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  1. #1
    O Rly? Ffiii,ffiv,ffv and ffvi Arch's Avatar
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    Ffiii,ffiv,ffv and ffvi

    Should all be made onto the psp or atleast a playstation format not the Nintendo Ds, that to tell you the truth i got for chrstmas a couple years back(and im talking about the huge one that you can barely fit in your pocket) and i played it for like 2 days,i got sick of Nintendogs pretty quick, and i simply never bought games for it because i didnt like the ds that much.

    Now does anyone know why square sold these games to nintendo even though they re-did FFI and FFII on the psp? it dosent make sense to me

    Arch, Pronounced Ark

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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Ffiii,ffiv,ffv and ffvi Xanatos's Avatar
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    Of course I would rather see FF remakes for PSP than Nintendo DS. The one of the reasons is that FF remakes would look much more impressive for PSP than NDS and also there would be more extra contents. Nintendo cant do much with their low size cartridges.
    There is only one reason why SquareEnix remake FF games for NDS and that is money. It's simple as that, you don't need any better reason. If they wanted to make some impressive remakes they would done them for PSP.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 07-28-2009 at 02:44 PM.

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  3. #3
    O Rly? Ffiii,ffiv,ffv and ffvi Arch's Avatar
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    it pains me to say that i have not played 1-6 of the FF series, and it pains me even more to say that (i believe correct me if im wrong) im going to have to play 3-6 on the Ds that just kills me because im not a big fan of the Ds, but i will do it for FF >.> damnit to hell!

    Arch, Pronounced Ark

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  4. #4
    Registered User Ffiii,ffiv,ffv and ffvi
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    I'm sorry that you didn't like your DS. I love mine, and I can't wait for the new Kingdom Hearts game to arrive for it. I respect your opinion, but I also wish that you would have played other games, besides Nintendogs.

    Anyway, back on topic, yes I would LOVE to see a PSP remake of the early FF games. I am missing FFVI out of my collection, and I from what I hear it's a really great game.

    I would have to agree with Xanatos-444 about why they released those games on the DS. The DS was a bigger handheld seller over the PSP, and Square-Enix aren't dummies. More units sold = a better chance at people picking up your game. The more games you sell the more money you make. They are a business, and businesses exist to make money.
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