all the others arent even on my radar. I outsource to Batman and MGS. Sephiroth is classic. Sephiroth will always be the best not just to me but to alot of ppl. Its cool to hate on FFVII apparently Haters gonna hate.
    Even if Meteor was a success Gaia would still be there, Sephiroth needed Gaia to be wounded (damage similar to that of Northern Crater) not destroyed (you did play VII?), either way he didn't nearly destroy a planet. As for Gaia defending itself, you do realize there's no such planet in other games, why such comparison with other villains to begin with? Also, if he's as powerful as you say, why did he need Meteor in the first place?

    Only mind he ever had in his hands was Cloud's, Cloud is also the only person he played tricks on... your two strongest points aply to a single person in a game, and that is suposed to make him far worse/evil than other villains... lame! Let's take Kuja for instance, he played tricks on Zidane, had him under his control and not in artificial way like Sephiroth had over Cloud, destroyed his home and his creator, not to mention Madain Sari which aflicted Garnet and Eiko, began a war which affected every single character in a game, Freya looked as both of her homes were annihilated... half of those thing Kuja did without even lifting a finger.

    The same way Bowser is the best villain according to shit load of people, doesn't mean he really is.

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  3. #33
    Ayyye Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    >calls Kefka one dimensional
    >FF VII fan girl

  4. #34
    Queen Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Crescent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    >calls Kefka one dimensional
    >FF VII fan girl

    Lacquer Head. Before you start accusing someone of trolling, you should really add more than 5 words that arent obviously tit-for-tat to the discussion. "Calling Kefka one dimensional"...Thats the only thing you took from all that?! Thanks for the laughs. One thing I wont deny I am a proud FFVII fan girl, we are all FF fans here on a Final Fantasy forum.

    Xanatos No need to be snarky clearly we're never gonna see eye to eye, at least when it comes to Final Fantasy.. Honestly Im really bored.. Agree to disagree?!

  5. #35
    Ayyye Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    I actually only took 4 words from the conversation, and my response still stands.

  6. #36
    Boxer of the Galaxy Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Rowan's Avatar
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    where's the love?

    where is the ****ing love?
    Last edited by Rowan; 11-11-2012 at 09:23 PM. Reason: haha laquer head, ahahhahahawhadihawhd oiwahfuewhrayth7[1gbgt4h71u

  7. #37
    Ayyye Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    In the same place as your apostrophe ;o

  8. #38
    Queen Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Crescent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    where's the love?

    where is the ****ing love?
    ..........Only with Sephiroth.

  9. #39
    Memento Rhapso Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Rhaps's Avatar
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    I know for a fact that my panties are not the only ones creamed when this mother****er comes on the screen. Strago Magus is my Final Fantasy waifu.

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

    I won something :3

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    Don't click this.

  10. #40
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Literally "love"? or just the "holyshitawesomeo_o" impression?

    Cecil caught me with his Dark Knight back in the day.
    (Despite the fact that Cloud and his AVALANCHE shenanigans got me into the series to start with..)

    No homo, Ahem.

  11. #41
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    Xanatos No need to be snarky clearly we're never gonna see eye to eye, at least when it comes to Final Fantasy.. Honestly Im really bored.. Agree to disagree?!
    I can say same for you. Agreed, this discussion is getting us nowhere.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  12. #42
    I invented Go-Gurt. Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Clint's Avatar
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    I'm confused by this thread, and by the fact that so many people are physically and emotionally attracted to computers. The only thing a video game character is is a form of computer memory and visual effects. It is impossible to logically feel any sort of attractiveness, or love, towards any video game character, and anybody who says otherwise is simply unstable and/or immature.

    I do understand loving a character, but being "in love" with a character is pushing a little bit too much towards obsession. Also, if you "love" a villain, then he or she isn't exactly a very good villain, since villains are supposed to be hated. It's their purpose in the story. They aren't supposed to be appealing in any way, shape, or form, and if they are, then the writers severely screwed up. This is, of course, unless the villain is simply an opposition to the protagonist, and not an actual villain, per se.

