This thought just struck me. As much as I love the series I just don't think they do particularly good villains.

The NES games - all the villains here didn't have much personality or story to talk about
4 - Golbez was cool and had some great scenes but he was a puppet of Zemus - a pretty faceless villain
5 - Exdeath. He looked pretty cool but he was nothing special.
6 - Kefka. An exception. The best villain of the series. Great quotes, crazy personality and brilliant scenes. He worked his way up throughout the game to be ruler of the planet for a time.
7 - Sephiroth. Another exception. My first FF villain. Great image, cool backstory and great boss fights. Madly popular with fans.
8 - Ultimecia. Anonymous for much of the game and when she turns up she hasn't got much of a personality.
9 - Kuja. I've not played this all the way through so I can't judge. I hear he is pretty cool but then Necron appears right at the end ala Golbez/Zemus
10 - Sin is impressive but is just a puppet. Braskas Final Aeon is just meh.
12 - Vayne. Just so bland.
13 - Not played.

Too harsh? What does everyone think?