  13. #43
    Boxer of the Galaxy Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Goddamn Clint Eastwood View Post
    I'm confused by this thread, and by the fact that so many people are physically and emotionally attracted to computers. The only thing a video game character is is a form of computer memory and visual effects. It is impossible to logically feel any sort of attractiveness, or love, towards any video game character, and anybody who says otherwise is simply unstable and/or immature.
    Video game characters might be made with pixels, but then again all us humans are made with atoms. How different are they, really?
    They're both man made
    They can form pleasing shapes
    If our personalities our a culmination of everyone we have ever known, then how does that make fictional characters any different?
    some people are able to feel sexual arousel by them.
    if real people can be viewed as pixels on computer screens, then why should cgi characters be any different?

    If your argument is because people are 'real' then what is 'real?' If you are talking about what you can touch, feel and taste, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by our brains.
    I dont question that you are not the real clint eastwood, but thats because ive taken the red pill.

    Take the red pill, and ill show you how deep the world of 'fictional reality' can take you.

  14. #44
    I invented Go-Gurt. Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Video game characters might be made with pixels, but then again all us humans are made with atoms. How different are they, really?
    Atoms are a measurable quantity that can be seen with the human eye, with assistance from a microscope, of course. Pixels and CGI are false renders of human beings, creatures, and places, that only exist inside of a computer. Video game characters lack the qualities that make something human, such as free will, emotion, and a desire to survive.

    If you want to treat a video game character as a human, and become emotionally attached to it, you are essentially supporting the idea of slavery. A video game character cannot make its own decisions or think for itself. There are limited possibilities, and a set destiny, and that is no way for a human, or any of God's creatures, to live.

  15. #45
    Ayyye Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    I'm not above having slaves. If you decide that characters aren't real, you lose out on this:

  16. #46
    Chief Inspiring Officer Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Cyanist's Avatar
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    She does have an oddly 'enslaved' look to her not unlike that found in the occupants of an opium den...

    That said, I'm in love with Zack from VII - Just for his attitude, though (that hair is a little bit hedgehoggy fer me). He's unfailingly polite, up-beat, honest, he's constantly improving and bettering himself, but doesn't pester others for their inactivity. He's not at all judgmental of other's opinions or beliefs, and he goes the extra mile to help people when they need it.
    He reminds me of someone I knew in real-life and I'd be grateful just to spend time with him

    Last edited by Cyanist; 11-13-2012 at 07:19 AM.
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  17. #47
    Consistently Average Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    ^ Is he wearing a purple turtle neck?

    I know I'm quite late in responding to this thread, I thought I already had a while ago. Anyway I'm not in love with any videogame character be it from Final Fantasy or any other franchise, although I do respect characters like Auron, or Basche and Cid cos he smokes and swears, which is something you don't see in most G/PG rated games now and I can respect that.

    Auron and Basche, and I'm sure there was one other, are just plain cool. They have untold amounts of respect from others and they are often the guys everyone else will rely on to get them out of a situation. They don't cry or whine (Tidus and Vaan cancel that out I guess), they know when to fight or to run and I think there a similar age, although Basche is like a few years older which is weird because forthe longest time I thought Auron was in his 40''s. I guess being dead ages you faster.
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  18. #48
    Registered User Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Gabranth_is_king_99's Avatar
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    Do I really need to say it? Just in case my username and my picture isn't a giveaway it's Gabranth I mean goddamn the guys got a double sided blade for gods sake and his voice is amazing, Also the moment I saw him I thought he was a complete badass. Till this day every thing that requires a username I always use my username why why because I love this guy to death (no homo). But really I never really fell in love with a character just thought some of the females were HOT!!!!!!!! Namely Tifa, Rinoa, Quistis, Rikku, Yuna, Lulu, Vanille, Lightning, and Serah

  19. #49
    Boxer of the Galaxy Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Rowan's Avatar
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    Im thankful video games exists for more than one reason.

  20. #50
    Queen Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Crescent's Avatar
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    lol Of course Its just a lil(actually alot of)fun. But I always see Tifa cosplays tho..

    The Best Aerith cosplay Ever. Flawless.

    This is my favourite Vincent Valentine cosplay. The cosplayer's a girl

  21. #51
    King of Fur Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Cerberuswaltz's Avatar
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    I'm gonna chime in just because I can! A large part of Final Fantasy (and gaming in general for me) is looks. My friends have even called me out on my shallowness but I can't help it.

    Anyway. Most the time a character in my party will only be there not due their abilities or anything else but their looks. My top list of FF crushes would be ... erm.

    Zalbaag and Dycedarg. Yus <3 .... I wanted to snatch Zalbaag up during the fight. One of the few times I pondered using a cheat device, to have him in my party.
    Cids from VII, Tactics, Tactics Advance, Tactics A2....
    Yeah, the list could go on but my Gabby is up there. All that time in Dissidia raising him just to use him :I
    So worth it. And without his helmet, too
    Sig in production... Feburary

  22. #52
    Registered User Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Black_Cloud's Avatar
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    I've got hte hots for Agrias Oaks, because I need someone to spar with

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  23. #53
    Ok, I will freely admit I love Hope Estheim.

    Ok I'm not in love with Hope but I mean I'm in love with his character and his storyline. When we first meet him, he comes across as selfish and a bit of a Mama's boy which is understandable seeing as all he's had to rely on is his mother as his father was never around. When he loses his mother, you can sympathize with him wanting to strike out at someone to make him feel like hurting this person will make everything better. So when he chooses Snow as his target you feel like you would choose him as a target. If Snow hadn't allowed the civilians to fight back, Nora would never have volunteered and they would have stayed together and Hope would have never become a L'Cie.

    But after confronting Snow about this, he realises what he was doing and chooses to change his view of Snow. He reunites with his father despite the awkwardness and they reach an understanding.

    I could go into more detail about Hope in FFXIII and FFXIII-2 but that would spoil it for those who haven't played the games. Regardless, I love and feel like his storyline could easily be mine given the circumstances.

  24. #54
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Final fantasy characters that you are in love with noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Ok.. *Cracks knuckles*

    At first, I had a major crush on Squall. I thought he was soooooooooooo hot. I was also like 14. Now I think his t-shirt is 2 inches away from being a girly crop-top and he has a rather feminine face. And yes, he's a bit 1 dimensional. Come to think of it, Seifer's borderline female himself. Irvine's hot. Yep. I'd shag him.

    I didn't have any crushes on anyone from X really. Gippal from X-2 is pretty awesome, though.
    I'm -really- into Balthier lately. He's like the epitome of cool.

    Other than that, Vivi is one of my ultimate favs along with Selphie and Rikku. I go for the dingy, up-beat characters. XD They remind me of me.
    Fuujin is also near the top. She uses 1 word, gets her point across, and done. And Fran. She's just plain awesome.

  25. #55
    Registered User Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Black_Cloud's Avatar
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    Cracks knuckles. Ha! Loving FF characters is serious business

  26. #56
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Final fantasy characters that you are in love with noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    It -is- serious bidness. I have half a mind to hunt down a Balthier Lookalike from Australia and and yeah.


  27. #57
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Final fantasy characters that you are in love with T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noxious.sunshine View Post

    It -is- serious bidness. I have half a mind to hunt down a Balthier Lookalike from Australia and and yeah.

    Agree with you wholeheartedly. Though in my case, it'd be finding the closest thing to Terra around. By dueling like a gentleman if possible.

    I mean, we know pretty well that such characters are fictional, but that doesn't mean that, having almost 8 billion humans in this planet and at least 7 women for each man, the chances of finding someone who's pretty darn close shouldn't be impossible. It makes it worthwhile, IMO.

    So yeah, serious business. It's the Internet; whaddya expect?
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    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
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  28. #58
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Final fantasy characters that you are in love with noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    lmao How awful would that sound should we find these lookalikes and actually -dated- them?

    "Yeah.. Honey? You know.. I only started dating you 'cuz you look like one of my favorite characters from Final Fantasy... I really do love you though!"

    I think a Seifer or Tidus would be a bit easier to find. -Maybe- Irvine. I'm in Texas. I'd imagine Irvine being around here somewhere. Maybe in San Antonio or Austin or something. I think that magic should happen, definitely. I love me some Irvine.

  29. #59
    Registered User Final fantasy characters that you are in love with Black_Cloud's Avatar
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    I can just imagine the break ups and divorces.... Considering how many FF fans there are out there, I'm sure the divorce rate would skyrocket.

    I don't think it's really a big deal if that's the reason someone wants to get with someone else. But people divorce over almost everything today.

    Looking like a Final Fantasy character might just be one more reason to divorce your spouse.

  30. #60
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Final fantasy characters that you are in love with noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    My parents are still married! 41 years!

    I don't believe in divorce.

    But anywho.. Quina Quinn is pretty funny. I renamed him "dumass" (no space for the B). I giggled for 3 hours. It was great.
    Ehhhhhh I guess I like Eiko a lot too. I kinda tend to forget about her. Dunno why.

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